JohnC Posted July 14, 2011 So did anyone ask master Wang Liping? What was his answer? Â How many ejaculations until total prenatal jing loss? Â What are the symptoms? Â 1. Different for everyone. Â 2. they vary from body type to body type. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert Eagle Posted July 15, 2011 1. Different for everyone. Â 2. they vary from body type to body type. Â 1. If one does it too often, like three to five times a day. 2. The symptoms are showing fatigue, breathing problem, lack of concentration, loss of memory, pain on the left side of the abdomen, loss of all interests with no egos, loss of self esteem and hallucinating. Â Do they stay like that for the rest of their lives? How do they manage? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
henro Posted July 15, 2011 Do they stay like that for the rest of their lives? How do they manage?   #1 - Tonify the kidneys through herbs and acupuncture  #2 - Cultivate the post-natal essence which supports the pre-natal. What you eat, drink, and breathe. . .  #3 - Cultivation practices - qigong, tai ji, etc. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert Eagle Posted July 15, 2011 (edited) How does one cultivate prenatal jing?  I can´t speak for him, but my recollection from taking courses with Michael Winn is that the Kan and Li process taught through the Healing Tao does this.  #1 - Tonify the kidneys through herbs and acupuncture  #2 - Cultivate the post-natal essence which supports the pre-natal. What you eat, drink, and breathe. . .  #3 - Cultivation practices - qigong, tai ji, etc.  Thank you. Edited July 15, 2011 by Desert Eagle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protector Posted October 28, 2011 Don't know if this has been cleared out later and since this is the first thing people will see after googling pre-natal jing, I would like to add something. Â Pre-natal jing comes from your parents and it's with you before you are born and can't be returned once it's gone. Don't confuse it with post-natal jing that replenishes itself. Nothing special about pre-natal jing so don't stress out if you're having too much sex Oxidation is one of the causes of the old age death, and can avoided with the help of anti-oxidants like in red wine and such but drinking wine all your life won't help and alcohol might leave damage. The only thing more effective then anti-oxidants are super-anti-oxidants, and guess what, the super anti-oxidant is specially processed sulfur, the philosopher's stone. (just throwing this in) So yeah, jing is important, it's what allows you to do everything! The symptoms of low jing are countless since it's what allows you to use your chi. Basic movement that has your intention behind it will require chi and the end process of the movement is jing, in a way. My knowledge of it is kinda limited to keeping myself from hurting myself so can't say more then that Jing is constantly created, used and recycled in your body. Ahem, for example sperm is created and it uses up lots and lots of jing, if the body has no sex for a long time, wet dreams happen but what uh comes out is not sperm because sperm is being used by your body for something else at that point so that's why it's not advised for monks to have lots of kinky sex. You can notice the connection between jing and material actions and production if you exercises, if you move a lot and use your muscles, you have to use jing for that and not sex. Â Here's my dumbed down explanation of jing 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taomeow Posted October 28, 2011 No one can increase, preserve, or avoid squandering jing who doesn't understand what jing is. It's like trying to save money while thinking that money is ocean pebbles. There's many who attempt cultivating jing without understanding that jing is neither a substance nor an energy to exactly the same extent that ocean pebbles are not money. Â Anyone who says increasing jing is something that can't be done has attempted to take pebbles to the bank and make a deposit to his account and was unsuccessful in increasing his wealth. Â Jing is memory. Jing is universal, cosmic memory, your particular species memory, your specific ancestral lineage memory, and your personal prenatal memory combined. The only way to increase jing is to unblock unconscious memory, the "frozen funds." If you don't understand memory, with its "first in last out" ways, you don't understand jing. If you look for jing elsewhere, you won't find it. I too read all those books that say that jing is this or that substance or energy. It isn't. This or that (e.g. semen in men and reproductive forces in women and libido in both) are manifestations of jing. A manifestation of jing is not jing. The human system remembers how to make another human. This memory -- that's jing. Broader still, life remembers how to make more life. This memory -- that's jing. It's not the semen that remembers, some species life produces produce none. Semen is a mnemonic device life uses to remember how to make more of certain species of live creatures, is all. Jing is not a mnemonic device, it is memory itself -- it is consciousness, for memory and consciousness are one. Â The amount of jing we have at birth is infinite. The amount of jing available for use is a different story... every event that suppresses consciousness and relegates a memory to the unconscious arrests some of our jing. We arrest way more jing than we burn up. Â Jing is memory both onthogenic and philogenic. Most of it must be arrested or you will manifest the traits of all species in the galaxy and beyond all at once -- if all jing manifests indiscriminately you get a monster of chaos as the outcome. But civilized people suppress most of human-proper jing, keeping it dormant, immobilized, inactive, asleep, or outright killing it. They fail to manifest the full extent of their humanity as a result. So to get access to extra jing is not a matter of gaining it from the environment or conserving it so as not to disperse it into the environment, as much as it is a matter of gaining access to its source. The source is within... and it's infinite. If you understand the difference between "infinite" and "readily available," that's a start. Many spiritually inclined folks mistake one for the other, and not for purposes of jing alone. Â There's nothing less available than what you don't even know that you forgot. Â Oh, and false memories don't take you there. Talking about the prenatal state or pre-birth state or the state of unity with confidence of someone who has live unbroken memories of getting from that state to the present with no gaps in them will only take you farther astray and dump more non-memory (non-jing), fabrications, over the already deeply-buried real deal. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protector Posted October 28, 2011 In a way, it is memory and in a way it isn't. Since jing is a manifestation of what you used chi for, it can be a memory of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taomeow Posted October 28, 2011 In a way, it is memory and in a way it isn't. Since jing is a manifestation of what you used chi for, it can be a memory of that. Â So how is a "memory of that" not memory? