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Greetings everyone,


I've been interested in Taoism, Yoga, Buddhism, enlightenment, nonduality and various types of healing modalities for the past few years. I've spent some time meditating here and there, but I have never picked up a continuous practice. However after recently discovering the tremendous benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong I've decided it's time to give something a go for real and stick with it.


Taoist and gigong meditations really seem to draw me to them. I'm interested in learning all that I can here this here seems like a great place.


Thanks for having me :) Looking forward to learning a lot.



Edited by crispy91

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I used t otry eveyrthing and then I tried Falun Dafa and have sticked to that ever since. Not an easy practice but it is free of charge, has a real Master and gives tremendous progress in terms of Gong level.


You might be interested in reading this book - Zhuan Falun: - indeed not the average book about life and self-cultivation at the high level.

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