
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

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Well.. my sifu once said that he thinks what the West is doing with Acupuncture is a disgrace. He went to China and had some acupuncture done for his shoulder pain and it was gone in One session. Bing bang boom. That was it.


In the West though you see a lot of TCM docs say that you need to come in regularly and have like 10 sessions or so.


My guess in all this is, that either TCM has 'standardized' everything so that it's less effective, or there are just different schools of acupuncture. Different lineages, different methods. The most popular is obviously the type that requires a lot of sessions.

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I have thought about posting on pinned threads, but I decided that i just have too many topics, and too many sources that it would get lost in the thread


However, if there is a particular thread that is popular, and people request it, I might re-post it in a pinned topic if that is allowed

Edited by Immortal4life

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