
Stillness Movement Neigong and Michael Lomax's 'Light Warrior's Guide' Book

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A great read! it was great to meet you guys, do keep in contact. I hope I can meet you again one day.

Kempomaster has been very busy recently - in fact he is helping me to set up a workshop for November. Hopefully he will drop in and reply, but in the meantime I wanted to say that the whole group asks about you and we all talk about how nice it was to meet you. You are always welcome to join us when you can.

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If you want beaches don't forget the island of Australia :D

We can offer deserted tropical beaches (even "private" islands) although I admit I do derive some small amusement watching the public avoid me when I practice Tong Long on a beach, they come much closer when it's Tai Chi :lol:

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If you want beaches don't forget the island of Australia :D

We can offer deserted tropical beaches (even "private" islands) although I admit I do derive some small amusement watching the public avoid me when I practice Tong Long on a beach, they come much closer when it's Tai Chi :lol:


Is that deserted because of the salt water crocodiles or the sharks? :lol:


Seriously though, I should get to Oz sometime. I've people there who've invited me to visit sometime, including family (recent arrivals, no shackles required :P )

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Is that deserted because of the salt water crocodiles or the sharks? :lol:




Don't forget the killer jellyfish, octopus and stingrays :lol::P


Seriously though....after reading this thread, I'll put my hand up for a session on a 'beach somewhere in OZ' :)

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If you want beaches don't forget the island of Australia :D

We can offer deserted tropical beaches (even "private" islands) although I admit I do derive some small amusement watching the public avoid me when I practice Tong Long on a beach, they come much closer when it's Tai Chi :lol:

Would love to get an opportunity to go to Australia. I have never been to your country. Deserted beaches sound really nice.



Seriously though....after reading this thread, I'll put my hand up for a session on a 'beach somewhere in OZ' :)


It's not a beach in OZ but we are having a Stillness-Movement workshop in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA November 13,14,15. There is a really neat Big Cat sanctuary near there. The last time we were there we all went out to do qigong with the lions, tigers and leopards. Really cool! And after class on Saturday we had a literal feast prepared by an extremely talented first class chef by the name of "Chi". Hoping for a repeat on this.


Several folks are involved in trying to get a workshop set up in London for end of January/February 2011. It looks promising. The email for interest in the workshop is [email protected].

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Would love to get an opportunity to go to Australia. I have never been to your country. Deserted beaches sound really nice.




It's not a beach in OZ but we are having a Stillness-Movement workshop in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA November 13,14,15. There is a really neat Big Cat sanctuary near there. The last time we were there we all went out to do qigong with the lions, tigers and leopards. Really cool! And after class on Saturday we had a literal feast prepared by an extremely talented first class chef by the name of "Chi". Hoping for a repeat on this.


Several folks are involved in trying to get a workshop set up in London for end of January/February 2011. It looks promising. The email for interest in the workshop is [email protected].

Well I have a beach house right on the coast of Sunny Queensland ... lil place called Yeppoon. Y'all welcome to come stay and we can qigong up and down the beaches to our hearts content. Jump in a boat across to Keppell island ... some groovy private beaches there.



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Is that deserted because of the salt water crocodiles or the sharks? :lol:


Insert - Skin cancer, Spiders, Snakes, Stone Fish


Don't forget the killer jellyfish, octopus and stingrays :lol::P


and now we have (most) of the dangers covered :lol:


But don't let that worry you, it's pretty safe, and Keppell is very beautiful.

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Well I have a beach house right on the coast of Sunny Queensland ... lil place called Yeppoon. Y'all welcome to come stay and we can qigong up and down the beaches to our hearts content. Jump in a boat across to Keppell island ... some groovy private beaches there.



How about next weekend? :) (sorry mjjbecker, Greece will have to wait until the weekend after)


Sounds like a really neat place. I'm sure we will meet up one day.

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Well no sunny beaches to offer I'm afraid :(


But those willing to bear January in England are more than welcome to come and meet Michael :D






mjjbecker- Maybe next time we should go for a Sunny Greek location Mike B)


But you told me before I agreed to teach there that we would have plenty of Sun and free flowing porter...

...Just kidding...

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"But you told me before I agreed to teach there that we would have plenty of Sun and free flowing porter...

...Just kidding..."



Now, I wonder what it would take in alms to get Ya Mu here in the middle of January ;)


- reference to typically disagreable weather. No beaches either. I gotta ask, why do all those great teachers have to go live in warm places with neat weather and beaches?


