
spiritual awakening/kundalini

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im not sure if this is a topic thats ok to post here, but has anyone had a major spiritual awakening..or any odd circumstances related to it--kundalini rising and when or if it does occur- does it mean a person has to begin a spiritual journey of finding themself or does it just mean that their third eye chakras have been activated or something to that an awakening a sort of calling to enlightenment in some form or does it mean anything major or truly significant for someone?

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Yes, I have experienced a spiritual awakening. And it was this experience that led my to Taoism. And yes, it was very significant even though I did not realize how significant for many years after the fact.


I am at peace with my Self. That's good enough for me.

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In looking back at my own kundalini awakening, it seems to be the point in time where my theoretical knowledge crossed over and started affecting my physical self. Many years of studying the TTC had preceded my K-awakening (actually, it was an auto accident that activated it). Once the awakening started (it's an ongoing process), it started translating into different manifestations happening to my body, but with a full awareness or 'knowing' that it was somehow connected to the spiritual progress that had preceded it.

This is when the third eye started to develop in me, and a constant sensation of electricity being either static or dynamic in the body. I started to get a sense that the energy would sit and work on various areas within my body, generally within the chakra areas; I have come to interpret this as a necessary component of my own spiritual development and ultimate freedom. When the bright hot energy would be sitting in the heart chakra, for example, I would find that I needed to be particularly attentive to what I had attracted into my life manifesting around me during that period; inevitably there would be something involving the heart chakra that I would have to work through involving my husband, mother, brother, etc. Same was often true of the chakra at the throat - which would translate into how I presented to the world, and whether I was truly able to communicate what needed to be said, or whether to keep it stuffed inside me. One seems to corroborate the other; the circumstances with the chakra. Sometimes the chakra would feel like something was trying to push through it, particularly the heart chakra. Sometimes I would get a sense that some little worm-like thing was actually wiggling its way through the heart and breaking free through the blockage.

This kundalini thing is so very odd. I don't think there are definitive answers for anyone. Every single person is different as to how it manifests, or at least in the sensations it produces. The Gopi Krishna book is a total horror story and if you read it, please know that this is the very extreme circumstance. I read it and was needlessly terrified for a week or two. I now equate the kundalini experience (still ongoing after 8 years) with spiritual forces (however you want to define them) forging and tempering the body in some way. Enlightenment, at the end of the road, becomes a very physical thing, more than most folks would ever imagine. The kundalini energy seems to be morphing both the metaphysical and the physical into one full working unit.

The ability to "see" (I call it triangulate) will often manifest with kundalini activity. The third eye may become activated, if one takes the time to do the internal housekeeping required to clear out the channel. In order to see, one must transcend the ego so that your perceptions aren't viewed through the lens of your own biases and fears. This comes as a result of weeding out your own biases and fears, and this is not an easy or pleasant process. When this has been done, one becomes privy to a mentally visual place where circumstances can be viewed from a point of view that is far removed from the problem. The K-active person is capable of backing up in his perspective to see things in a different and more comprehensive totality, and to see how it fits in with the larger and more accurate view.

Spiritual maturity seems to be key in having a comfortable kundalini experience. I spent some time on a kundalini website for a while, and I was particularly saddened by younger people (not spiritually mature) who for some reason found themselves kundalini active and yet weren't capable of wearing it in a balanced fashion. Ego would get in the way, resulting in one young girl I can think of running around her town in a Captain America cape and wearing her kundalini activity in this questionable mindset. Ego had run rampant, and yet no life experience to temper her new-found kundalini symptoms. Hopefully by now she has found a more balanced approach to all this and she has gotten the ego stuff behind her. It is only then that we can see clearly.

Jenn, if you need to periodically bounce your symptoms off someone, please don't hesitate to shoot me a note. I'd be happy to talk with you about all this if you find it becomes a little unmanageable. But don't let it frighten you. It's a good thing. I think spirit (?) is evolving into what it wants to manifest here and now, and I suspect it has something to do with kundalini morphing humans into what we are really supposed to be.

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Slightly off topic but I have always been a little confused about the concept of Kundalini. Is it just the manifestation of second sight and serenity? or is it more than that? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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After all the bells and whistles of kundalini (which can be triggered by tai chi, btw, at least in my case), after all the visions and energy clearings and body symptoms and all the rest, one is left with an open heart and an immense gratitude for life. If not, then it is not worth a damn.

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