
Death By Medicine

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The AMA, FDA and most doctors by extension are legal drug pushers. All anyone needs do is read the contraindication data on any pharmaceutical medicine, most of which have been isolated from naturally occurring compounds and then synthesized so they can be patented and profited from. Certainly doctors are necessary for certain things, but most in the western world have been through AMA designed and approved training, so book smart yes but their knowledge and bias, is evident from that same training. Has anyone ever seen any pharmaceutical drug that cures anything without causing alternative problems? The AMA and FDA are corrupt for profit entities, and a threat to humanity!


A quote from the first link about the history of the American Medical Association;


"The AMA opposed healing approaches such as homeopathy, a popular system based on the beliefs of a German physician that prescribed tinctures of herbs and minerals that had been so diluted as to render them biologically inactive. AMA members were traditional medical doctors, and the organization tried to ensure that institutions calling themselves medical schools were not teaching alternative or spiritual healing."


To learn about the AMA;


AMA History Of


"This fully referenced report shows the number of people having in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to be 2.2 million per year. The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections is 20 million per year. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million per year. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million per year."


"The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.5)"


Death By Medicine PDF


More Information about "Death By Medicine";


Medical System Leading Cause


Anual Causes


AMA, FDA & Pharmaceutical Companies


"It's being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer's speakers' bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals."


Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck


We are now witnessing the health industry in shambles because of the corruption of the very principal of medicine and healing, this "health care system" is everything but that, and is not designed for or interested in making anyone healthy because that would be bad for business.


More inconvenient facts;


The Prescription Project


Residency Program Addresses Drug Company Influence


The Vaccine War, vaccines cause autism in children;


Side Effects


Fighting the Autism-Vaccine War


The health industry as a whole and most doctors as a result of it, don't really know much about Health or what a Human really is!


Most people still go to the doctor and follow their advice hence the fatality numbers in the above linked data. The problems in this world are systemic because people rely on others for their needs and knowledge.


Who do you think is behind the move to outlaw vitamins, minerals, you producing your own food and learning about what you choose to?


The Paradigm is changing. Choose Life, take responsibility for your own and help others with theirs to the best of your abilities daily!


Engineering Balance.

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A lot of doctors know all about all of this, and are moving away from the pseudo-medicine they learned in medical school. The trend is growing. Be patient :)

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