
Awakening Kundalini 101

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Not too long ago, Susan wrote:


How To Awaken Your Kundalini 101


This is very simple. Do not confuse simple with easy.


There are three simple practices that when done in combination together will awaken Kundalini in about 90 days.


Follow the directions. Don't deviate or I can't guarantee anything. But this is free teaching so I can't give you a money back guarantee. tongue.gif


You must practice 20 minutes a day, twice a day. Undertake at your own risk without a guide. The safest way to do this is in a group with a guide.


1) Buddha's breath also called Baby's breath or also known as abdominal/belly breathing.

2) Secret Smile: google for instructions in Path Notes of an American Ninja Master

3) Microcosmic Orbit


The goal is to do all three at once. Do NOT leave the Secret Smile out. It is necessary for mental, physical and spiritual health during this practice. I am not revealing anything that has not been revealed in Path Notes already. cool.gif


Basic Safeties


Tongue up touching behind the back of the upper teeth where the teeth meet the gums when you practice. You must do this to avoid getting chi head or headaches and/or mental imbalances.


Keep hydrated with water. Kundalini energy is HOT and will fry your kidneys and adrenals. Take lots of vitamin C for the adrenals which are quickly depleted of their Vitamin C stores with this practice. An acupuncturist can be your best friend.


Practice with a group if you can so they can help you stay grounded in reality when the process kicks into high gear.


If you have difficulties or need a group or sangha to be a touchstone I have a support group that is free on the net you can join. Here we have people of all levels abilities and of different spiritual paths who practice around the world who will be helpful for you.




If your mental/emotional, physical and spiritual bodies are relatively clean you will have an easier time than if you start with an alcohol, drugs, smoking types, anger habits.


Kundalini amplifies the character. If you were an asshole before kundalini, afterwards you will be wide and gaping said Dr. Morris.


But if you were loving and gentle before you will be even more.


Kundalini Shakti can be a fierce and brutal Mistress if you resist her directions. If you can't surrender and relax into the process you can suffer greatly so don't take this process lightly. So don't do it if you don't want your life changed forever. Don't do it if you can't come with an empty cup to be taught by Shakti or you will be miserable.


Why do I say this? Because there will be a time in your practice that effort becomes effortless and Kundalini will take the reins and do the whole process for you. It will cause you to mediate, it will cause spontaneous chi gung forms and asanas, pranayamas. If you can't trust in the wisdom of Kundalini will take much, much longer.


If you can relax into the process and persevere.. Nirvikalpa Samadhi may be your reward one day.


If you carry through and succeed in having Kundalini activate then know the journey has just started.


You will either despise my name for revealing this to you or be forever grateful.


KAP 1 is more than just these three practices. It has been refined to deliver a much more smoother, quicker, and controlled awakening but you can do it with just those three practices above but it can be a brutal process.


Drugs, sex, childbirth, prolonged trauma or shock whether physical, emotional,mental, or spiritual will awaken kundalini.


Did I say this can be a brutal practice and you could really hurt yourself?


Merry Christmas and Good luck,



Many of us on here took KAP 1. I'm sure many of us fell off the bandwagon and did not press with this sort of simple program for any length of time. Recently, I've added KAP back into my repetoire--- the last time I did, I had a spiritual roller coaster and this time is no different.


I would challenge all the Taobums who have done KAP 1 and fell off the practice to pick it up again. For those who kept with it, I encourage you to post your experiences.


The guidelines are simple: daily practice, 2x a day, at least 20 minutes.


Let's see what happens. Create some data.

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Not too long ago, Susan wrote:




Many of us on here took KAP 1. I'm sure many of us fell off the bandwagon and did not press with this sort of simple program for any length of time. Recently, I've added KAP back into my repetoire--- the last time I did, I had a spiritual roller coaster and this time is no different.


I would challenge all the Taobums who have done KAP 1 and fell off the practice to pick it up again. For those who kept with it, I encourage you to post your experiences.


The guidelines are simple: daily practice, 2x a day, at least 20 minutes.


Let's see what happens. Create some data.


Nice. I will try it. I wonder how long it'll take. I'll try to sit in full lotus too. I haven't done KAP but I could do this on my own.


