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dao-in/dao yin vs nei gong

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what are the differences between the two?


I read somewhere that dao-yin were simply daoist breathing exercises, but now Im reading that it's also Chinese yoga.


Now neigong.. I'm lost, but it seems more of a meditative practice that incorporates breathing.


So then what's the difference between all this and qigong?

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They are just esoteric terms. I dont think many systems can be strictly defined as one or the other.


If you had to put a label on the difference, or give a short answer.....perhaps Dao Yin could be viewed as movements which naturally guide energy, that lead the Qi. Movements which guide qi along a meridian. Nei gong might be more dealing specifically with the internal things like the dantien and meridians directly, and mind and intent.


Agree? disagree?

Edited by Immortal4life

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Qi Gong practice is often divided into Nei Gong (nei=inner) and Wai Gong (wai=outer); sometimes as Nei Dan and Wai Dan.


The former is more like building up Qi internally (lower dan tian) through meditation or stillness then distributed to the meridians. The latter more like building up Qi in the limbs through movements and then distributes to the meridians. Mind and Intent are important in both.


Dao Yin - 導引 - Stretching and guiding ; guiding movement


So Dao Yin is more aligned with Wai Gong.


I am agreeing with I4L.

Edited by dawei

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Another way practices can be divided, is within a system.


One set of exercises could be to improve health and functioning, stimulate qi, acupoints, stretch and make the joints supple etc.


And a second set of exercises could be more martial oriented, developing the strength of the dantien, internal power, strengthening the body, breathing, etc.


You could then theoretically divide the 2 sets into categories of Qi Gong, and Nei Gong, but in the end, its just terms.

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