
a case of insanity induced from chia style semen retention....

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hello all, I have lurked around this forum quite a bit to see if I could get answers to my question, but I have not been able to get enough detailed and precise information on the subject, only a lot of conjecture


my question is what can i do for psychosis caused by semen retention? i taught my cousin to never ejaculate at age 14 hes 18 now and has severe emotional/mental problems.....i think he is bipolar.


he also did a limited amount of microcosmic orbit stuff and managed to open up the back channel but not the front, but didnt practice that regularly at all, meaning his only real practice was not ejaculating and having sex without ejaculating.


I can only guess that since the back channel was opened and not the front that too much energy could have got lodged in the head. However its kinda strange because he never really channeled the energy there, he really only practiced retention....thats all


His case is fairly severe, he no longer practices retention however, all his symptoms are still here.


I am looking for solutions to specifically take care of this problem that do NOT require chi-gung or other types of related practice, besides possibly opening the front channel.


Honestly what I am really looking for is some qi-gung healers that are experienced with insanity issues, but any advice is welcome too


i guess i did not make it sound really bad but the problem is really quite severe and I am fairly sure it was caused by the semen retention.

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Guest paul walter

hello all, I have lurked around this forum quite a bit to see if I could get answers to my question, but I have not been able to get enough detailed and precise information on the subject, only a lot of conjecture


my question is what can i do for psychosis caused by semen retention? i taught my cousin to never ejaculate at age 14 hes 18 now and has severe emotional/mental problems.....i think he is bipolar.


he also did a limited amount of microcosmic orbit stuff and managed to open up the back channel but not the front, but didnt practice that regularly at all, meaning his only real practice was not ejaculating and having sex without ejaculating.


I can only guess that since the back channel was opened and not the front that too much energy could have got lodged in the head. However its kinda strange because he never really channeled the energy there, he really only practiced retention....thats all


His case is fairly severe, he no longer practices retention however, all his symptoms are still here.


I am looking for solutions to specifically take care of this problem that do NOT require chi-gung or other types of related practice, besides possibly opening the front channel.


Honestly what I am really looking for is some qi-gung healers that are experienced with insanity issues, but any advice is welcome too


i guess i did not make it sound really bad but the problem is really quite severe and I am fairly sure it was caused by the semen retention.


Based on my experiences with people with bi-polar and "insanity" I'd recommend homeopathy and acupuncture. PM me if you think you want more info. I imagine if you caused him to go insane then you probably don't know the remedy to it either, so a qigong person might be a little impracticle? Paul.

Edited by paul walter

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Just based what you say he did to get there, it would seem logical to OPEN THE FRONT CHANNEL! Seriously though, spend some time with the guy and teach him to run the front up and down and get it wide open and connected to the back. Fill in the gaps. That's my two cents anyway.

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i taught my cousin to never ejaculate at age 14 hes 18 now and has severe emotional/mental problems.....i think he is bipolar.


i guess i did not make it sound really bad but the problem is really quite severe and I am fairly sure it was caused by the semen retention.


It seems to me the title of the thread doesn't reflect the actual situation. I learned alot from Master Chia and his instructors, it changed my life, so you can understand that the title you choose it's a bit disturbing to me. It's more like: i taught innapropriate way of practicing to a young man at an innapropriate age, and this resulted into trouble.

If you start by pinning the problem to someone else's back, there are small chanses you resolve it.

Einstein once said: the mindset that created the problem needs to change, because it generated the problem. You cannot solve the problem without solving the mindset...

That being said, my reccomendation is to follow the link in my signature, and read a bit what i wrote there.

It may complement to what you know on the subject.

Beyond that, there is little i can do... you need professional advice.


Good luck anyway



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Yeppp.. Many people seem to only read some parts of the book and skip others as what, not so exciting? Like it's SO COOL to get ENORMOUS POWER that you don't really need to make sure your channels are opened, your emotions balanced, your energy grounded, your diet suitable, etc. etc. etc.


When dealing with information like Taoist practices, every word in the book should be read and well digested. Don't go giving half-assed teachings to teenagers, what you should do is show them a proper teacher.. who will probably tell them to wait a few years before starting.

