
Sheng Zhen Qigong anyone familiar with this?

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Master Li Jun Feng, former coach for the chinese national wushu team teaches a style of qigong known as Sheng Zhen Qigong. Is anyone familiar with it? Is it good? Can you describe it a bit for me? I met a lady that that has been practicing it for a number of years and she gave me a quick healing which I found very balanced, pleasurable and impressive so I got curios about the system.

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I only vaguely remember Michael Winn saying it was channeled stuff, but pretty powerful. There is a member Sheng Zhen here, maybe there is a connection? :lol:

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I only vaguely remember Michael Winn saying it was channeled stuff, but pretty powerful. There is a member Sheng Zhen here, maybe there is a connection? :lol:


THanks :)

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There might be about a dozen different forms within Sheng Zhen Qigong... about half are standing and other half are sitting. Some are named after spiritual leaders: Kuan Yin, Jesus, Mohammed, and Lao Tzu. And there's healing form along with a form called awakening the soul.


He describes Sheng Zhen as the Qi Gong of unconditional love, so it does seem to have more of a spiritual flavor to the focus. He does also teaches a sitting and lying down meditation with a type of micro/macro cosmic orbit...


I've only learned & practice the Kuan Yin standing moving form.. I found the 10 different postures pretty easy to learn, however difficult to master. So it's nice that it's easy yet still challenging.


Here's his youtube channel where there are videos of him performing some of the various forms:


This is a video documentary of his daughter Li Jing where she covers deeper aspects:

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