
Are herbs going to become illegal in Europe?

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Oh my, oh my, what will they go after next???!!!! The trees.


Just kidding, actually it looks like on April Fools the stores that carry herbs will be just as stocked as ever. If you have a few minutes to google it, it looks like the legislature will demand a level of certification of safety and standardization for herbs.


It shouldn't be a problem for any medium or larger distributor. Smaller ones might have problems. Course really small individuals may not give a damn since they already have a close relationship w/ customers and really will police go after you for unlicensed chamomile??


I know Germany has already had prescription type herbals for years. In that way they're way ahead of the U.S. where there are so many manufacturers we may well be buying 'junk' herbs half the time. Its also allowed for the best controlled tests on herbs which have proved there effectiveness.


IMO its not a great piece of legislation, but its not hair raising prohibition either.




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Guest paul walter


This article seems to indicate that the situation for medicinal herbs is very dire in Europe. I don't live in Europe and I know nothing of this, but if it's true, it is concerning. I figured I'd pass it on for all the Europeans here.



Yes this is true. You will only be able to get herbs/vitamins in potencies of tinctures, pills etc that have little real effect because of so-called "standardisation" (most tests on herbs are done at below efficacy level for the conditions tested, then pronounced ineffective). It has been going on for years by stealth with some real attempts to derail the popularity of herbs/naturopathy (see the Pan Pharmaceuticals debacle in 'my' country Australia for an indication of how they are doing it--if the same 'rules' were applied to Bigger Pharma there would be no "medicines" left!). One of the first people to get me interested in herbs was a famous herbalist named Kitty Campion, who a few years ago moved to Australia because it became "impossible" for her to operate her practice anymore due to the restrictions on herbal availability in the U.K. even to Herbalists. So , yes, it will only get worse. Same with organics which they are trying to destroy. In the U.S. a few years back they (FDA-USDA) re-defined the term legally so that it could include at least 39 chemical inputs! In Europe they have had the EU trying to ban things being labelled bio-dynamic (the Steiner system of agriculture/food production that works with the cycles of the earth/planets)and any claims pertaining to such produce. Paul.

Edited by paul walter

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