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It is highly unlikely that the simple act of "retention" "caused" his "insanity". You specified that he hardly practiced the MO etc. so it sounds like he was doing little more than many, many men do who just have sex or masturbate and don't get off. Many, many people have done this (from the Oneida community to modern swinger types) without the internal exercises that are prescribed by Chia and the like with no "insanity" to show for it. It seems the only groups that do have problems are those that do internal work. Just refraining from ejaculation (aside from not being the full definition of "retention" as used in most cases here) is not likly the cause.

More likly he was already started on the road toward bipolar and this influenced his sexual behavior. Not to mention if he was on medication, some medication can cause anorgasmia. So the the causes may be the exact opposite of what you suggest.

Still, acupuncture and a good psychotherapist can probably do your friend a world of good.

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As he was so young his build up of sexual energy without ejaculation would have been quite enormous. Araoused sexual energy amplifies emotions massively and just by itself a build up of lots of hot sexual energy not balanced by other practices will by itself sufice to make you quite maic. I have noticed this myself within just short periods of retention. So this could at least have been a very significant contributing factor.


Pilates will help get energy down in a very physical way but it takes a lot of time. By teaching you to move from your dan tien it brings your awareness there without creating much chi. As such it is safe and good. But it needs to be practiced at least two preferably 3 or more times 60 min a week to realy work.


There are also other physical grounding methods like doing loads of squats. Intuflow has a fairly grounding effect on me although it does not ground on the same level as a bunch of qigong stances meant for grounding would do. It also relaxes you A LOT and gives you very much energy but in a not so Chi type of way. As such it could be a safe and usefull tool for bipolar disorder. The whole beginer sequence which is all that is needed can be found on youtube.


Deep belly breathing will get his energy down. It will also relax and center and energize him and harmonize his energy and build health. It has the risk of taking him a bit to deep and create too much energy like meditation could but should be much safer because of the grounding. Practice for 10 min at a time for example and you can evaluate how it works. Longevity Breathing By Bruce Frantzis has good instructions on this.


Meat is grounding.


Six healing sounds could cleanse him of bad emotions and energy, cool of his energy and strenghten positive emotions and balance out his holw element and emotional system without creathing much energy. It should be safe and balanced.


The inner smile can do the same as healing sounds can but will bring more of the harmonising smiling energy. That should be profoundly balancing for both his down and up periods. It also has a specificly balancing effect on people with too much arroused sexual energy. This is because when the sexual energy is blended with heart energy it balances out and cools of. The inner smile awakens the heart and sends a loving heart energy to everywhere in his body.


In most cases qigong, yoga and basic mindfulness, Zen, Vipassana etc. style meditations and stuff like belly breathing and alternate nostril breathing should be good for people with bipolar disorder. There are studies with people with loads of severe disorders benefitting and I have seen bipolar people claim lots of balance and bbenefit from it. This case might be a special case but at least with a good guide stuff should work out here also.


Chunyi Lin and Jim Nance of Sptringforest qigong are great healers and so is Michale Lomax. They all do distance healing.


Santiago Dobbles and Tao Semko are very good at helping people ground their energy and are also powerfull healers. They frequently work over the phone or skype and could tailor safe exercises for him to do to balance out and do distance healing.


Seeing an acupunturist would be a good idea. Especially and elder Chineese one that also knows herbs well and especially if he/she also knows qigong.


You could google mindfulness and bipolar disorder. Not aying it is were he should start (energy down first) but long term it shoudl be helpfull.


Stomach massage is very good for cleansing emotions. Tactile touch therapy is profoundly balancing and will also contribute to cooling of the hot ching chi because it produces large amounts of oxytocin.


I have found supergreens to be very good for health and also cooling and balancing to the energy and the psyche to a certain extent. Just don?t drink the recomneded 3-4 liters a day. One seems more balanced to me.


Best of luck and report back if anything changes.

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I agree that it is not clear that retention and partial, intermittent practice of the orbit has been a causal factor in his bi-polar. Bi-polar seems to be organically based, which of course would be consistent with the retention thesis, but it is more likely biochemically based following genetic factors. In any case, bi-polar disorder responds well to medication, which serves as a good support for finding one's equilibrium and treating disabling symptoms. Once somewhat stable, other additional interventions may be useful like cognitive-behavioural / psycho-therapeutic and complementary medicines, including meditation, under close supervision. He should make use of professional help, as bi-polar is very serious and can and does kill through self-harming behaviours. From that base of stability, one can then build recovery through other and all means.


