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David Ickes 'Moon Matrix'

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Ok I'm sure many have come across Icke and reptilians, seeing as there are threads about them. But what do you make of his latest conclusion? I shall Link his latest book (unreleased at this time) HERE


But quote the parts of more interest to me below:


"His most staggering revelation is that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a heavenly body, but an artificial construct a gigantic spacecraft (probably a hollowed-out 'planetoid') which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons.


He describes what he calls the Moon Matrix, a fake reality broadcast from the Moon which is decoded by the human body/mind in much the same way as portrayed in the Matrix movie trilogy. The Moon Matrix has hacked into the human body-computer system, he says, and it is feeding us a manipulated sense of self and the world 24/7."



So..... :unsure: well... I can't say I buy it, sounds pretty whack. So whats your take on this? Anything or anyone you know that can back-up this claim?


(reptilians are also welcome to share what they know :lol:)



Ha! Moon matrix ha! Society does this to the mind and controls the common into how we act and think on this globe. There are fellow friends stationed up there, guardians if you like for what is about to unfold in a latter date.


Sounds like someone got stoned and watched way to much T.V. soon it will be a religion. ha ha hah!

Edited by Z3N

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Dont know. The theory that the moon is not a crater from the earth is not his theory. Russian scientists have been speculating about that since the 1950's. What is his theory though is the whole control station projecting a false sense of self...


I don't know what to make about that but maybe hes having kundalooni trip? He does seem to write some of the best information on the banking families that rule the world..but he makes alot of connections in old stale occult theories that are irrelavent to his cause.

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I think I recall Drew Hempel stating something about how the Moon absorbs our thoughts. I thought that was pretty interesting.


my 2 cents on the Moon Matrix theory: The moon is continually growing. You can tell by analyzing the dark patches of the moon, which is actually NEW land created over time. This can be confirmed by analyzing the lack of craters from meteors and other celestial impacts in the dark patches, and the massive amounts of craters in the lighter areas of the moon. This can only be possible because the dark areas of the moon, at some point, were not there, thus proving the growth of the moon over the course of time.


Unless of course the Aliens who control the moon can increase its size? They're expanding? lol.

Edited by hyok

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I once came across an interview with a guy called John Lear (just checked it now) who claimed that the moon is full of bases or something similar.

The interesting part about this guy is that he's the son of the Lear Jet inventor, Bill Lear.


It sounds all quite far-fetched, but in this time of swine flu apparent hoaxes and panic mongering, etc. who knows what is really true and what isn't.

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I find it entertaining how people will reject this idea even though The moon is right there at least, everyone sees it, i can even make the anecdotal argument about the reason that people tend to "go wild" (heavy drinking, fighting, robbing, bad stuff etc..) at night is because the moons influence is greater then than during daylight.

Not to mention the full moon madness that some people say goes on.


How can you accept things like hungry ghosts, nature spirits, deities etc etc.. which many of you have never even seen?


Ickes theory is at least as good as the devil/hell theory. Its just that the negative entities you thought were beneath the earth actually live on the moon :lol:


How can you treat 2 things differently when they're both no provable?


(this is general, i m sure some may have reasons to believe what they do through experience)

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My brain would probably starve and die without TTBs - i love you guys :wub::blush: (even the really whacky ones)

Edited by effilang

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