Do you believe you may have been contacted or abducted?
31 members have voted
1. Do you believe you may have been contacted at any time in your life?
by alien, extraterrestrial beings3
by their human agents, representatives, collaborators, or servants2
by humans camouflaged as alien beings, or using alien technology, or using human technology camouflaged as alien technology0
via technology or methods whose origins are unknown to you4
none of the above25
2. Do you believe you may have been abducted at any time in your life?
by alien, extraterrestrial beings3
by their human agents, representatives, collaborators or servants2
by humans camouflaged as alien beings, or using alien technology, or using human technology camouflaged as alien technology0
via technology or methods whose origins are unknown to you4
none of the above25
3. Have you ever experienced missing time?
a few minutes you couldn't account for and have no memory of consciously living through9
a few hours you couldn't account for and have no memory of consciously living through6
a few days you couldn't account for and have no memory of consciously living through2
a few weeks, months, or years you couldn't account for and have no memory of consciously living through0
none of the above17