
What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

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I laughed a number of times this morning. My friend, Don, visited this morning before going to church (as is normal). Just the two of us here (he is retired military too), we get to talk about anything that happens to pop into our mind. No limits. I even got to bad-mouth my politicians this morning.

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Lately my kids have been making me laugh.
Sometimes what they say really isn't terribly funny but it touches me in some way or evokes a nostalgia and I just lose it.

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it took me a minute to decide where to place this post.

when dealing with the somaili pirates all these years--the threats of us navy seals, brittish sas, french foreign legion etc hidden on vessels was no deterent to the somaili pirates

but what has proven effective is brittany spears,,we should make her secretary of the navy

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Here is an old 'dad' joke.....makes me laugh every time I read it.



Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and, with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath.






This made him a super-calloused-fragile-mystic-hexed-by-halitosis.




lol, sorry mr Gandhi

Edited by chegg
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Hahaha nice food pyramid hat turtle shell.


Made up a story with my son, he loved it. Granted, his contributions were basiclaly that the animal heroes "farted", but seeing him laugh aty his own imaginative input was enough for me hahah.


South Park making fun of Rob Scneider always cracks me up,l hahahahahaaaaaaa.


"Rob Schneider is a stapler"


"Derp de derrpp da tiddllyy tum" are classic.s

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We were getting into a booth in a restaurant the other day.


The woman sitting in the booth next to us was wearing a T-shirt, but I only saw the back of it.


It was longer than this, but it said something like:


I came prepared to fight

I came prepared to capture

I came prepared to die,

But I didn't come prepared to be abandoned.


I chuckled and said to her "Oh, that's funny". I honestly thought it was talking about Marriage.


What I didn't see was the front of the T-shirt. I found out later that it was a POW / MIA t-shirt. I wrote a Letter to the Editor and tried to apologize to her for my foot-in-mouth mistake. I felt just horrible, it may have pertained to someone close to her. Kind of funny, but really pathetic at the same time.

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Ok, this is a bit over the top....







Edited by chegg

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Well, I cant think of the Japanese as being serious people any more.


They looked very serious to me at 7:30

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What were you drinking? And don't tell me that coffee does that to you.


Edited by Taomeow
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