
Return to the 36th Chamber

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I didn't see the first one. What's the theme of the movie?


I haven't seen the first one either. I loved the second one though...Gordon Liu = win.

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Well my interpretation is: the first one deals with the theme of using willpower and determination to pass all of the chambers of Shaolin temple (a chamber is a place where the monks do specific training for martial skill). So the character played by Liu passes the levels, and the abbot sends him away with his skills, so that he can help people outside of the temple. His name is San Ti. It's like the left brain path.


In the second one, Liu plays a beggar on the street who has a tendency for lying. He pretends to be San Ti, the now famous monk who trains people in the 36th chamber, and is shown to be a liar...or at least a decent actor. Out of shame due to his lies hurting so many people, he goes to the actual 36th chamber for training, so he can help others. When he's there, the real San Ti gives him unorthodox training like building scaffolding, and he doesn't fit in with the others at all, who are doing strict martial arts training. Eventually he becomes a badass scaffolder, and San Ti forces him to leave the 36th chamber. Then the character goes back to his village and finds that he actually does have martial ability, due to San Ti's training methods (which fit his unique nature).


Much more interesting.

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