
Regarding Shaktipat

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The kundalini will teach you everything you need to know about it if you will but listen to it. Once the alchemy begins, though you have teachers, you become self taught.

Distinctions, and hierarchies of understanding simply split the whole of existence. They distract from true practice. It is all of it together.


It is found in the dynamic contrast between dark and light.

Edited by phore

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Hi cat.


Thanks for replying to me.


About the sun being male or female, I don't know all the history of who commandeered what when, but I can see masculine and feminine aspects to the sun. I.e. why not have a sun God-Goddess pair instead of one or the other?


But I was thinking more along the lines of considering the sun and moon as a male-female pair and deciding which is which. I personally feel the sun to be yang relative to the moon being yin, like the sun resonates with my masculinity and the moon with my femininity. What about you?

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Some years back, I was doing a sadhana to Kali and after a couple weeks of chanting her mantra, I began to have this very intense realization that a woman's menses is a time of great power and sacrifice and that the blood she releases is a huge sacrifice that is most holy. For a few days, I was actually very teary eyed thinking about it. All women became a vessel for the Great Mother. I wanted to go around and find and worship all women on their period...


Being a man and having no personal experience with menses myself, I took that experience to mean that she is more than just an archetype...


Kali Ma!


Yes, this is why the woman/the feminine/the kundalini is the Initiator. She is the chooser. if she finds nothing to which she feels moved to respond, nothing will happen.


I think most men who have a relationship of any depth or duration with women sense Kali in their woman or even see Kali on occasion and know that aspect of the feminine which will not allow dull relating, habituation, taking for granted, slipping into functionality without dynamism in relationship. David Deida says women should slap their men or poke them when they slip into male love of emptiness and cerebrality and shock them back into relationship. For their own good. Just like a zen master. So yes, I think Kali is very feminine. Everything you know about relating deeply to a woman is applicable to relating to your spiritual journey. The more refined you are, the more you reside in your heart and offer your self entirely, the better time you will have. Hold back and be a bit cold or mean, and you will be deserted or/and ravaged.


As far as I know the idea of the sun being a male god was a later idea, and sun goddesses are more prevalent than sun gods. The 'taking over' of the sun as male was a patriarchal move..

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Ah, the Madonna (Goddess) -whore complex... Men resenting the sexual freedom (autonomy, power) of the female....I could go on. Can you speak of this with a positive spin, without the patriarchal culture prejudice? Shakti goes where She wills..... If you took away the whore aspect then what would this journey represent? If this was a masculine energy how would it be perceived? Let's get away from using/ blaming the Feminine for our failing to advance on the Spiritual Path. Another learning is in this....


I would posit that Religion is a Masculine creation.




Thank you Shakti Mama

instead of seeing this free searching energy of Shakti as whore-like..

:))) one could embrace and surrender to the creative and destructive power of this aspect in each one of us, man and woman, and ask ourselves... where is Shiva..what is he up to while she is on her search?

I bet he's not m e r e l y sitting on his ass judging..?



btw noone's gonna pat my head. :(

apropos shakti pat.


gjøre selv

Edited by rain

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Thank you Shakti Mama

instead of seeing this free searching energy of Shakti as whore-like..

:))) one could embrace and surrender to the creative and destructive power of this aspect in each one of us, man and woman, and ask ourselves... where is Shiva..what is he up to while she is on her search?

I bet he's not m e r e l y sitting on his ass judging..?



btw noone's gonna pat my head. :(

apropos shakti pat.


gjøre selv



glad you picked up on that insight...I know Shiva as very playful, non judgmental so I have some ideas. Probably out dancing. :wub:


pm me if you want to talk more. B)


Edited by ShaktiMama

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Some years back, I was doing a sadhana to Kali and after a couple weeks of chanting her mantra, I began to have this very intense realization that a woman's menses is a time of great power and sacrifice and that the blood she releases is a huge sacrifice that is most holy. For a few days, I was actually very teary eyed thinking about it. All women became a vessel for the Great Mother. I wanted to go around and find and worship all women on their period...


Being a man and having no personal experience with menses myself, I took that experience to mean that she is more than just an archetype...


Kali Ma!


:) Just some musings myself...


I was looking at the originally meaning of "enthusiast" just a little while ago. It is a greek term that meant "possessed by the divine, or a god." I was also thinking of this in terms of Diety Yoga which is the process of becoming an enthusiast.


I came across this quote today:


Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought. - Matsuo Basho


I met Kali first many years ago. I did not know who she was...I had to be "told" what her name was in the meditation. This is in the very beginning, in the early years. My kundalini had just began to rise and I met her on my meditation about personal anger. My realization was not only was I the creator of my own life but I was also the destoyer.


when my kundalini took on the quality of a freight train of volcaninc energy rushing up my back, I met Shiva. Later I would meet Shakti and Ganesha.


regardless of what we determine or call the kundalini experience; false personality, illusion, karmic detritus, the work of the divine....the effect is life altering. It leaves a mark.


Regardless of what a tradition or dogma calls that experience...I treasure them.


And I keep on, keeping on.




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