
Being Banned from Taobums

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Are you for or against Kunlun? probably not the best way to put it but sometimes you seem to be unsure/not cool with it and yet others you are. I only ask because I noticed the link in your sig that indicates you teach it...


Do you think you computer fried becasue of other negative vibes? or negative vibes of Kunlun?


Well there's a lot of fear and anger surrounding the debate...that means a lot of strong energy. That's why I think my computers got fried. I wasn't refining it enough.


Normally I'd just write this off as a coincidence, but two computers in two days is a little strange.


I think being for or against a practice is stupid. I'm just Scott.

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Psychic attacks? Demons?... WTF... spend some time in 'reality' and those dark imaginings will vanish..


Be well...

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Psychic attacks? Demons?... WTF... spend some time in 'reality' and those dark imaginings will vanish..



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:lol: just imagine what could happen if you succeed!


Yeah. Was talking with my best 'real life' friend a little bit ago about that and we decided that maybe it would be best if I didn't stop smoking. Hehehe.


Peace & Love!

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Well there's a lot of fear and anger surrounding the debate...that means a lot of strong energy. That's why I think my computers got fried. I wasn't refining it enough.


Normally I'd just write this off as a coincidence, but two computers in two days is a little strange.

Maybe Drew shot really bright violet light from his third eye and your computer had an orgasm?

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Maybe Drew shot really bright violet light from his third eye and your computer had an orgasm?



Hehehe. For me, at this point in time, that is really funny!


Peace & Love!

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If a member is being harassed or even just feels that they might be. Please bring it to our attention


I feel I am about to be harrassed.


Could you please act?



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Maybe Drew shot really bright violet light from his third eye and your computer had an orgasm?


So this is Drew's fault! :lol:

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Psychic attacks? Demons?... WTF... spend some time in 'reality' and those dark imaginings will vanish..


Be well...




I concur - but of course that would mean your ascended masters will vanish as well. (not to mention your aquired skills, master's power, psychic knowledge, spirit counsel, spirit guides, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies, conspiracy theories, GW Hockey sticks, Alien friends, reptilian lovers, Alternate histories.... yadda yadda will too)





If a member is being harassed or even just feels that they might be. Please bring it to our attention





WTF !!!

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I have yet to go into full-lotus today but I woke up after dreaming about the small universe meditation bringing me into this rainbow vortex.


Anyway then I cross-correlated this thread with the Voodoo documentary I just watched -- called the Evil Eye (about the Puffer Fish neurotoxin used to make zombies).


The answer is KORO -- the epidemic swept West Africa for five years ending in 2003 -- a vast psychic attack of the male penis vanishing:




I concur - but of course that would mean your ascended masters will vanish as well. (not to mention your aquired skills, master's power, psychic knowledge, spirit counsel, spirit guides, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies, conspiracy theories, GW Hockey sticks, Alien friends, reptilian lovers, Alternate histories.... yadda yadda will too)





WTF !!!

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If a person has energy, whether cultivated or ambient, it can fry electrical stuff. This is part and parcel of the kundalini experience. It does not mean a person who blows out pcs has k but it does mean the energy being emitted is harsh on equipment.


Santi and I routinely destroy Skype either together or separately. First it sounds like someone has an auto tune on the conversation. Then the conversation starts to fade or sounds like a conversation between droids. Eventually the program will crash and may even cause the computer to go down. When Santi teaches breathing techniques or other cultivation techniques live over Skype...it is almost guaranteed Skype will crap its brains out and die.


Santi routinely destroys cell phones. When we talk on the phone sometimes the phone dies out.


I have a friend who is such a chi beast that when he speaks into a mic all that gets through is static. Another friend used to send me energy. He would set off the speakers and get them squealing in my equipment even if the speakers were turned off and unplugged. The interesting thing was he was sending from the UK and I live in Colorado.


When Dr. Glenn Morris and I would touch my Jeep simultaneously the car alarm would always go off. Kundalites have lots of stories like that.


Personally, I can pick up a fluorescent tube and it will start glowing without intending anything. Never checked to see if others can do that too.


I can also sense electrical flow at times. I can feel when a traffic light is going to change. Did this in a car full of people while rushing to get to the airport. They thought I was changing the lights but no...I just could feel when it was going to change. Freaked them out. :P



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I have yet to go into full-lotus today but I woke up after dreaming about the small universe meditation bringing me into this rainbow vortex.


Anyway then I cross-correlated this thread with the Voodoo documentary I just watched -- called the Evil Eye (about the Puffer Fish neurotoxin used to make zombies).


The answer is KORO -- the epidemic swept West Africa for five years ending in 2003 -- a vast psychic attack of the male penis vanishing:








Exactly what you leave yourself open to when catering to a reluctance to live in 'reality'. It has also lead to some of the most awful human rights issues in that area stemming from guru worship. Belief is powerful, but the power is yours and giving it away to others is dangerous - whether that be a warlord or a yoga instructor. This isn't some spiritual power - it is preying (whether intentionally or instinctually) on another's ignorance and willingness/need to believe. It is exactly why our society developed critical thinking and scientific method - to avoid the atrocities committed out of the catholic reformation.