It is not clear what harm retention does. From my perspective, retention combined with effective meditation practice will result in health and growth on all levels of being - this is my experience. It does redirect a lot of energy, so that energy should be channeled in a healthy manner. It may be that if it is not made use of in an organized manner through formal practices, it will just disperse naturally through nocturnal emissions and hyperactivity of both functional and dysfunctional behaviours which burns up a lot of pranic force.


In any case, it is not clear to me retention is the cause in this example, nor generally.


In kind regards,



Edited by Adam West

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I agree with Adam's comments. It sounds like you blame yourself for his problems, and now you are trying to solve them. However, if you are not a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, it might not be a good idea for you to be making diagnoses of psychopathology, or making guesses about the etiology of his behavior. See a professional for this, and to discover possible organic causes. I worked in a psychiatric hospital for four years, and can tell you that if it bipolar disorder, that is one of the few disorders that they were able to treat effectively on a consistent basis. Asking random people on the web is not a good treatment plan. By the way, did you take teacher training with anyone before deciding to teach this to him?

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I dont get why so many taoists here are recommending western psychiatric pharmaceutical drug therapy. Any of the chinese medical doctors I've seen have told me to stay away from them unless you are very serious, and to use if only for a short term to gain balance when other available modalities simply have not worked, and to yet still be very careful.

Edited by Non

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Any of the chinese medical doctors I've seen have told me to stay away from them unless you are very serious


Really? Like who?

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thanks all for the responses


yes you all brought up some valid points, such as practicing chia's methods properly is very important, and how maybe semen retention was not to blame as the primary cause for the problems


yes i think these are all possibilities. I dont know. I think retention might have not been to blame totally for this, but i really do think it probably aggravated things at the least.


no neither i nor he learned from a teacher.

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Guest sykkelpump

I dont think you caused it,I agree with taoist 81,Adam vest and dainin.This is should not do more cultivation experiment with him based on random thoughts here.most of people giving advice here dont know what to do them selves.

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It is true that psychiatric drugs can be *very* problematic, with many unpleasant side-effects; some times, many times, these side-effects out-way the benifets. It all depends on the presentation and individual case. With *acute* psychiatric presentations, sometimes medication, at least in the short term, is the only option, since the disturbance and distress is so great, and there is a real danger of harm to self or others, mostly just to self. Drug therapy should be considered just one *support* or protective factor and therapeutic intervention with psycho-social, situational and spiritual support all just as important in a bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of health, wellbeing and recovery.


Now days, mental health practice is increasingly a 'whole of life' concern, addressing many complex factors, including, but not limited to, biochemical, medical interventions.


Remember the balance of the way - anti-psychiatry is not a balanced view, nor is biological reductionism; a holistic complex systems approach of multi-dimensional personal, social and situational factors in a spiritual context is much more useful, and I would suggest, more consistent with Taoism.


In kind regards,



Edited by Adam West

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So does anybody know of any tcm practitioners or anything of the like that can help with psychosis?


I am really trying to find an acupuncturist or a chigung guy that can possibly check my cousin out.


Is it possible for an acupuncturist or anyone highly skilled in chigung to open his front channel?



thanks again

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So does anybody know of any tcm practitioners or anything of the like that can help with psychosis?


I am really trying to find an acupuncturist or a chigung guy that can possibly check my cousin out.


Is it possible for an acupuncturist or anyone highly skilled in chigung to open his front channel?



thanks again


in my experience, most good chinese medicine practitioners will be able to help in cases of psychosis or even possession. if the problem really lies with the conception channel being closed or blocked, then absolutely a chinese medicine doctor and/or qigong healer will be able to help.


what area do you live in? maybe if you let us know some people might have specific recommendations for people to see.

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It is true that psychiatric drugs can be *very* problematic, with many unpleasant side-effects; some times, many times, these side-effects out-way the benifets. It all depends on the presentation and individual case. With *acute* psychiatric presentations, sometimes medication, at least in the short term, is the only option, since the disturbance and distress is so great, and there is a real danger of harm to self or others, mostly just to self. Drug therapy should be considered just one *support* or protective factor and therapeutic intervention with psycho-social, situational and spiritual support all just as important in a bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of health, wellbeing and recovery.


Now days, mental health practice is increasingly a 'whole of life' concern, addressing many complex factors, including, but not limited to, biochemical, medical interventions.


Remember the balance of the way - anti-psychiatry is not a balanced view, nor is biological reductionism; a holistic complex systems approach of multi-dimensional personal, social and situational factors in a spiritual context is much more useful, and I would suggest, more consistent with Taoism.


