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doc benway

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Don't recall where I read or heard this but I like it...


Belief is the fervent hope that something that cannot be confirmed is true.

Faith is the confidence that truth is what remains when all belief is abandoned.

....or something like that.


Most people who speak of faith (ie faith in God or, not to pick on the Nagarjunists, but - in a concept like dependent origination) are simply speaking of belief.

Can they let go of their image and belief system entirely and know that the truth is what will remain?

One cannot have faith in a concept or idea - faith is being able to let it go.


Just finished shoveling the driveway for the second time today.

2 feet of snow on the ground so far and no end in sight... why not wax philosophical?


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Don't recall where I read or heard this but I like it...


Belief is the fervent hope that something that cannot be confirmed is true.

Faith is the confidence that truth is what remains when all belief is abandoned.

....or something like that.


Most people who speak of faith (ie faith in God or, not to pick on the Nagarjunists, but - in a concept like dependent origination) are simply speaking of belief.

Can they let go of their image and belief system entirely and know that the truth is what will remain?

One cannot have faith in a concept or idea - faith is being able to let it go.


Just finished shoveling the driveway for the second time today.

2 feet of snow on the ground so far and no end in sight... why not wax philosophical?


74F here today, humidity 27%, chance of snow 0%, of rain, 0%, of clouds... well, they discuss sightings of clouds on the news, their shapes are reported to the public... "oh, oh, check this out -- there was a puffy cloud in the sky today that looked like a fluffy kitten!"


So I'd say faith is what you need when something goes wrong. I have plenty of faith, but not where the weather in San Diego is concerned -- no faith in fair weather is required here, because nothing is ever wrong with the weather! :lol:

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Don't recall where I read or heard this but I like it...


Belief is the fervent hope that something that cannot be confirmed is true.

Faith is the confidence that truth is what remains when all belief is abandoned.

....or something like that.


Most people who speak of faith (ie faith in God or, not to pick on the Nagarjunists, but - in a concept like dependent origination) are simply speaking of belief.

Can they let go of their image and belief system entirely and know that the truth is what will remain?

One cannot have faith in a concept or idea - faith is being able to let it go.


Just finished shoveling the driveway for the second time today.

2 feet of snow on the ground so far and no end in sight... why not wax philosophical?


I think the act of believing itself tend to generate too much expectations, so i would tend to view it as a kind

of exercise in self-contraction, whereas acts of faith generally imply a kind of surrender, which is always

good as it requires plenty of yielding, which naturally leads to self-expansion.


Just a little thought..

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