Tao of Pooh

Hi from the cold north

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Hallo all,


What to say about me;


Not really sure what I am doing here just now so will need some time to get the idea. I started practising Qigong 5 month ago. I am also practising Ki-breathing (Koichi Tohei) for about 3 month now.


Despite all this fine energy practice I am sick as a dog for the last few days now (flu).


I am also into studying Usui Reiki as an energy healing SYSTEM and as the energy.


Most of the time I feel kind of like a huge sadness is hanging over my head, not sure how to explain this feeling.


Not sure I like to live in the city anymore but am slightly afarid of living in the nature where I would like to live (btw, nature has no local pub).


I am 34 ... wait ... 35 years old and married to a wonderful, enormously patient and gorgeous woman which for some reason still feels my grumpy individual is handsome and fantastic.


Pesimistic I am.


Awaiting a book called The Tao of Pooh which I ordered via the fabulous internet mashine (shopping out of my chair how great).


Trying to feel my inner Universum, feeling my One Centre (dantien) and getting my Dual Mind (Yin-Yang) as close to the One Centre as possible ... not realy there yet ;-) hm


This was enough for now.


Kind regards to all.

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Hi Tao Of Pooh,




May you enjoy your time here.


Sounds like you are at a wonderful starting point - totally confused. Hehehe.


I'm sure you will enjoy the book.


Peace & Love!

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Hi Marblehead!


The reason for me walking into Tao(ism) is my wish for being able to live with all what Is in harmony, no matter bad or good.

At the moment I still see my self reacting very fast to negatinity and going into "fight-flight" state of mind ... yes at least I can see it now which is a positive change = becoming aware of me lil me :blush::blink::wacko: .


I am not good at blindly following the dogma of "be good to others otherwise you end up in hell" kind of teaching. I feel that the kind and compationate state of being lies not in mentaly creating such world, but in calming down the mind and body through letting go into relaxation of the whole being.

One can not get to know Tao but do it. That is why I practice Qigong and Ki-breathing.

Life is a circle so why rush, I am not getting anywhere.



Edited by Tao of Pooh

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Hi Tao,


Yeah, none of us are going to get out of this life alive.


What you said is good. Not responding overly emotionally to situations in life allow us to make better decisions. But don't get me wrong, I love my emotions, it's just that we should not allow them to cloud our clear vision.


Ideally, if we follow the Way of Tao, we can be surrounded by either positive or negative influences and still remain at harmony with them and not allow these influences to disturb our inner harmony.


And you are right, there is no place to go. We each are exactly where we are supposed to be. (Tomorrow things will change though.)


Peace & Love!

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Ideally, if we follow the Way of Tao, we can be surrounded by either positive or negative influences and still remain at harmony with them and not allow these influences to disturb our inner harmony.


So besides Qigong is there any other Taoist practice one can do to stay in harmony. There is so much info out here and on the net in general about many diferent aspects of Taoism.

Any recomandations? A book, meditations, etc ...

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So besides Qigong is there any other Taoist practice one can do to stay in harmony. There is so much info out here and on the net in general about many diferent aspects of Taoism.

Any recomandations? A book, meditations, etc ...


I will leave talk about practices to others here as I am not one to make any suggestions.


As far as reading I always recommend reading three or four translations of the Tao Te Ching and then reading Chuang Tzu. All these can be found on the net at:




Peace & Love!

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This bookclub thread has links to an online version of the Hua Hu Ching I really enjoy this book, but it's not widely known.


Oh I (obviously) enjoy Tai Chi too :D

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Thank you both for fantastic links :-)


Hua Hu Ching is resonating well with me so far :-)


I start reading such books from the back :rolleyes: , hence the 77;


Humanity grows more and more intelligent, yet there is clearly more trouble and less happiness daily. How can this be so? It is because intelligence is not the same thing as wisdom. When a society misuses partial intelligence and ignores holistic wisdom, its people forget the benefits of a plain and natural life. Seduced by their desires, emotions, and egos, they become slaves to bodily demands, to luxuries, to power and unbalanced religion and psychological excuses. Then the reign of calamity and confusion begins. Nonetheless, superior people can awaken during times of turmoil to lead others out of the mire. But how can the one liberate the many? By first liberating his own being. He does this nor by elevating himself, but by lowering himself. He lowers himself to that which is simple, modest, true; integrating it into himself, he becomes a master of simplicity, modesty, truth. Completely emancipated from his former false life, he discovers his original pure nature, which is the pure nature of the universe. Freely and spontaneously releasing his divine energy, he constantly transcends complicated situations and draws everything around him back into an integral oneness. Because he is a living divinity, when he acts, the universe acts.



This will keep busy for a while. Thanks!

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Is there a proper way to read such books/verses?


Do you simply go through it reading one after the other or do you read one and then contemplate on it for a while, or ...?


Please bare with me, just a year ago I was into heavy metal, beer and being pissed off at my father, so kind of a very very spiritual begginer here :wacko:


Thank you!

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