In kind regards,




I agree with this view!!!


To the OP:

Whether or not this birth control practice caused the problem did you learn your lesson about trying to teach something you don't understand? Unfortunately this type of "teaching" seems to be the case with many. One reason there are so many myths concerning qigong.

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So does anybody know of any tcm practitioners or anything of the like that can help with psychosis?


I am really trying to find an acupuncturist or a chigung guy that can possibly check my cousin out.


Is it possible for an acupuncturist or anyone highly skilled in chigung to open his front channel?



thanks again


There are acupoints on the wrists and ancles that makes the front channel run and I have had them needled when doing acupuncture in order to help open the front. It does work then and there. I think you would need to do it A LOT for it to really open the front channel. For me pressing these acupoints myself regulary does about the same.


Santiago Dobles can make otehr peoples orbits run. Maybe all healers at a certain level can? Antwat, he has done that in the KAP clases with some of the people here. If that has much of a lasting effect I am not sure but it could help.


Once the front channel is open I think cranio sacral therapy can be very helpfull in balancing out someone with bipolar disorder. But because it is intense work on the spine it migh initially set of a lot of activity there and aggravate the problem if the energy can not get down the front.


SFJane on this board curde herself from extreeme bipolar disorder by practicing Bruce Frantzis` system. You could PM her.

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To the OP:

Whether or not this birth control practice caused the problem did you learn your lesson about trying to teach something you don't understand? Unfortunately this type of "teaching" seems to be the case with many. One reason there are so many myths concerning qigong.


yes i certainly did learn my lesson from all of this, for this reason I am very wary of many schools of energetic and otherwise "spiritual" practices. I have become much more critical, and it saddens me to see that many students of real masters sometimes water down their teachings or create their own systems and teach them before they have mastered the said system of whomever taught them. I am not directing this towards chia or anyone in particular it is just a trend I have noticed. I think chia's system can work for some, and for those it causes problems in, it could cause such problems for various reasons not all of which Chia can directly be blamed for.


I know psychological problems can have many causes, but I think in my cousins case he is extremely energeticly unbalanced due to semen retention. I also practiced retention before and was imbalanced, but not to the point of mental illness.


I will check out BK Frantzis


The area I dont think matters, I can get him anywhere in the country if anyone has any particular suggestions


thanks again to you all

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I dont get why so many taoists here are recommending western psychiatric pharmaceutical drug therapy. Any of the chinese medical doctors I've seen have told me to stay away from them unless you are very serious, and to use if only for a short term to gain balance when other available modalities simply have not worked, and to yet still be very careful.



I will never recommend them to anyone, ever. You don't learn a damn thing about your mind or emotions from using them. Not only that, the longer that you use them the more you flirt with disaster.


SSRIs? Lead to being divorced from the ability to feel love. Causes weight gain. Can cause acute suicidal or psychotic impulses in people. Cause sometimes irreversible impotence in men and women. Nice. This will be remembered as the era when we medicated people who were suicidal with drugs that cause suicidal impulse. Asinine.


Antipsychotics. The leading treatment for bipolar with psychotic features and schizophrenia. Proven to cause brain cell death. They perform an effective chemical lobotomy. Totally not holistic or healing. The worst drug you could ever take if you are a spiritual person. Causes death of personality and organically damages you in mind and body. Seriously poisonous. I've been on them. I know. I felt it first hand.


Lithium. Has some kind of effect on people with severe mood swings. Over fifty years of treating manic depressives with lithium and still the exact mechanism of action on the mind is unknown. Causes obscene weight gain. Damages your nervous system right away. Hand tremor, jaw tremors, mental fog. Seriously folks, all that drug induced mental fog has to be dealt with when you get into meditation. That fog stays inside you and obscures your consciousness.


Have any of you, Mr West, anyone? ever been on lithium? How about you take 500mg of lithium 3xs daily and watch as your body becomes toxic. Your sweat and your tongue taste like metal. If you didn't have a chemical imbalance before, lithium will give you one. Causes kidney, thyroid and nervous system damage folks. Sometimes permanently.


I've been through it. I know how it feels to be utterly divorced from thinking and feeling as a consequence of being forcibly treated with both lithium and antipsychotics and consequently tried to kill myself while I was on them to escape.


