
TTB Reputation System?

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I am considering making a few new taobum user so I can use them as a fanclub voting up every single thing I post making me the most spectacularly popular bum ever. My rating will never be below pluss 100.


By the way I just voted up this post with this user so even without making new users I can maintain a fairly decent reputation just by selfloving :lol:

Edited by markern
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Yes! I had -33 a few hours ago... now it's down to negative 13, LOL! :lol:



..Reminds me of a something Andy Warhol said.... "I never read my reviews, I only measure them with a ruler." :lol:




In terms of the actual rating system, if it was indeed decided that it would remain operative, what if the names of those who decide to cast a vote we're displayed by the respective post? It seems to me that such a step would make those inclined to throw stones from behind a wall might second guess picking up the rock in the first place... More accountability and responsibility.



... otherwise, it's already clear that there are those unable to restrain themselves within the parameters laid out by the current system.


That said, I do see benefits possible in terms of the archiving of posts of note... but it seems that there must be a better way of going about it that doesn't begin to involve the senseless pursuit of high reputation or the denigration of a particular individual whose beliefs may run so contrary to another member. We here are supposed to have open minds and open hearts.


But there are also those who sling about cruel remarks that go well beyond simple and necessary disagreement with such regularity that having a rating system might encourage such callous individuals to refrain from familiar action.


.... There seems also something to be said for such rabble-rousers, though. I feel like they can be helpful in so far as mixing things up...


So, I'm all over the place with the rating system... If it is to stay, I think we should have a display by the post that shows who has cast a vote. I think we should be held accountable.


..... but it does seem easier to revert back... Seems to me that people have done a good job in the past of ignoring those who consistently enough had nothing of value to add... I think it's also important to keep in mind that both the good and the bad comprise the whole.




Edited by balance.

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Taoists of the Way (not "Taoists" of the internet ego-societies) are not concerned with "reputation", it is not the Way of Taoism, and this is a TAOIST FORUM... logic people, it's THAT simple! A taoist does not know what this word reputation means. A reputation system ingrains false values of non-Taoist nature into a Taoist community; what kind of message is that suppose to convey to newcomers who know nothing of Taoism and come here to learn? The first thing they notice is that common perceptual inadequacy deems the worthiness of a post that is most likely to be misunderstood on some level by more than half of the readers in the first place. I would not be surprised that if hypothetically a true Taoist master came on these forums and made true Taoist-natured posts of mysterious/elusive nature he would be neg rep slammed by all the newbies who don't know what is being conveyed, thus perpetuating an illusion of "this information is better than that, don't consider that information, only comprehend and believe this" as a response mechanism to this ridiculous VALUE system; don't you people understand, Taoists do not attach VALUE to anything? The sage sees all the 10,000 things as straw dogs. The sage sees all things as impartial. The sage is NOT sentimental. This system contradicts all inherent principles of Taoism; get rid of it please, it is an unnecessary nuisance.

Edited by fizix

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If we just make people want to leave, then all that we have left is our own stupidity, with no one to challenge it.


That's hillarious. Made me laugh outloud!


Thanks everyone for the support by the way, Creation, Scotty, CowTao, Marbleizing Head-wrap, Apech...


But hey! Praise and blame, it's all the same, equilibrium ain't lame.

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I am considering making a few new taobum user so I can use them as a fanclub voting up every single thing I post making me the most spectacularly popular bum ever. My rating will never be below pluss 100.


By the way I just voted up this post with this user so even without making new users I can maintain a fairly decent reputation just by selfloving :lol:


But you see, everything that goes (except chi to the head) up must come down.

I don't vote posts up or down depending if I like them. Instead I look at what ratings they have, what rating according to me they should have, and I thumb up or down to make the rating approach the optimal rating. So if you rise your posts to high, I will always lower them, even when I like them.


But you do have a good point that no one should be allowed to self vote. Reputation is someone you receive from others as a result for something that you do.


Also in slashdot, who have been exploring reputation before, you don't have an infinite number of points to vote others up and down. Just from time to time you are given some points. You can't store them. You can't use them on yourself. And you receive those points in a way that is somehow related to how much activity you do. So if you have 1000 accounts, you still would get the same number of points, unless each of those accounts is active.


The simple way of just letting everybody vote, is asking for a group of people that just vote each other up, and vote everybody that do not agree with them down. It has happened in other groups often. Especially if there is a filter system where you can just ask to see only the posts above a certain value.


So if we are not in control of the voting system because we are using a package, maybe we should not give too much importance to it, play with it, and then take it off before it starts to make some real damage.

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Taoists of the Way (not "Taoists" of the internet ego-societies) are not concerned with "reputation", it is not the Way of Taoism, and this is a TAOIST FORUM... logic people, it's THAT simple! A taoist does not know what this word reputation means. A reputation system ingrains false values of non-Taoist nature into a Taoist community; what kind of message is that suppose to convey to newcomers who know nothing of Taoism and come here to learn? The first thing they notice is that common perceptual inadequacy deems the worthiness of a post that is most likely to be misunderstood on some level by more than half of the readers in the first place. I would not be surprised that if hypothetically a true Taoist master came on these forums and made true Taoist-natured posts of mysterious/elusive nature he would be neg rep slammed by all the newbies who don't know what is being conveyed, thus perpetuating an illusion of "this information is better than that, don't consider that information, only comprehend and believe this" as a response mechanism to this ridiculous VALUE system; don't you people understand, Taoists do not attach VALUE to anything? The sage sees all the 10,000 things as straw dogs. The sage sees all things as impartial. The sage is NOT sentimental. This system contradicts all inherent principles of Taoism; get rid of it please, it is an unnecessary nuisance.



