
What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

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Aboriginal Wires . )






A woman is driving through the countryside and she runs over a goanna


"Oh my God, the poor creature ..... its still alive !   " So she grabs the car blanket off the back seat, throws it over the goanna, wraps it up a bit and manages to get it in the boot, and speeds off along to the next town .


When she gets there she is wondering what to do and sees this sign ;


" Aboriginal Wires .... we take care  of injured native and indigenous animals 

                                -  no dogs or cats . "


"OH! That's perfect ! " So she pulls up gets out the car and goes in  " I am so sorry, I have run over one of your goannas , I didnt mean to , he is still alive . I feel so bad ... I hope its not a totem of your ?   I didnt mean it , I just came around a corner  and  .... '


And the Aboriginal man there   interrupts her    " Hey,  Lady, its okay, you didnt mean it and it happens a fair bit , thats why we are here . We will take care of him, where is he ? "


" He is wrapped up in a blanket in my car boot ."   


So he calls to his assistant  ; " Hey Jackie, come help me get this goanna out this ladies trunk, its okay, he all wrapped up in blanket . "


They do that and the lady says " Its okay, you can keep the blanket, its covered in blood anyway .  "


"Poor old fellah, Okay lady, we take of everything .... thanks for bringing him in and not just leaving him there . "


"Oh dear, I would never do that, Thank you . "  - and she drives off .


They take goanna inside , put him on a vet's table, and unwrap him .


The assistant asks ' Well, what we do now ? "


The other  answers   .... 




" I take him home for dinner  .... yum yum ! "

Edited by Nungali
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Caption competition .




"  .................................................. "





( Why the hell is his arm around her ???    :huh:  )



Edited by Nungali
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No one going to play ?


I'll go again then .





" Look, that planet is just like Earth ...

except South America ends at the Equator   "

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9 hours ago, Apech said:

Fair enough ....






Heyyy  !  Apech !      ... where's you been  ?



A joke :


Apech is sitting on his front porch early morning . The garbage truck comes along and the garbage man calls out to him .


"  Hey ! Where's ya bin ? "


Apech ; " Been ... 'away'   ! "


Garbo ;  " Naaah !  Where is ya wheelie bin ?"


Apech ;  " Ohhh ... okay den .... I wheelie been in jail . ' 

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Diner :  " What is today's special ?"

Waiter:  " Wild Tasmanian Salmon. "

Diner ; "  Oh ?  So they where not raised in captivity ... in floating cages in the ocean ? "

Waiter:  " Well, yes, they where .... but they where not very happy about it . "

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16 minutes ago, Apech said:

Be warned!!!!! …

:lol: No worries :) 
Seems the beast has another number after all, 

“Papyrus 115 (which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the Revelation as of 2017), as well as other ancient sources like Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, give the number of the beast as … 616 … not 666 …”  



Edited by Cobie

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Ooooo ... thats such an old one  !    I had to change my  666 number plate to 616 years back !  


More to the point  its a 23 year        giving us a numeroillogical value  of    Chaos and Discord   !  



But dont worry .... its golden apples for everyone ! 



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A old friend who used to be the only one who could keep up with my intellectual digressions contacted me yet again after years of to and fro. I laughed: I really thought both our prides had been touched too much this time. He is an aries, and thinking of this somehow made me laugh even more.

Edited by Filosofy

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