Just a question: Is there a specific microcosmic orbit procedure that works best? Ie, breathing in as the chi ball and/or awareness goes up the spine (I usually just do awareness, and it naturally builds energy that way anyway), and of course breathing out it goes down the front? Or the reverse, breath in as it goes down breathe out as it comes up the spine. It seems that if you want to do belly breathing at the same time the latter is easier to do since you breathe the chi and bring the awareness into the belly as you breathe in, which expands it, and breathing out pushes or propels the chi/awarenss back and up into the spine and third eye.

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Nice. I will try it. I wonder how long it'll take. I'll try to sit in full lotus too. I haven't done KAP but I could do this on my own.


Just a question: Is there a specific microcosmic orbit procedure that works best? Ie, breathing in as the chi ball and/or awareness goes up the spine (I usually just do awareness, and it naturally builds energy that way anyway), and of course breathing out it goes down the front? Or the reverse, breath in as it goes down breathe out as it comes up the spine. It seems that if you want to do belly breathing at the same time the latter is easier to do since you breathe the chi and bring the awareness into the belly as you breathe in, which expands it, and breathing out pushes or propels the chi/awarenss back and up into the spine and third eye.


would it also matter if you reverse the MCO, ie, up the front, down the back?


Can one experiment with just sending the chi/awareness up and down the central channel or the taiji pole?

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For those who kept with it, I encourage you to post your experiences.


There is a little link in my sig to my experiences during Kunlun KAP 1 & 2 and PSD,


inter-spaced with the soap opera that is my life :lol:

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How To Awaken Your Kundalini 101


This is very simple. Do not confuse simple with easy.


There are three simple practices that when done in combination together will awaken Kundalini in about 90 days.


Follow the directions. Don't deviate or I can't guarantee anything. But this is free teaching so I can't give you a money back guarantee. tongue.gif


You must practice 20 minutes a day, twice a day. Undertake at your own risk without a guide. The safest way to do this is in a group with a guide.


1) Buddha's breath also called Baby's breath or also known as abdominal/belly breathing.

2) Secret Smile: google for instructions in Path Notes of an American Ninja Master

3) Microcosmic Orbit


The goal is to do all three at once.


If you want to do this properly it would be helpful to note that the three steps are not as simple as they may seem. Each of the three components need to be practiced and honed to fluency separately before they are integrated in one practice. Each one of the three components mentioned here are quite complex and in themselves include sub-components that also need to be trained.


Here is an example:


Abdominal Breathing - Proper and successful attainment has the following pre requisites that need to be developed:

- Being able to Relax while you do it.

- Maintaining concentration and a focused, peaceful mind for extended periods

- Making the transition between inhale and exhale seamless

- Lengthening the breath on both inhale and exhale without tensing or forcing it

- Making the inhale and exhale equale in length

- Developing it so that the above points all become second nature and can be done on auto-pilot all the time.


Each one of the points can be further broken down in to even more steps.

A simple practice is not so simple if one wants to dig deeper in search of mastery.


The same analysis/breakdown can be applied to The Secret Smile and Microcosmic Orbit, which, by the way is a lot more complex than Abdominal breathing!


I suppose if the three components are mastered in the manner outlined above before integrating them then the Kundalini Awakening will not be quite so brutal and painful. It will also take much longer than 90 days.



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The most difficult part for me is relaxation, and recreating a "happy" sensation from memory. I started experimenting with the secret smile after reading his book a year or so ago. For whatever reason I get tears, rather than smiles when I try it.

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would it also matter if you reverse the MCO, ie, up the front, down the back?


Can one experiment with just sending the chi/awareness up and down the central channel or the taiji pole?




"Follow the directions. Don't deviate or I can't guarantee anything. But this is free teaching so I can't give you a money back guarantee. "

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The most difficult part for me is relaxation, and recreating a "happy" sensation from memory. I started experimenting with the secret smile after reading his book a year or so ago. For whatever reason I get tears, rather than smiles when I try it.



normal for moving energy...this clears out the emotional body...


keep going, keep practicing

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I suppose if the three components are mastered in the manner outlined above before integrating them then the Kundalini Awakening will not be quite so brutal and painful. It will also take much longer than 90 days.




