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Moving with the Stars

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Through many, many years of careful observation of the movement of stars and planets, traditional cultures have accumulated knowledge of their patterns. By aligning ourselves with these patterns, it is thought we can live in greater harmony.


Additionally, astrological knowledge can be applied to diagnosing illness and disharmony, and guide one back into health, in whatever area it may be. Many of these systems are still in practice today (stems and branches acupuncture, eight-fold method of the divine tortoise, Yi-Jing seasonal acupuncture, jyotish, Mayan medicine)


There are a few factors which make me question whether these systems are still valid-


1. the advent of modern culture has separated our day to day patterns greatly from those of the heavenly bodies- we are in some ways less dependent on the sun, moon and stars (electricity, artificial lighting, technology and agriculture, GPS). in most cities you can never even see full glory of the stars. How far does this disconnection separate us from the influence of the stars?


2. it is generally acknowledged that we (humanity, earth, and our solar system) are in the process of particularly significant shift. (often referred to in "2012" literature, esp. procession of the equinoxes, etc.) How does this shift affect the classical systems?


It seems to me that one cannot use these old systems as they were practiced 1000+ years ago, they need to change with these interesting times. How might we come to do this? Can you think of anything (links/teachers/teachings/ideas) that could shed light in this area?



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Through many, many years of careful observation of the movement of stars and planets, traditional cultures have accumulated knowledge of their patterns. By aligning ourselves with these patterns, it is thought we can live in greater harmony.


Hi al,


Interesting points you are rising. I feel that if we aligh ourselves with our internal network commanded by the heart-liver relationship then we will also align automatically ourselves with the Greater Order.


Look for example at the Dogon people of Mali (Africa), they have developed a special relationship with Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky:


Dogon believe that the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (sigi tolo or 'star of the Sigui', has two companion stars, pō tolo (the Digitaria star), and ęmmę ya tolo, (the female Sorghum star), respectively the first and second companions of Sirius A. Sirius, in the Dogon system, formed one of the foci for the orbit of a tiny star, the companionate Digitaria star. When Digitaria is closest to Sirius, that star brightens: when it is farthest from Sirius, it gives off a twinkling effect that suggests to the observer several stars. The orbit cycle takes 60 years. In addition, the Dogon appeared to know of the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter.


Griaule and Dieterlen were puzzled by this Sudanese star system, and prefaced their analysis with the following remark:


"The problem of knowing how, with no instruments at their disposal, men could know the movements and certain characteristics of virtually invisible stars has not been settled, nor even posed.*"


A Sudanese Sirius System. M.Griaule, G.Dieterlen (1965)


You can read more here:



And probably many of TTB users are familiar with the Daoist cosmology system resulting from direct observation and insight meditative practices so I won't get into this topic.




Edited by Gerard

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It seems to me that one cannot use these old systems as they were practiced 1000+ years ago, they need to change with these interesting times. How might we come to do this? Can you think of anything (links/teachers/teachings/ideas) that could shed light in this area?


Taoists generally believe that the human body is a microcosm of the universe and is subject to the same laws and changes as as the universe. The human body is not just seen as 'similar in some ways' to the universe, but is seen as an extension of the universe, as well as being its own smaller scale version of the universe. If this view is correct then it wouildn't matter at all how consciously in tune or aware people are with such things, the connection and relationship is integral to who we are. The separation that people might feel would not change the fact that we are an extension of the universe. From this point of view, what is affecting the universe is affecting us equally the same as there is no separation between the universe, the milky way, the solar system, the Earth, and the human body, although individually each part or sub-universe functions outwardly in its own way.

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Hi al,


Interesting points you are rising. I feel that if we aligh ourselves with our internal network commanded by the heart-liver relationship then we will also align automatically ourselves with the Greater Order.




Hi Gerard,


Thanks for the thoughts. Could you expand a bit on aligning with the heart-liver network? Are you speaking from a Five Element standpoint? Does this network have a particular affinity for balancing with outside relationships? (I'm thinking perhaps of the Shen + Hun dynamic..)


Many thanks,



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Taoists generally believe that the human body is a microcosm of the universe and is subject to the same laws and changes as as the universe. The human body is not just seen as 'similar in some ways' to the universe, but is seen as an extension of the universe, as well as being its own smaller scale version of the universe. If this view is correct then it wouildn't matter at all how consciously in tune or aware people are with such things, the connection and relationship is integral to who we are. The separation that people might feel would not change the fact that we are an extension of the universe. From this point of view, what is affecting the universe is affecting us equally the same as there is no separation between the universe, the milky way, the solar system, the Earth, and the human body, although individually each part or sub-universe functions outwardly in its own way.


One one level I agree with this, it's like the view from 100 feet up. It's an assuring point of view, 'everything is exactly as it's supposed to be'... it just doesn't go down too smoothly in a clinical setting!

The systems I'm referring to are seeking to amend the discordance that can arise when the celestial bodies look unfavorably upon you. It may be just delaying the karmic card one is being delt, but not many people think in that kind of timescale and pattern, especially when they are in pain..

You words remind me of a saying someone once told me-

"it's all gonna be alright in the end, and if it ain't alright, it ain't over yet!"


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One one level I agree with this, it's like the view from 100 feet up. It's an assuring point of view, 'everything is exactly as it's supposed to be'... it just doesn't go down too smoothly in a clinical setting!

The systems I'm referring to are seeking to amend the discordance that can arise when the celestial bodies look unfavorably upon you. It may be just delaying the karmic card one is being delt, but not many people think in that kind of timescale and pattern, especially when they are in pain..

You words remind me of a saying someone once told me-

"it's all gonna be alright in the end, and if it ain't alright, it ain't over yet!"


Hi al. I'm afraid I don't follow you. I did not make any comments on whether or not "all is going to be alright". I just mentioned a Taoist point of view regarding your comment about whether ancient systems are still relevant. There are still many Taoists and lay people who are still using the ancient Chinese systems of astrology and divination, so these people apparently still believe these ancient systems are still quite valid anyway. I believe such systems are not used to make or prevent changes, but to understand current conditions and possible outcomes. At any rate, no worries. :)

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