
Has a higher power ever saved your butt?

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internal/external, dependant/independant, Tao/non-Tao (mundane) are these distinctions you are really qualified to make?


Yea I know the whole "ego" thing, and the realization that who's to really say that whatever higher power that can help is NOT you, all is one, etc. I guess intellectually I can grasp it, but not experientially, or maybe it's the other way around? I guess maybe ego gets in the way yea.

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Yea I know the whole "ego" thing, and the realization that who's to really say that whatever higher power that can help is NOT you, all is one, etc. I guess intellectually I can grasp it, but not experientially, or maybe it's the other way around? I guess maybe ego gets in the way yea.

just curious.. if you think your are totally responsible for your own solutions.. does that also make you totally responsible (the cause of) your own obsticles? does cause differ from effect in your intellectual understanding? i promise im not trying to be contrite or rude, just curious on your point of veiw..

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