90 days. Some will say 3-6 months.


not as hard as you think but one does not have to be a complete master of these processes before they bring results. You can if you want spend time mastering them. With a teacher that should take a very short time. Your body wants to do these processes. It likes those processes.


doing this on your own is achieve able and will bring results. many, many (100s) have done so.


what determines more than anything the ease of the awakening is in what state is your physical/emotional bodies and your attitude. also that and regular practice as I have stated above.


the less "pure" your bodies the more difficulty you will have...the more resistant and "I know better than anyone else" attitude the more difficult the process


remain non attached and view ones self as a science experiment

remain amused and try not to take one's self too seriously

have fun and keep playing

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Not too long ago, Susan wrote:




Many of us on here took KAP 1. I'm sure many of us fell off the bandwagon and did not press with this sort of simple program for any length of time. Recently, I've added KAP back into my repetoire--- the last time I did, I had a spiritual roller coaster and this time is no different.


I would challenge all the Taobums who have done KAP 1 and fell off the practice to pick it up again. For those who kept with it, I encourage you to post your experiences.


The guidelines are simple: daily practice, 2x a day, at least 20 minutes.


Let's see what happens. Create some data.





all that anyone needs to awaken k on their own is in that is the bare basics, no frills, do it yourself, generic approach...


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Was your kundalini awakened?


There is a little link in my sig to my experiences during Kunlun KAP 1 & 2 and PSD,


inter-spaced with the soap opera that is my life :lol:

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The idea of this thread is to find out. Some of us have had more in-depth training already. However, it still seems simple. Make simple, make hard, I suppose.


I suppose if the three components are mastered in the manner outlined above before integrating them then the Kundalini Awakening will not be quite so brutal and painful. It will also take much longer than 90 days.

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One of the reasons I'm doing this is because, like many others before, I thought Santi was deluded, a huckster, or worse. After taking KAP 1, I no longer thought so. I went on a retreat last year and lost contact with KAP. After some time, the cosmos is suggesting I get back into it. I'm not one to argue with the cosmos. Besides, I want to see where this goes.


Things I've experienced so far, on my second round:


1. Increased energy sensations. The energy sensations feel much stronger, to nearly the same degree as solid objects.


2. Increased emotional response. Emotions tend to sweep through the whole body. I'm told this is a more feminine type of experience. Can be dangerous with anger, but not a problem given where I'm at generally.


3. Increased recovery time after sex. Also, less drainage. Overall, increased feeling of being healthy.


4. Increased spiritual insight. I must admit, this one puzzles me, because realization is more about seeing over and over again than anything else. But I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.


5. Increased feelings of bliss, especially on the weekends.


6. Increased inner heat and tolerance to cold. I also noticed that I've been feeling more "off" in the morning, but was able to determine that this was because of dehydration.


7. Increased incidence of lucid dreaming and dream recall.


I won't say that KAP is the sole cause of these things as I have been cultivating Buddhist practice diligently for some years. But it is more like KAP somehow "speeds up" the process. I can't say that it is coincidence, either, as this happened last time I started KAP last spring.


I can see the dangers as everything is amplified, the good and the bad.

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I think there's an issue with some ideas (mine too;-)) of "Kundalini awakening" as sometimes defined as shakti rushing up the spine in one fell swoop to meet shiva (i.e. the freight train ride)


What is one doing in KAP?


- Awakening through Kundalini?

- Awakening Kundalini?


I like contemplating these questions as part of practice.


What is Kundalini?

What is awakening?


Sometimes she answers;-) And not always through practice;-)

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One of the reasons I'm doing this is because, like many others before, I thought Santi was deluded, a huckster, or worse. After taking KAP 1, I no longer thought so. I went on a retreat last year and lost contact with KAP. After some time, the cosmos is suggesting I get back into it. I'm not one to argue with the cosmos. Besides, I want to see where this goes.


Things I've experienced so far, on my second round:


1. Increased energy sensations. The energy sensations feel much stronger, to nearly the same degree as solid objects.


2. Increased emotional response. Emotions tend to sweep through the whole body. I'm told this is a more feminine type of experience. Can be dangerous with anger, but not a problem given where I'm at generally.


3. Increased recovery time after sex. Also, less drainage. Overall, increased feeling of being healthy.


4. Increased spiritual insight. I must admit, this one puzzles me, because realization is more about seeing over and over again than anything else. But I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.


5. Increased feelings of bliss, especially on the weekends.


6. Increased inner heat and tolerance to cold. I also noticed that I've been feeling more "off" in the morning, but was able to determine that this was because of dehydration.