And don't tell me it's to do with local energy vortexes when the Tibetans and the Siberians can obviously make do with steppes and mountains and caves and such <_<

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I gotta ask, why do all those great teachers have to go live in warm places with neat weather and beaches?


That is not what Missouri is like Kate.

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"That is not what Missouri is like Kate."


Missouri-Hawai- Maui, Bali, Bondai all sounds the same to me :P

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:closedeyes: Hi there,


I tried both the Stillness Movement Neigung (SMN) and the Gift of Tao (GoT).

Without "Lighting the Fire" and no LIGHT in the Dantien it is to a certain degree

difficult to cultivate to a satisfiying degree. Starting at Zero for most or 10%

will take much of the own effort and time one spend in the practise.

A reason to go to a teacher who can short cut it by doing the two things above.

The problem I see lies direct in the "Form". For those who know the SMN the "Form" is build up by the 3x3 Steps

before "Allow everything to happen".

When one not have the backup of the teacher then the 3x3Repetition maybe not enough to introduce the Flow of the Dantien.(It is easier to establish a Flow with awareness on the full body to let the Flow which is produced flow,

different Wong Kiew Kit Style.

Also I discertain between 4 different Spontanues movement.

1. Movement by release of surpression.

2. The Flow that is by the Form itself

3. The allignment

4. Reaction to specific change in the surrounding (music for example)


If all this settle down it becomes internal movement.


Very nice is the last part with a pretty long closing of the exercise.

Also nice is that one "can practise while sitting in a buisness meeting" (I think the outer movement should have settle down before one start it in a buisness.... well one not want to "Roar like a Tiger" or make grimass like a Monkey.... a hint to practise this 24/7 which leads me to the experimental question:)


"After how many hours one need to do a closing when one is 24/7 exercise and centered in the dantien and the awareness comes FROM the Dantien and not the awarness is ON the Dantien?"


I have also a opinion for the fixed Form. I think the Stillness Movement Part is lost in many Tradition.

The fixed Form is to establish a specific flow. When one goes in Stillness Movement then one can let the Flow do the job before closing. A fixed Form may have been found while beeing in a highten state of awareness

one should read Carlos Castanedas Tensigrity to undestand what I try to say which leads to :


"The Gift of the Tao"

This set has movement which can described like Tai Chi movement and Bagua movement. Circular and non linear.

18 movement. It was strange for me to make this "Set".

For strange kind of reason my room becomes crowed and I get the feeling that I have to be careful not to bump on "someone". This Set has a special that the LIGHT is also gathered around like non weting water which flow above

glass. This is how it appears to me while doing this set. I also have the feeling that there is a attunement

by watching the DVD and that the state is more hightend while watching the DVD and do the Set.





Also nice is that one "can practise while sitting in a buisness meeting" (I think the outer movement should have settle down before one start it in a buisness.... well one not want to "Roar like a Tiger" or make grimass like a Monkey...


Yes, this method can be utilized to have a higher degree of awareness in a business meeting but can really be applied anywhere. I think you are correct - works better after one has practiced awhile.


"After how many hours one need to do a closing when one is 24/7 exercise and centered in the dantien and the awareness comes FROM the Dantien and not the awarness is ON the Dantien?"

The closing can really be done at anytime, even during periods of non-qigong, and in that, is a qigong unto itself. You correctly observe that the 24/7 is an awareness and not the exact same as the concentrated. So really the closing does not have to be done except with the concentrated practice OR whenever one feels the need.


The Stillness-Movement, when approached without the teacher, can take a bit of time. Initially one is only doing Stillness and not Stillness-Movement. Heck, it is hard for many people to just do Stillness. This is where the Teacher comes in, to help make that happen. There are no absolutes in this because it really depends on "who you are"; I have talked about this concept many times on this board and will not go into it much here, but it can be described as "soul experience".


About Gift of the Tao; I much prefer doing it outdoors as it becomes "really big". Your observations are spot on.

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I received my copy of the Light Warrior book and DVD in the post yesterday and have enjoyed reading it so far, it is more like a Shaman book than many other Qigong books I have read which is a good thing in my opinio, having done some Shamanistic work in the past I have some understanding of terms like intent and non liniar time and space which help I think. I have a question about the Stillness movement method described in the book, you do the setup with bringing your awareness to the dan tian placing hands, doing the three movements etc, then after that is done do you keep bringing your mind back down to the Dan tian as the focus point of the meditation? or do you literally just let the mind go and do what it wants?because my monkey mind won't keep awareness of the dan tian without efforts but efforts are opposite of just BEing as far as I understand.


