Sex-Gender-Relationship-need: the taoist poll
Pietro, in General Discussion
From DNA to Attraction to Desires to Needs
58 members have voted
1. How do you think of yourself
Male Straight39
Female Straight5
Male Homosexual0
Female Homosexual0
Male Bisexual1
Female Bisexual0
Male Naturally Celibate or uninterested in sex3
Female Naturally Celibate or uninterested in sex0
Transexual Male to Female (Before the operation)0
Transexual Female to Male (Before the operation)0
Transexual Male to Female (after the operation)0
Transexual Female to Male (after the operation)0
Androgyn Living as Male (A DNA different from XX or XY)0
Androgyn Living as Female (A DNA different from XX or XY)0
Male Bisexual Mostly Straight6
Male Bisexual Mostly Homosexual1
Female Bisexual Mostly Straight0
Female Bisexual Mostly Homosexual0
Male Celibate for spiritual reasons, but not naturally celibate3
Female celibate for spiritual reasons, but not naturally celibate0
2. If you could have it your way, what kind of relationships would you have?
(metal) I am naturally Celibate.2
(wood) I am naturally faithful, once I find my partner I would stick with him/her. And be celibate if I am left alone12
( ) I am naturally faithful, once I find my partner I would stick with him/her. But if left I will take another partner26
(earth) I would have a primary partner, but I am interested to have other relationships on the side12
(water) I would have multiple long term relationships, with no partner being more important5
(fire) I would have many short term relationships1
3. WHat I mostly lack right now is
too much Orgasmic sex alone1
too much Non Orgasmic sex alone0
not enough Non Orgasmic sex alone2
not enough Orgasmic sex alone3
too much Non Orgasmic sex with others1
too much Orgasmic sex with others1
not enough Non Orgasmic sex with others9
not enough Orgasmic sex with others15
not enough Affection16
too much Affection0
not enough Falling in love12
too much Falling in love2
not enough Deep love bonding16
too much Deep love bonding0
I wish I had kids8
I wish I had time with my kids0
I have Kids but sometimes I wish I didn't0
not enough Time for myself4
not enough Intellectual Sharing11
I am ok or None of the above (please explain below)19