Anti-seizure meds. Neither schizophrenia or manic depression have been proven to be seizure disorders. Some folks have beneficial results from them. Anti-seizure meds work by reducing the sodium channel ion action that causes an electrical impulse to result in a physical action. Every thing you do with your body from masturbation to sparring to using your keys to open a door uses these sodium ion channels to induce movement. Some people come down with CFS and permanent muscle and nerve damage as a consequence of using anti-seizure drugs.


Folks, these drugs do nothing but harm you. Big Pharma is not interested in your well-being. They want to make money and they will lie through their corporate teeth to convince you to take their drugs forever. They call it 'maintenance treatment'. Absurd.


I am living proof that it is possible to overcome manic depression without using polypharmacy or counseling. I have a mother with chronic depression and a sister who takes lithium for bipolar 1. Neither of them are happy nor do they have my training. Mental illness flows in my family. I've heard all the bullshit pseudoscience on this. I've been told, while inpatient, that I had an incurable genetic disease caused by a chemical imbalance. What a crock of shit.


There is no proof of these chemical imbalances. The serotonin theories have been debunked into the ground.


The real honest to god truth is this:


No one on this planet knows what causes the symptoms that end up being called manic depression. No one knows. In over a hundred years of science there has been zero advances in understanding what manic depression is or what causes it. Having new drug treatments is not an advance in understanding causes. Having a few well designed studies that show some shared genes in people with the diagnosis is not an advance either.


What is known is that the prefrontal cortex acts a 'referee' for thoughts and emotions in the brain. The prefrontal cortex has been fingered as being underdeveloped in people with both schizophrenia and bipolar.


Meditation has been proven in many studies to directly effect the prefrontal cortex. It makes it denser. These brain changes stick around even if the person stops meditating.


You take lithium and antipsychotics for bipolar and you will move further and further away from being healed.


You meditate long enough and your brain may simply grow out of it. Your brain will grow controls over your emotions and your thoughts and psychosis will be a thing of the past.


I was diagnosed with manic depression with schizoaffective tendencies at age 14 in 1989. I started with BKF's stuff in 1996. By 1998 I had been depression free for 2 years. By 1999 the mania and the Voices were gone too. In 2001 I celebrated my victory over my dual diagnosis with five years depression free without the use of counseling or polypharmacy.


It is now 2010 and I am still fine. I've written a book about how I recovered. I've done exhaustive research into the state of modern mental health science and meditation brain science as part of the background for my book. It's in the process of editing and getting it published will be the hard part.


I am neither antipsychiatry or antimedicine. I am not even antidrug. I am pro personal responsibility. I am pro self-healing and I have absolutely no patience with people who trot out all the latest Big Pharma sponsored studies on chemical imbalances or their skewed and slanted clinical studies that show their latest Blockbuster drugs as being effective. Especially since the inevitable class action lawsuits will prove in the course of discovery that Big Pharma was cooking their studies and lying wholesale to the public about negative side effects or actual efficacy versus placebo controls.


You want more information on how badly the consuming public is getting railroaded by Big Pharma's lies I can go on and on. I can machine gun this thread with a deluge of studies and exposes on Big Pharma's lies and bullshit. I shouldn't need to. Google is your friend.

Edited by SFJane

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* gaaahhhhh! *

Fabulous post.

First hand experience, clear research.

Thank you, Jane.


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Gee whiz? This is the stuff Western Medicine can use for their promotion!

Female essence is very balancing.. how does it factor in this case?


When I first struck Kundalini gold back in 95' most of my associates thought I had lost it.

Mostly swami rama techniques, lots of abdominal work, almost 0 sleep. Obsession with final exam grades and research only helped to fuel the fire.


Thankful for those new friends I made (at Barnes and Noble of all places over coffee, and open mic nights)

who kept me from death and institutionalization I never drank or got high through any of this, nor do I now.

Beware of Drugs, Alcohol and the media!


I intituitively knew I wasn't crazy. And what a relief when I finally found "Pathnotes of an American Ninja Master"


I have a 15 year old step son with Cerebral palsy i feel his pain daily from all the shit he takes from his fellow students (cruel mo fo's if I must say) I can just recommend the way and blaze a + path for him

( success is the best revenge right)?


Hope he dosen't end up deprived of his sexual birthright.

Sleep and nutrition work for me.


Qi sickness is no party and I believe M.D's may equate it with mania.


All the best to you and yours. Peace

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