I get why you really need a teacher in person for this but that is not possible at the moment so I'll have to make do with books and DVD for now. My first attempt generated a lot of heat which I hope was a good thing, it felt good anyway.

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I received my copy of the Light Warrior book and DVD in the post yesterday and have enjoyed reading it so far, it is more like a Shaman book than many other Qigong books I have read which is a good thing in my opinio, having done some Shamanistic work in the past I have some understanding of terms like intent and non liniar time and space which help I think. I have a question about the Stillness movement method described in the book, you do the setup with bringing your awareness to the dan tian placing hands, doing the three movements etc, then after that is done do you keep bringing your mind back down to the Dan tian as the focus point of the meditation? or do you literally just let the mind go and do what it wants?because my monkey mind won't keep awareness of the dan tian without efforts but efforts are opposite of just BEing as far as I understand.


I get why you really need a teacher in person for this but that is not possible at the moment so I'll have to make do with books and DVD for now. My first attempt generated a lot of heat which I hope was a good thing, it felt good anyway.

The heat is good, especially at first session.

To answer your question, keep awareness on dan tian , not mind-focus.

Edited by Ya Mu
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Thanks for the clarification Micheal.

I will try the Gift of Tao outdoors. I did it indoors until now because my Room is a "Place of Power"

with the special spot in a room which is mentioned by Carlos Castaneda and charged with "Sacred" (raising the vibration,fine tuning of the room), not easy for me to find a place outdoors that has this quality.



It is ok to do it indoors, it is just that the physicality needs "big" (as you discovered). You can find a natural vortex outside if you look - these are great to do Gift of Tao. Also, if you choose a certain spot and practice there it will become a place of power after you shift enough at the same spot.


If I understand you correctly, the Beings of Light that you were running into were drawn to the vibration, as in they are curious when they encounter these Higher-Level Light vibrations, so when you shift they follow you back.

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To truly understand Michaels Lomax's Light Warriors Guide Book as well as Michael's DVD - Gift of the Tao - I would suggest that you attend a Stillness-Movement workshop.


That being said - I will be hosting a workshop in Terre Haute, IN (approximately 1 hour east of indianapolis, IN) the weekend of November 13,14,15. This event will take place at the downtown Hilton Garden Inn, 725 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute, IN phone 812-234-3400. There are still some rooms available at a discount rate of $99 per night if you mention that you are attending the Chinese Energy Healing Seminar. You may also share the room with another seminar attendee and save some money. By staying at the Hilton you'll be able to simply walk downstairs and be able to attend the seminar, plus, there are many restaurants etc within walking distance of the Hotel.


If you have not attended a seminar in the past, I believe you will be amazed at what you learn over the course of the weekend. Typically we spend the 1st two days learning/practicing Stillness-Movement Neigong. This extremely High Level method of Qigong is enhanced by Michaels ability to project energy into each person and ignite their dantian and begin to transfer the Stillness lineage to each individual. Michael keeps the workshop interesting with a brief powerpoint presentation that includes some historic info on Master Wang and Taoist Master - Dr. Graef. In addition, many different movement based Qigong methods are included - as well as The Gift of the Tao Movement system. So, those fascinated with Qigong and looking to see how this wonderful energetic system will enhance their well being will not be disappointed. You will get 6 - 8 hours daily of Qigong and should leave feeling energized yet incredibly relaxed.


Day 3 - is the stuff I have been waiting a lifetime to find- True medical Qigong from a qualified Medical Qigong Teacher. We will work on individuals that have real physical issues and the typical results are amazing. The Medical Qigong techniques have been handed down in the lineage and have been proven to work over the ages. After my 1st seminar I was able to positively affect many individuals with a variety of ailments - including muscle and tendon inflammation issues. Many of those that i treated following the 1st seminar were actual MD's in the Terre Haute area - they were all astonished that I was able to get rid of an issue that had plagued them for months. Lastly, the Taoist Neuroenergetic system is unique and extremely effective. Not only have I had a dramatic effect on numerous human patients but I have also treated many dogs including several that had serious injuries that responded 100% to the treatment much to their owners delight.


So, if you are considering attending a Qigong seminar and/or have an interest in Medical Qigong I would encourage you to visit Michael Lomax's website at Qigongamerica.com and read up about the seminar - but - more -- make the jump and have a positive effect on your life and those around you by learning Stillness-Movement from Michael lomax.


Thanks for reading,



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is the stuff I have been waiting a lifetime to find- True medical Qigong from a qualified Medical Qigong Teacher.