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protector Posted October 28, 2011 Jing is an outcome of what happened before it, like memories are. But memories are too solid, you can remember a rock in your mind but in the mind of the universe it's still in motion and it's the same as the mountain it was before, and now it's in the process of becoming dust while it's still a mountain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taomeow Posted October 28, 2011 Jing is an outcome of what happened before it, like memories are. But memories are too solid, you can remember a rock in your mind but in the mind of the universe it's still in motion and it's the same as the mountain it was before, and now it's in the process of becoming dust while it's still a mountain. Â Very good. Â Jing is this way too. Memory is dynamic and encompasses the future. How does an acorn know it is a mighty oak? and how could it become one if it didn't remember? Jing is the know-how of being and becoming, the child of memory and the mother of consciousness, with the mother and child constantly swapping places. Tao fa ziran! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Friend Posted October 28, 2011 (edited) Edited November 16, 2011 by Friend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Friend Posted October 28, 2011 (edited) Edited November 16, 2011 by Friend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protector Posted October 28, 2011 If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taomeow Posted October 28, 2011 Ditch your body  Indo-European via Sumer. But they either didn't know about jing or (much more likely) didn't tell.  We've been told in one shape or form or another that our bodies aren't worth shit ever since we became enslaved. Don't buy it. Buy the owner's manual, the true owner, you, and find out what your body really is before ditching it.  For at least 45,000 years, people knew that the human body (correction... the woman's body) is the body of the universe. All over Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas archeologists have been digging out thousands of small female figures made of stone, clay, bronze, bone, etc. (and almost none of the male body, something like 1 male per 1000 female figurines found), with all her sex characteristics exaggerated, which humans all over the world were stubbornly making and worshiping for at least 45,000 years uninterrupted, maybe longer.  Then someone came and said the human body is worthless in general and the woman's body especially. That's where our troubles began.  Egyptians, however, still persevered for a few thousand years in valuing and preserving at least those bodies they thought were special -- to wit, pharaohs and cats. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protector Posted October 28, 2011 Well, there's a right way of loosing your body and... old fashioned Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taomeow Posted October 28, 2011 So how to increase this Memory? Â Memory is identical with consciousness. ("Computer memory" is a misleading misnomer. It's not memory. It's a storage system, a mnemonic aid, much like sperm. Computers don't remember, they just respond to orders -- "go there, get that" -- they don't decide where to go and what to get and, most importantly, WHY. They have no free will, are not conscious, and will never be no matter how well we learn to teach them to fake it.) Â You know you have "the unconscious," right? Get rid of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Friend Posted October 28, 2011 (edited) Edited November 16, 2011 by Friend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protector Posted October 28, 2011 Mine is neither of these and hmm... I think you might know it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
starhawk Posted November 1, 2011 The source is within... and it's infinite. If you understand the difference between "infinite" and "readily available," that's a start. Many spiritually inclined folks mistake one for the other, and not for purposes of jing alone. Â There's nothing less available than what you don't even know that you forgot. Â Oh, and false memories don't take you there. Talking about the prenatal state or pre-birth state or the state of unity with confidence of someone who has live unbroken memories of getting from that state to the present with no gaps in them will only take you farther astray and dump more non-memory (non-jing), fabrications, over the already deeply-buried real deal. Â Yes, Thank you Taomeow for expounding upon Tao. If this is all someone ever learned from Tao Bums, it would be almost sufficient. Â Most people get confused. Also remember that TCM definitions were created as a partial system of Chinese medicine stemming from ancient time. Â Non, you should sit in lotus meditation, and avoid sex to build jing. Sit for an hour and see how you feel. See if you feel full, and your dan tian is warm. Also go to acupuncture to tonify. BTW If your thoughts run wild in meditation, you are not in the emptiness. Do more purification. Do purification exercises to clear your mind of excess thought. Â By the way, Thanks Vortex, I didn't know Wang Lipang had an online q and a system. Yay! I'm glad I logged in today. Thank you bums for the opportunity to learn from you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zentoucher Posted November 4, 2012 From what I understand about Jing, the prenatal jing is like a savings account that you are born with. You can take from it, but you can never add to it. Once it is gone you die. Postnatal jing is more like a checking account. You can make withdrawals as well as deposits. Of course excess ejaculation depletes the mans jing, while having menses is what I understand to be the thing that depletes a womans jing the most. I also agree that it is best to conserve the prenatal jing while building up the postnatal jing. Activities that build up the jing include eating certain things like sea veggies, beans (esp. black and azuki), buckwheat, dried fruits, and foods with a salty taste. Of course, I would no advise using regular table salt, and of course don't overdo it with the miso. Too much salt can be contracting for the kidneys. Activities include taking small challenges, practicing courage in situations, and perhaps doing something a little 'naughty' that you could get caught doing. Just don't break the law or do anything where you could get hurt. Chi cultivating activities such as Nei Kung and meditation are probably the most beneficial activities one can do. And a ginger compress is a great home remedy which warms the kidneys and helps as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
effilang Posted November 4, 2012 I've read in the Chinese medical qigong theory by Jerry alan Johnson that the prenatal jing, qi and shen are strengthened directly by strengthening and purifying their postnatal equivalents, whereas the post natal essence, vitality and spirit strengthen each other. So you need to strengthen postnatal shen to strengthen pn. Qi and pn. Qi to strengthen pn. Jing or vice versa depending on the meditation you practice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites