Trunk Posted June 21, 2006 I just saw the Charlie Rose interview of Al Gore. (I haven't seen the movie yet.) Impressive statement that Gore quotes the window of opportunity to significantly solve the problem to be 10 years! Really short period of time. Â Time to move the country, energy-efficient house, large organic garden, and a bio-deisel pickup truck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karen Posted June 21, 2006 Looks to me that "global warming" is a manufactured crisis, according to the global elite's dialectical M.O., "problem, reaction, solution." Create a problem which triggers a reaction, provide the "solution" that now seems more attractive -- loss of personal freedoms. Â Food for thought.. here's one synopsis of the manipulation of environmentalism: Global Warming is a TRICK OF THE RICH WHO RUN THE UN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trunk Posted June 22, 2006 Looks to me that "global warming" is a manufactured crisis, according to the global elite's dialectical M.O., "problem, reaction, solution." Create a problem which triggers a reaction, provide the "solution" that now seems more attractive -- loss of personal freedoms. No disrespect to you, but I can't find any sense in any of your statements in this post. (Trying to find common ground..) .. A basic fact of ecology is that you can never affect just one thing; there is a cascading weave of relationships that runs entirely through ecosystems. Humans of the last 100 years have been doing serious radical shit at a speed that's unprecedented (not counting meteors) .. It just makes sense (to me) that there's lots of repurcussions. There couldn't not be. Â I think there's some real wisdom in Amish culture. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TwoTrees Posted June 22, 2006 hahahah, I guess I better get some education from my neighbors, K (bein' that I live in Amish country) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neimad Posted June 22, 2006 No disrespect to you, but I can't find any sense in any of your statements in this post. (Trying to find common ground..) .. A basic fact of ecology is that you can never affect just one thing; there is a cascading weave of relationships that runs entirely through ecosystems. Humans of the last 100 years have been doing serious radical shit at a speed that's unprecedented (not counting meteors) .. It just makes sense (to me) that there's lots of repurcussions. There couldn't not be.   runs through the entire multi-universe creation!  interconnectedness.... (thats why i liked ecology so much at uni, studying the interrelatedness of it all, even though it is on a pretty micro level).  i'm beginning to understand that all of this stuff.... health issues, environmental issues, all of it.... is just a reflection of the constant balance shifting of consciousness.  the reason why everything is speeding up, why it appears to all be so disasterous (at any level... be it environmental or conspiratorial) is because evolution is speeding up.....  that is the push of the negative (to use the word) is speeding up the push of the positive.  it's gonna get worse, because it's gonna get better... if ya get me?  this whole putrifying chrysalis (matrix) is the place to create butterflies  from the festering cesspool we will fly free.... forever grateful for the swamp that nurtured our development.... and from above we will be able to see it's all part of the pattern and it's all just so beautiful...  oooh... *sob* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karen Posted June 22, 2006 First, no disrespect taken.. I know my view is generally unpopular, as it's neither of the two that are usually in contention. But also I'm not personally attached to views, so we're just talking about issues here, and disagreement can further understanding. Â Neimad, I love what you said about being grateful for the festering swamp that nurtured our development! Things are pretty swamp-like these days, and it's good to keep one eye on the deeper forces working there, for our benefit, as we keep the other eye on our adversaries. Â I would just add that the idea of accepting the darkness is a common point of confusion. It doesn't mean we don't have to fight our adversaries because of the idea that darkness is really for our benefit. But when we oppose adversaries in any form (disease included), we're doing it from a real grounding in the truth, not reacting from fear and confusion.. so that we're simply acting from our true nature, expressing our love even through battle, and that process strengthens us. Â Let me flesh out a bit the idea I started here.. This is not just about whether there's an environmental problem or not - of course there is. But it's about disinformation and how we recognize it. Disinformation usually has a germ of truth in it, or even quite a bit of truth. Intelligent people wouldn't be manipulated by pure lies. So it's a bit more challenging to discern the truth when there are two sides presented, where one is obviously coming from ignorance or evil, and the other seems to speak some truth. Â Let's say A is inconscionabe (power and money takes priority over environment), while B is the antithesis (pro-environment). First we have to ask, are these really opposites, or is it a false dichotomy that is set up to distract us from a whole other realm of motives. Â This is a big issue that's beyond what I can post in one message, but in order to understand how power really works in the world, we would need to look at who the major players are, the power structure and how they operate. Â We'd begin to see the patterns and how this kind of dialectical drama is being played out on all fronts of the socio-political stage. The two sides of almost any political issue we see are really being played against each other by a different controlling entity. Like a puppet master pulling the strings, but all that's within our view is the two puppets duking it out, and we're entranced by that drama and think it to be real. Â The thing that trips us up is that the environment does need help, of course. But we're focusing on the wrong issue if we think it's a debate between pro-environment and anti-environment. If we see the larger context, suddenly the environmental agenda looks very different in that light. Â There are greater forces that are destroying the environment and life on the planet, namely HAARP towers which are everywhere, towers that are claimed to be cellphone towers but are not, chemtrails, pharmaceuticals, and mostly the cult of fear that has been created in order to manipulate and control the population. Â There are many layers of misunderstanding, as the people who are trying to understand these phenomena (e.g. conspiracy theorists) are falling into the same trap of fear mongering as everyone else. So when we think we have something different, it''s just another