More of *THAT* is desperately needed in the field. :o

I haven't studied any of MLomax's material but the response from others reads very positive. :)

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To truly understand Michaels Lomax's Light Warriors Guide Book as well as Michael's DVD - Gift of the Tao - I would suggest that you attend a Stillness-Movement workshop.


That being said - I will be hosting a workshop in Terre Haute, IN (approximately 1 hour east of indianapolis, IN) the weekend of November 13,14,15. This event will take place at the downtown Hilton Garden Inn, 725 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute, IN phone 812-234-3400. There are still some rooms available at a discount rate of $99 per night if you mention that you are attending the Chinese Energy Healing Seminar. You may also share the room with another seminar attendee and save some money. By staying at the Hilton you'll be able to simply walk downstairs and be able to attend the seminar, plus, there are many restaurants etc within walking distance of the Hotel.


If you have not attended a seminar in the past, I believe you will be amazed at what you learn over the course of the weekend. Typically we spend the 1st two days learning/practicing Stillness-Movement Neigong. This extremely High Level method of Qigong is enhanced by Michaels ability to project energy into each person and ignite their dantian and begin to transfer the Stillness lineage to each individual. Michael keeps the workshop interesting with a brief powerpoint presentation that includes some historic info on Master Wang and Taoist Master - Dr. Graef. In addition, many different movement based Qigong methods are included - as well as The Gift of the Tao Movement system. So, those fascinated with Qigong and looking to see how this wonderful energetic system will enhance their well being will not be disappointed. You will get 6 - 8 hours daily of Qigong and should leave feeling energized yet incredibly relaxed.


Day 3 - is the stuff I have been waiting a lifetime to find- True medical Qigong from a qualified Medical Qigong Teacher. We will work on individuals that have real physical issues and the typical results are amazing. The Medical Qigong techniques have been handed down in the lineage and have been proven to work over the ages. After my 1st seminar I was able to positively affect many individuals with a variety of ailments - including muscle and tendon inflammation issues. Many of those that i treated following the 1st seminar were actual MD's in the Terre Haute area - they were all astonished that I was able to get rid of an issue that had plagued them for months. Lastly, the Taoist Neuroenergetic system is unique and extremely effective. Not only have I had a dramatic effect on numerous human patients but I have also treated many dogs including several that had serious injuries that responded 100% to the treatment much to their owners delight.


So, if you are considering attending a Qigong seminar and/or have an interest in Medical Qigong I would encourage you to visit Michael Lomax's website at Qigongamerica.com and read up about the seminar - but - more -- make the jump and have a positive effect on your life and those around you by learning Stillness-Movement from Michael lomax.


Thanks for reading,




Very cool, thanks for the heads up!

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So I did the Gift of Tao outside at night in a Park - at Halloween.

I walk slowly until I reach a place in the park where I stop go and turn around until I face the direction

my body stop. I did the Gift of Tao. It becomes light 30 feet around me. Different is that everything seem to avoid this light, no beings like in my room. The differene is also that Part 17 take more repetition.

After I done and walk away the light field start to shrink and the darkness push it back as it was before I did the Exercise.(More fun when I channel the Stillness Movement into the Movements of the Gift of the Tao)


Other Question.

Since the Stillness Movement can be done in buisness, means on is not indulged with things on do -one can play

console games ^^ (which I did after 1hour standing SMF - in a sitting position without loosing the 10 hit combos or get out of the Dantien) when one is not induldged into attention or the action. The Question is what is one have to take attention when one change the position : As example from sitting on chair to sitting Crosslegged and than standing up(as for me I can maintain this state - it is even 2 hours now and I write the post here- it is just adjustment for typing as I swing left -right I feel as if I am on a wooden boat).


Else the Stillness Movement becomes from the complicate movement to a hour long turning left right from the

Dantien (Orthodox Standing SMF). Tick tock - Tick Tock an my face smile^^


I am excited to see what happens when one do this with a filled Dantien!

Enjoy Light!



I did the Gift of Tao. It becomes light 30 feet around me.

Yes, this is one of the things I mean about "these movements are BIG".


Your question:

I do Stillness-Movement when watching a movie and while doing the myriad things.


(More fun when I channel the Stillness Movement into the Movements of the Gift of the Tao)

Methinks Thou Dost have Goodly Understanding!

You will do well with this.

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Since the Stillness Movement can be done in buisness, means on is not indulged with things on do -one can play

console games ^^ (which I did after 1hour standing SMF - in a sitting position without loosing the 10 hit combos or get out of the Dantien) when one is not induldged into attention or the action.


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