
Forum upgrade ...

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ha! I was accustomed to the old board in which an afterthought though posted as a new post, would come up as integrated into the first post, if posted within a brief time frame..


but hey, I get to be a triple poster, too.


Now I'll stop going on about it.



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ha! I was accustomed to the old board in which an afterthought though posted as a new post, would come up as integrated into the first post, if posted within a brief time frame..


but hey, I get to be a triple poster, too.


Now I'll stop going on about it.



ever heard of instant karma? ;-)

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My requests/suggestions:


1. I, like some others, prefer the fixed width centered version. I find the full width difficult to read. Since some people like the full width version, is there any chance we would have an option to choose the version we like in our settings?


2. Interests... could you make it that just a part of it shows (maybe a "more" option)? Because if people have a lot written about their interests, then their posts can be just one sentence followed by three paragraphs of empty space haha.


3. The separations between topics... It's not bad, but could you make it a little more pronounced? Like darken the lines in between or something. This is just a minor thing though. I remember I asked you the same thing the last time you upgraded the forum hahaha. (but the way it is now is better than that time)



Other than that it looks nice! :)


I would've posted sooner, but I didn't know the forum was back up. Had the Taoist Discussion page bookmarked and you changed the address, so when I clicked on it it kept saying "not found" so I thought you're still working on the upgrade. Fortunatelly I asked Mal on FB otherwise it would probably be a few more weeks before I'd think there's something strange going on. :lol:


Man there's so many new posts now and I don't have time to read.

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The way this is usually solved is by giving to few random people the possibility to vote. Only once in a while. And no possibility to store your voting possibility for later. This produces a system where people cannot vote their friends, and are effectively gently pushed toward judging effective quality.


Hm that doesn't make much sense to me because not all people read all posts. In other words not everyone is interested in the same topic. And if only once in a while it makes it only more pronounced unless the "random people" regularly search through the forum past...


What does it constitute a good post. Because in places like stackoverflow there is some real measurable result that can be obtained. Or not. Either the program does what it should or it doesn't. Here we have a problem. Most of us even disagree about what constitute reality, and even more do we disagree on what have to be done to achieve a "salvation". Whatever that means for you.


This makes the whole voting very shacky.


Very good point.


is this meaningful (yes/no)? (does the author explain what he means clearly? Is it internally consistent)


How about "is this meaningful or useful to me?"


Is this true (yes/no)? (does the author tell things that are true or false)


Now the most confusing one will be the third. If something is grammatically incorrect, or internally inconsistent, that's easy to judge. But if you have a bunch of taoists and buddhists discussing about what is real, we are essentially having a pissing contests between two schools, where everybody pushes the posts of its own school. This is dangerous. But interestingly if someone was able to write a post that pleases both he would pop up. So it is still possible to be used.


LOL, what forum do you live on? :D

Seriously though, I don't think this is an appropriate voting question since what is true for different posters (in this case) is relative, your example being just one of many possible. So then it may happen that a posts gets many "true" votes while it could be completely erroneous (even according to its own tradition, not just from people's perspective). For your system to work we'd all have to be experts in the fields of interest of others.

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Been wrestling with a forum upgrade for well over 24 hours. Lot's of things out of place, including some code spilling out at the seams in certain places. I still have a ton of work to do and I've barely even touched customizing the template. But as far as I can tell the forum is stable so fire away. Please report any bugs or glitches or general weirdness in this topic, thanks.







when you "preview the post" the newlines are all lost. Except that the second time this did not happen. Boh! (pietro)


pietro, or anyone else, can you reproduce this again? i'm not able to reproduce this issue. i'm using chrome.


Where did all the little swirly thingies go? (taomeow)


coming soon! having some issues with the template editor. namely, it's not working at all, heh.


It takes forever to load. I guess it is part of the new thing. (durkhrod chogori)


please elaborate. you or anyone else. is it general slowness? is there anything particularly slower? opening a forum, opening a topic, replying, etc? thanks. i may move to a new server.





the emoticons didn't pop up in the sidebar until after I both hit the button and then clicked show all (capital)

Oh! No emoticons! (cat)


i believe i've fixed this.


Thanks for all of the hard work and time Sean!

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Pietro - yes, people pushing the votes of their own school I 'm sure would be the case, and Trunk.. what you say sounds right in theory. But ime people vote for content that they agree with,and they praise posts that they are impressed by, not what is neccessarily correct/helpful/informative... newbies in particular are easily impressed, so we could end up with stuff coming up on searches which is just plain obvious and of course possibly misleading.

Pietro, the fact is we wont be voting on posts because they are grammatically correct or internally consistent.. I dont believe so anyhow: I believe voting will be subjective and partial unless laid down specifically to be otherwise. And that would involve some rules, which in themselves would be hierarchical.


Since celibacy retention are so important for the male people in this group,

and since women should have equal opportunities... I suggest... [make some noise]


We should have a calendar connected with each account. Male sign there every time they ejaculate. Women every time they bleed. And then every post should record the number of days from the last time.