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So you fix koro?



We let the crystal choose the person. "These are power beings" holding "Lemurian records."


"Some of them hold Atlantean records."


"When they choose the person -- the amazing aspects of how the crystal and person mix never fails...."


Time to hear the holographic specialty bowls.


"It enters the body multidimensionally because of the spiral."


It's those damn singing Tibetan Golden Ratio holographic bowls.


Ah now it's the weight of the mallet. Koro fixed.


If a person has energy, whether cultivated or ambient, it can fry electrical stuff. This is part and parcel of the kundalini experience. It does not mean a person who blows out pcs has k but it does mean the energy being emitted is harsh on equipment.


Santi and I routinely destroy Skype either together or separately. First it sounds like someone has an auto tune on the conversation. Then the conversation starts to fade or sounds like a conversation between droids. Eventually the program will crash and may even cause the computer to go down. When Santi teaches breathing techniques or other cultivation techniques live over Skype...it is almost guaranteed Skype will crap its brains out and die.


Santi routinely destroys cell phones. When we talk on the phone sometimes the phone dies out.


I have a friend who is such a chi beast that when he speaks into a mic all that gets through is static. Another friend used to send me energy. He would set off the speakers and get them squealing in my equipment even if the speakers were turned off and unplugged. The interesting thing was he was sending from the UK and I live in Colorado.


When Dr. Glenn Morris and I would touch my Jeep simultaneously the car alarm would always go off. Kundalites have lots of stories like that.


Personally, I can pick up a fluorescent tube and it will start glowing without intending anything. Never checked to see if others can do that too.


I can also sense electrical flow at times. I can feel when a traffic light is going to change. Did this in a car full of people while rushing to get to the airport. They thought I was changing the lights but no...I just could feel when it was going to change. Freaked them out. :P





Well some say these fundamentalist evangelical spirit possession cults are in reaction to colonialism. But still time to watch the Voodoo slave children documentary from Benin again:




Exactly what you leave yourself open to when catering to a reluctance to live in 'reality'. It has also lead to some of the most awful human rights issues in that area stemming from guru worship. Belief is powerful, but the power is yours and giving it away to others is dangerous - whether that be a warlord or a yoga instructor. This isn't some spiritual power - it is preying (whether intentionally or instinctually) on another's ignorance and willingness/need to believe. It is exactly why our society developed critical thinking and scientific method - to avoid the atrocities committed out of the catholic reformation.

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And for only a XYZ dollars

you too can be paired with your "special being"....

I, of course, am not selling you on the idea, because

the "special being" has in fact chosen YOU!



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And for only a XYZ dollars

you too can be paired with your "special being"....

I, of course, am not selling you on the idea, because

the "special being" has in fact chosen YOU!





So why would I want to give you xyz dollars if you have nothing to do with it?




Peace & Love!

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Well some say these fundamentalist evangelical spirit possession cults are in reaction to colonialism. But still time to watch the Voodoo slave children documentary from Benin again:





I have not a freaking clue why you would respond to my post with this statement. Sometimes I wonder if you live in some parellel dimension. I thought I made gigantic leaps from one concept to another.


ah well... :)

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I have not a freaking clue why you would respond to my post with this statement. Sometimes I wonder if you live in some parellel dimension. I thought I made gigantic leaps from one concept to another.


ah well... :)




yes that is Drew...he lives in a completely different world from the rest of us.

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So why would I want to give you xyz dollars if you have nothing to do with it?




Peace & Love!


XYZ dollars! What happened to numbers - do we have to count in letters now? Or have I fried all my synapses with a burst of chi?

Edited by apepch7

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heh, sometimes you have to be on a funky wavelength to get drew's esoteric correlations :)




Finally he's is awake and creative again. <3 <3

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XYZ dollars! What happened to numbers - do we have to count in letters now? Or have I fried all my synapses with a burst of chi?


Hey! -O- started the xyz dollar thing. xyz means I am going to milk you out of every dollar I can. Doesn't matter how much you have, I want it all.


Free market enterprise.


Conscience? What's that?


Peace & Love!

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Hey psychology is a tax-deductible profession (like art and law) -- except when we export it to nonwestern cultures?




Hey! -O- started the xyz dollar thing. xyz means I am going to milk you out of every dollar I can. Doesn't matter how much you have, I want it all.


Free market enterprise.


Conscience? What's that?


Peace & Love!

Edited by drewhempel

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Hi Shaktimama -- my reply to you was ABOVE your quote and the reply you responded to had been above someone else's quote.


So it was just that my reply was not BELOW your quote but rather ABOVE it.


I hope this clears things up for you. If not there's always the old "eat some chloroplasts" alchemy trick -- Milarepa lived off stinging nettles for a reason!




I have not a freaking clue why you would respond to my post with this statement. Sometimes I wonder if you live in some parellel dimension. I thought I made gigantic leaps from one concept to another.


ah well... :)

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