
Zen To Done Productivity System

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I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the book Getting Things Done (GTD), but it's an amazing, complex system for the 'art of stress-free productivity'. It's been pretty popular on the internet. The problem is it can be too complex.


I stumbled upon a great site a while ago called Zen Habits. Some of you might be familiar with it. The author has a book called Zen To Done which presents a simpler version of GTD. It's really cool and has helped me a ton with creating a smooth productivity system and overcoming procrastination.


You can actually gather most of the info from the blog, but the book puts it together neatly. I'm not trying to sound like an advertisement and I'm in no way affiliated with this person/site. I'm just sharing something that has been extremely helpful for me. If one person benefits from this post it'll be worth it.


Let us know if you check it out and what you think. Also if you have your own system feel free to share. If you're interested I'll be glad to explain my modifications/system.


Here's a link:







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IIRC Pietro was using GTD methods a while back... here It's hard to find 3 letter threads and "it was before your time, youngsters" wheezed the old man" :P

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Cool Mal thanks for the link.


What Pietro is talking about is definitely a benefit that I've noticed, and also why I chose to create this thread. Having an efficient productivity system has been extremely helpful for my meditation practice. It gets all those nagging, energy wasting thought loops from the mind and onto paper.


As I said, the problem with GTD is that can be too complex and hard to implement fully. ZTD is easier and more practical IMO, especially for your average person. Also, ZTD is the bare bones behind GTD. The GTD book is long and has a lot of fluff.


Put all that together with the inherent spiritual intent behind ZTD and you have a recipe for a winner.

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