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I am an absolute beginner and very confuzed and with some kind of hope in this,well thats my person and good day to everyone!

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Hi Tio San,




May you enjoy your time here.


Hey, we all were beginners at one point in our life.


Best Wishes!


Peace & Love!

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I am starting with meditation but after five min.something in me try to run away,problems with my brain,I had a "bad time"during the civil war in my country,lak of concentration.But still I trying to colect myself and find some peace,does anyone have some suggestiones or something like that.I have start with 8 exercises(mantak chia)in 8 directions and find that wery useful to my body.I am grateful for any suggestion and help...

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Yes, I think meditation is a good place to start.


Don't get discouraged. Meditation takes time to learn and get 'into'.


I have no specific suggestions. I will say though that clearing one's mind of thought is of great importance. This is not an easy task.


There are many threads here that speak to meditation. Try different methods until you find one that works for you and then you can build on that method and also go into other areas of self-realization.


Best Wishes.


Peace & Love!

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UNDERSTOOD!and thx.this "must"be done!I hawe read fhew books from Osho and I feel now is a moment for me.My turn,wish me luck :blink:

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