
Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

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Hi everyone,


Finally having enough energy to resume a standing practice after some time spend only on MHP (supine version) and I decided to practice same one but standing up and I find myself having a lot of spontaneous movement.

But I was wondering how much movement is allowed? Should I keep hands where they are in mudra position or are arms allowed to move as well? 


Thanks for your insights and wishing everyone already a nice weekend!

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32 minutes ago, Boreas said:

Hi everyone,


Finally having enough energy to resume a standing practice after some time spend only on MHP (supine version) and I decided to practice same one but standing up and I find myself having a lot of spontaneous movement.

But I was wondering how much movement is allowed? Should I keep hands where they are in mudra position or are arms allowed to move as well? 


Thanks for your insights and wishing everyone already a nice weekend!

Let the energy go where it wants BUT keep holding the mudra and arms the same as much as possible, while also keeping your feet in the same position.


It’s been a while since I had significant spontaneous movement now that you’ve reminded me, but for a time I had a lot of it. 

Wait until you try Monk Hold Peach, it will be a rollercoaster compared to Monk Holds Pearl!

As always, wait for Sifu Terry’s response to be sure. 

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