I absolutely agree! Further, if this were a real Taoist forum, there would be no moderators.


When I was banished earlier this year for 1 week, I asked a moderator the cause for banishment. The reason was, for disturbing the valued and sensitive members here. When I asked for an explanation, as to what the criteria are for being a valued and sensitive member, I was ignored. Basically, I was told to think about my aberrant behavior for a week. :lol:


This forum has in general, become a somewhat limited speech venue. Free exchange of opinions are becoming more limited by moderators. The best example is the banning of Raymond Walter for his "cheerleader" remark. This is an oversensitive reaction by the moderators.


Do the moderators see themselves as speech police?

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That's hillarious. Made me laugh outloud!


Thanks everyone for the support by the way, Creation, Scotty, CowTao, Marbleizing Head-wrap, Apech...


But hey! Praise and blame, it's all the same, equilibrium ain't lame.


I wholeheartedly agree!!

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I wholeheartedly agree!!


Holy Shit! I almost swallowed my tongue!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Has hell frozen over?? Is the lion and the lamb canoodling each other in the meadow???

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Holy Shit! I almost swallowed my tongue!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Has hell frozen over?? Is the lion and the lamb canoodling each other in the meadow???


Hay Vaj you're on +5 now ... how did that happen? Some mistake surely?

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Hay Vaj you're on +5 now ... how did that happen? Some mistake surely?


Wow, I am! A lot of that was due to my own self loving, but only about half. I've used up my positives for today it seems. Other than that, I think a few members here felt bad and starting giving me some positiveness!

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Holy Shit! I almost swallowed my tongue!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Has hell frozen over?? Is the lion and the lamb canoodling each other in the meadow???


My point is. Free exchange of opinions. It matters not whether we agree or disagree. Scotty is absolutely correct!

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... I think a few members here felt bad and starting giving me some positiveness!


Well, you can feel secure in knowing that I wasn't one of them.



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I absolutely agree! Further, if this were a real Taoist forum, there would be no moderators.


When I was banished earlier this year for 1 week, I asked a moderator the cause for banishment. The reason was, for disturbing the valued and sensitive members here. When I asked for an explanation, as to what the criteria are for being a valued and sensitive member, I was ignored. Basically, I was told to think about my aberrant behavior for a week. :lol:


This forum has in general, become a somewhat limited speech venue. Free exchange of opinions are becoming more limited by moderators. The best example is the banning of Raymond Walter for his "cheerleader" remark. This is an oversensitive reaction by the moderators.


Do the moderators see themselves as speech police?


I am so glad I am not a moderator. It's not an easy job.


Also, though I totally disagree with your perspective, I think it belongs in this thread and would therefore not consider giving you a minus.


But for the second time in this thread I have to say OMG you have got to be kidding me. In the great volume of text that is TTB how many have stepped over the line to the point of being suspended for even a short period? Of the total volume of activity how many times have people been warned? What fraction of a fraction of 1% of the total activity here? Why do the same people always step up to claim how unfair and oppressive this moderation is.


It's not very peaceful of me to say it like this but GET OVER IT. :angry:



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(Sorry @Mal ;-) )


haha no worries (and it's probably much more since I am a hated moderator)


I wanna see him in the 'Mal does Barry White pose'.


Can't get enough of your single whip baby ;)


re: Reputation I didn't even notice that they were added up somewhere :lol:

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Awwww...come on, I'm sure that's not true.


BUT.... to find out what we could do is have a 'moderator reputation' voting system!


That's be awesome! Though, I bet the best moderator would get the lowest rating. :lol: Just like the good cop is hated the most by all the criminals who can't pay him off!

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Awwww...come on, I'm sure that's not true.


BUT.... to find out what we could do is have a 'moderator reputation' voting system!


Great idea! How do we proceed? :lol:

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I am so glad I am not a moderator. It's not an easy job.


Also, though I totally disagree with your perspective, I think it belongs in this thread and would therefore not consider giving you a minus.


But for the second time in this thread I have to say OMG you have got to be kidding me. In the great volume of text that is TTB how many have stepped over the line to the point of being suspended for even a short period? Of the total volume of activity how many times have people been warned? What fraction of a fraction of 1% of the total activity here? Why do the same people always step up to claim how unfair and oppressive this moderation is.


It's not very peaceful of me to say it like this but GET OVER IT. :angry:




Moderators are here by choice and if they can't handle it, then letting someone else take their place would be appropriate.


To make myself absolutely clear, I am defending the rights of everyone on this forum to feel welcome in a free exchange of opinions. Obviously, you failed to carefully read my previous posts. The senseless banning of Raymond Walter for his "cheerleader" comment should be enough for anyone who values free speech to carefully question such actions!

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