7. Increased incidence of lucid dreaming and dream recall.


I won't say that KAP is the sole cause of these things as I have been cultivating Buddhist practice diligently for some years. But it is more like KAP somehow "speeds up" the process. I can't say that it is coincidence, either, as this happened last time I started KAP last spring.


I can see the dangers as everything is amplified, the good and the bad.



Nice. :) Good work.


Do feel free to contact me or Santi off list if there are some things that you don't feel comfortable talking about publically.

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I think there's an issue with some ideas (mine too;-)) of "Kundalini awakening" as sometimes defined as shakti rushing up the spine in one fell swoop to meet shiva (i.e. the freight train ride)


What is one doing in KAP?


- Awakening through Kundalini?

- Awakening Kundalini?


I like contemplating these questions as part of practice.


What is Kundalini?

What is awakening?


Sometimes she answers;-) And not always through practice;-)


The difficulties in defining Kundalini :) Once it is awake these questions will not be so important. It is like describing a kiss to someone who has never been kissed before. You just got to go do it and find out for yourself.


Although a sanskrit word is used to describe kundalini this does not mean that k is the provenance of that culture.


It is a cross cultural phenomenon present in all major spiritual traditions all over the world. The higher one goes up in those traditions the more they start to look the same and access the same energies.


To say one has a handle on what kundalini does and is (without having an authentic process) is like putting the Tao in a box and saying, "there.. I know all about it."


As I have written before: " Kundalini Shakti is an intelligent, creative energy shrouded in mystery and misconceptions since ancient times. It's a normal process for self-development that can be activated by specific proven techniques.


This is the ultimate self-empowerment practice. Historically, therapies, self-help groups, and self-improvement classes work from effecting change from the outside in. Awakening your own kundalini will ignite an internal, biological, inside out process that effects permanent change."


In continuing to use non sectarian words, the purpose of kundalini is to heal the split in the body mind spirit matrix, to create a natural human being who lives in spontaneous harmony with the universe and not in a knee jerk reaction.



awakening: to come out of sleep. Kundalini is said to lay dormant at the base of the spine till awakened by different means to start it's ascent.


In KAP one is using specific empirically proven practices drawn from different cultural traditions for the purpose of awakening kundalini.

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JJ Semple asked me to pass along this message:


"As one who took what these days is considered the "old school" route to activating Kundalini, which I did almost 40-years ago, all I can say is: There's nothing new under the sun ...and no such thing as something for nothing. I wish there was; we desperately need a mass Kundalini awakening to ward off decline and collapse. But if there is, I haven't found it.


"The Golden Flower Method I used raises Kundalini permanently from the day of first activation until the day you die. Sure, there are trade-offs, but if you read my books and website, you'll see that the Tortoise sometimes beats the Hare."


If you're not familiar with JJ's story, it's a how-to, a memoir, and a detective story, seamlessly intertwining the events leading up to his Kundalini release with an examination of the process itself.



JJ's latest blog post "Neuromuscular Stimulation" tackles the unlikely marriage between Kundalini and neuromuscular devices and therapy methods. Because he can detect the active and latent energy in substances and devices, JJ says these tools and techniques are worth investigating.

Edited by april

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Was your kundalini awakened?


No. (at least I don't think so :lol:) but that's not my goal and I tend to cut back on practice and do a bit of self sabotage when stuff starts to move in that direction.


Things are currently as strange as I want and I'm very happy with my progress. I feel I could really push on if I wanted, so I'm working on wanting that :) No rush.

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JJ Semple asked me to pass along this message:


"As one who took what these days is considered the "old school" route to activating Kundalini, which I did almost 40-years ago, all I can say is: There's nothing new under the sun ...and no such thing as something for nothing. I wish there was; we desperately need a mass Kundalini awakening to ward off decline and collapse. But if there is, I haven't found it.





we do it old school too. Mass awakening with kundalini is not unheard of... it is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Christian circles. K awakening is a cross cultural phenomenon but is called by other names in major spiritual traditions.


Love and grace is something for nothing.. a gift that is not earned.



buddha breath, secret smile, and MCO are ancient techniques...thousands of years old


feel the love :wub:

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Just do it daily OVER and OVER again.


spend time doing. The rest follows. :ph34r:

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I don't know KAP, but I can already tell that I like it simply because of the Secret Smile. I'm a big advocate of the Inner Smile that Healing Tao teaches, and they sound quite similar.

Edited by RyanO

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