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POSITIONS for Lower Tan Tien breathing

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One of the cool things about SunDo is that they have lots of positions that you go through while doing lower tan tien (LTT) breathing. Basically you apply the SunDo breath (pictured here, which mixes essence and breath) three times (1 breath = 5 seconds inhale + 5 seconds exhale) for each posture. .. and the postures work different angles to open you in different ways.




'Balance.' (a member here at TTBs) recently referred me to this pdf w/ a set of beginning SunDo postures (from the "publications" section of the SunDo website. Interesting, cool. :)


Another resource I've recently found that has great positions for LTT breathing is P90X's "core synergistics" exercises (examples below). I just modify them a little, hold the positions, and do LTT breathing.



P90X core vid at yt, and


Many of these different positions are really simple.. obvious even, once you know about them. And helpful.


Anyone else have positions etc that help with integrating LTT breathing?


- Trunk

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Hi Trunk.


I have 72 positions, to open up the body and build the dan tians in Sunn Yee Gung!


Your on the right track bro!



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I havnt read the rest of the thread. Once wuji is established dan tuen breathing can be continued indefinately through all positions if the same principles are followed that guided you to standing wuji. If I had to count all the pointz on te compass in which I've melted through duality using these same principles it's numbers circumnavigate the compass, onceband for all. Geometrically significant once you find one, practice eventually reveals them all as one.


One thing that comes to mind is conducting the taichichuan forms from the dan tien first an letting the rest of the body follow the movements from the still center within the dan tien. The little effects the big, move second arrive first.


It is an effective pump to charge any energetic banner your body wave is flagging

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If lying on your side, its a bit easier to get the "rolling" motion I've described about starting the inhale from the bottom/back of the diaphragm. Its a roll, but at the same time its not a roll :) In my experience the vagus nerve seems to get agitated by herky jerky breath, and if you follow the connections, the heart is just above where the vagus passes through the diaphragm - so if you're not smoothing that breath-motion out, you wont be able to calm yourself sufficiently to go overly deep into the breath!

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