At least people can make an objective evaluation of where does a person stand when s/he wrote that post :lol:

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Since celibacy retention are so important for the male people in this group,

and since women should have equal opportunities... I suggest... [make some noise]


We should have a calendar connected with each account. Male sign there every time they ejaculate. Women every time they bleed. And then every post should record the number of days from the last time.

At least people can make an objective evaluation of where does a person stand when s/he wrote that post :lol:



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Since celibacy retention are so important for the male people in this group,

and since women should have equal opportunities... I suggest... [make some noise]


We should have a calendar connected with each account. Male sign there every time they ejaculate. Women every time they bleed. And then every post should record the number of days from the last time.

At least people can make an objective evaluation of where does a person stand when s/he wrote that post :lol:



Pietro, I hereby designate you as Tao Bums King of Menstrual Humour.


Stig, Mal, etc, could you please put that title under Pietro's name,please.

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Pietro, I hereby designate you as Tao Bums King of Menstrual Humour.


Stig, Mal, etc, could you please put that title under Pietro's name,please.


As you command,

so it has been done!

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:D Awesome the mod squad is so talented we can do stuff without even doing it :)


If you click on your name at the top right of the window


Click My Profile in the dropdown box


Click Edit my profile, top right of screen just under your name


The one you want to edit is Member Title in Profile information.


Have fun.

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Anyone having PM issues? No I didn't miss an "S" :P but I've seen 2 reports floating around.


If you want to PM someone click the little envelope under their Avatar (If you move the pointer over it it will say PM this member)


When you click you may get a little tab centered in the top of the screen saying "undefined" but it should be quickly followed a pop up window formated very similar to an email. They should still work o.k. if you just ignore that "undefined", type your message, and hit send.


Please advise if you are having this issue or other little bugs :)

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Anyone having PM issues? No I didn't miss an "S" :P but I've seen 2 reports floating around.


If you want to PM someone click the little envelope under their Avatar (If you move the pointer over it it will say PM this member)


When you click you may get a little tab centered in the top of the screen saying "undefined" but it should be quickly followed a pop up window formated very similar to an email. They should still work o.k. if you just ignore that "undefined", type your message, and hit send.


Please advise if you are having this issue or other little bugs :)

I miss the little thingy where I could see my last 10 posts - but hey - I missed the Titanic, Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock as well as a few that I do not remember too... Has anyone ever figured what the movie: "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas" was about? :(

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Not wanting to be pushy or anything, but, any idea when or if the old graphics will be returning? I miss that peaceful image at the top of the page wub.gif

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I miss the little thingy where I could see my last 10 posts - but hey - I missed the Titanic, Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock as well as a few that I do not remember too... Has anyone ever figured what the movie: "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas" was about? :(http://en.wikipedia....Alice_B._Toklas



JK - Click the drop-down arrow next to your name at the top, choose "My Profile", the rest is easy :)


It's about hash brownies mellow.gif



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If you want to PM someone click the little envelope under their Avatar (If you move the pointer over it it will say PM this member)


Unless you are forced to use IE V 6.0 :wacko: then the above won't work :D

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I very much appreciate the better functionality of the forum upgrade. this it? Are more changes coming? With all due respect, aesthetically it's really f'ugly.Somehow the blues grays, greens and straight lines and lack of natural tones (yes I know it is cyberspace and not nature) but the whole thing reminds me of the interior of a GM rental car from the mid 90's. Especially the home page, it just seems so...I dunno, so un-taoist. It should feel kind like the inside of a tea-house or something. If we slap the old or new banner on the thing, it will look really out of synch with the the rest. Am I the only one who finds it a clunker to look at?


edit: ok, just after I posted this, the banner appears! It looks better. I'm sure I'll get used to it...

Edited by TheSongsofDistantEarth

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Much better with banner back! Thanks!


Not sure about blue and greeny color though.

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Yeah, is there any way we could experiment with different color palettes say, for a week or two at a

time,and then vote? The grayish bluey greeny color thing ain't right. What about going back to the tannish brownish

and maybe greenish to create a more 'warm' feel? Color's gotta change, it doesn't feel organic at all. It's still fugly. Like I said, it's like the interior of a GM rental car.

Edited by TheSongsofDistantEarth

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I miss the little thingy where I could see my last 10 posts


Me too. It was very useful. Is there any chance of it coming back?


Otherwise, I think the new board is wonderful, thankyou very much for doing it. I hadnt noticed it 'needed' an upgrade.. but it is more luxurious to use now.



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So much work has gone into this upgrade, that I'm a little hesitant to even mention...
Re the banner: (Yahoo! It's back!)
Any chance for a more flowing font for "THE TAO BUMS"?
At least something not quite so blocky....

I know, "picky, picky, picky."


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Detail missing:

Should be able to click on the banner and be taken back to TTBs homepage.

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