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what are your views on life and death?


I have read an article about suicide and it said basicly that suicide was an impulsive thing. People act without thinking, pull the trigger, they usually got the idea out of nowhere, and never contemplate for too long before succesfully killing themselves. For these guys, its not really the emotional state that determines the probability of suicide. Those who do think on and on about death, because they're depressed, take pills (not really effective for stopping your body hmmm?) and seek attention that usually helps sort out their problems.


Don't get me wrong, but I'm not trying the create the kind of topic to feel depressed about and whine about that life is short and everyone dies, mwuaaaah mwhaaaah. I'd simply like to discuss this concept/value/idea/communication/believe of life and death, since especially toaist seem to have such an interesting view on this topic! :)


So lets create some food for thought on this TABOOOOOOOOoooooo. :P


Everything will read your comments :D:D:D


EDIT: My view is that life and death are the same, only you stop functioning "normally" in the eyes of humans, so they call you dead for the sake of communication. Death is just a word. And as far as instinct goes, fear of death is for initiating boys into manhood.

Edited by Everything

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Life and death are not the same.


If you spend time with someone who is about to die, you feel how precious life is, and how much time is wasted not appreciating it.


Suicide is a serious topic, and not to be taken lightly.



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Okay, I just got into my non-Taoist shorts and will agree with Hagar in that live and death are not the same.


While we are alive we have many concerns. After we die nothing matters.


However, suicide is not consistent with Taoist Philosophy. We are supposed to accept death when it arrives but we are not to rush it.


Yes, everyone will die. But let it happen naturally. And while we are alive we should live. If we have problems so great that we want to take our life I would suggest that we have not been doing what needs be done.


I would make an exception for people who are terminally ill, with no chance for a livable life and in constant pain. I doubt I would take my own life even in these conditions but I can understand someone wanting that.


Peace & Love!

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Suicide is occasionally an impulsive action but is more commonly something the person has thought about extensively, even obsessively. Frequently, success is unintentional and the attempt was merely a cry for help or for attention. Also frequently, however, it is an action deemed "the last resort" by a deeply distraught and often chemically imbalanced person. Have these people truly thought through the ramifications and implications? Usually not but they generally believe that they have! In their personal analysis, they have reached the conclusion that their life is no longer worth living. Whether that analysis was rational really has to be examined on a case by case basis.


As to the difference between life and death, the biggest difference is that we know fairly well what life offers at a given moment but we don't really know what death offers. It is "the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns..." Beyond that is mostly speculation or faith.

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... but I believe you get the gist.


Yes, I completely understand what you have said. And I am in agreement. I won't make comment at this time because I am not quite ready to get into another heated discussion as I am just now cooling down from the last one. Hehehe.


Peace & Love!

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