side of the same coin. Â Reminds me of the old TV series "The Prisoner" where the prisoner escapes, meets his old boss, feels manipulated even there, and says, "I thought I was escaping because this place is different... it IS different, isn't it?" We think we're escaping from one thing, only to find ourselves in yet another trap.. if we don't understand what the trap really is. Â Well, I have a lot more that could be said on this subject, including particular facts about who Gore is connected with, and direct quotes from the global elite about how they're creating an enemy (pollution, famine, new diseases, global warming, etc.) for the purpose of manipulating people to accept one world government. It's a hard pill to swallow, but that agenda includes massive genocide, which we're already seeing. And we've already been accepting the premises handed to us (over-population, fossil fuel shortage, food shortage, etc.). There is much more to be understood about many assumptions we generally hold. Â This is not to say that the problems don't exist. Like with AIDS, of course we know that people are sick and dying; no one is denying that. But the facts about the real causes are being suppressed, which would show a very different picture and suggest a very different course of action. Â I've spent the last 5 years or so avoiding TV and mass media, only reading independent news sources on the Internet. (I also write on health politics for one of the online news agencies). Putting the pieces together from independent sources, it becomes clear that the environmental movement is an agenda to further one world government and loss of personal freedom. Â Saving the environment is an emotionally charged issue that can easily be used to control popular sentiment.. who would want to say that they don't care about the environment?! But the real story is suppressed, naturally, so the drama that is presented seems real, and the puppet masters creating the drama remain largely hidden. Â It's the same scenario as we see in the field of health, where conventional medicine has largely coopted the alternative health field, and most people can't figure out how they're being manipulated with herbal and nutritional industry hype. It becomes so confusing, and people are so hypnotized by the "information" they receive, that they are overwhelmed and critical thinking is suspended. Â It's a real challenge to discern what's going on and sort out the truth from the matrix of truth, lies and manipulation. Gone are the days where good guys have the white hats and it's easy to tell what's what . Â But we've evolved beyond that, and I'm sure we're up for the task. Â I hope I've helped show where the common thread is in our thinking, and I'd be glad to discuss further. Â Re. the Amish culture.. "some" wisdom I'd say, just a different mix of light and darkness that occurs everywhere. But again, technology/industrialism vs. neo-Luddism is just another dialectic. Â I'd say we're attracted to the cultural circumstances that best allow us to evolve.. and there's no one right way for everyone but to follow their own heart to take whatever is the next step on their individual map of consciousness. Discerning the true map, a worthy challenge. Â -Karen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voice Posted June 22, 2006 Karen said: "Putting the pieces together from independent sources, it becomes clear that the environmental movement is an agenda to further one world government and loss of personal freedom. " Â I say: huh?! Environmental protection is funded less and less every year, the US is not part of the Kyoto Accord and so nothing will come of it, and environmentalists are typically presented as wackos. Â Indeed, NAFTA has supposedly weakened environmental protection in North America, because the environmental laws in US or Canada could be challenged in the court because they make companies less competitive than they would be in Mexico. Â And, yes, social responsibility always entails a loss of personal freedom. The lack of social responsibility, and the excess of personal greed (e.g. CEOs, athletes, the cosmetic surgeon down the street) is what is causing the social and environmental problems. Â How is it that the environmental movement is part of some movement to create one world government? Â Chris Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karen Posted June 22, 2006 Hi Chris, Â I understand the "huh?" reaction, as I've had more of those than I'd prefer. Gets annoying after a while, but always teaches me something even if I go kicking and screaming sometimes . Â So.. yeah, environmentalists are portrayed as wackos, same as conspiracy theorists, alternative medicine, eastern philosophers, you name it.. but consensus reality seems to coopt everything, and we find these things coming into the mainstream. I forgot who said.. "the best way to control the opposition is to become their leader." Control both sides, actually, and create a lot of confusion, as we're seeing. Â So if something like environmentalism is discredited with a broad brush stroke, using ad hominem attack, that provokes a lot of reaction. Either it fuels a belief that all environmentalism must be correct, or a reaction that it must be incorrect. Is all alternative medicine effective or is it all a scam? None of the above. We know it's more complex than that. But we can watch the subtle kinds of manipulation that we're subject to, and how we react. Â This is why I'm making a clear distinction that attending to healing the environment in a correct way is not the same thing as the globalists' environmental agenda. Big difference, but we get our information in such broad strokes that we're not being shown those important distinctions. Â As to how the environmentalist agenda is connected with one world government, here's an excerpt I had on file from an article titled The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century, by Phillip Darrell Collins and Paul David Collins: Â "..Ehrlich's wife is a member of the Club of Rome, an organizational machination of the power elite. The Club specializes in manufacturing hypothetical scenarios concerning overpopulation and environmental degradation. The organization typically compiles these apocalyptic forecasts and publishes them for public consumption. It should be fairly obvious why. The following excerpt from the Club's 1991 report, The First Global Revolution, reveals the motive: Â In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. (King and Schneider 115) Â In making humanity the ultimate enemy, the oligarchs have the perfect pretext for world government. After all, only a massive supranational entity with unlimited powers could compel the nemesis of humanity to retard its "environmentally unsound" industrial and technological development. Thus, a global socialist totalitarian government could be erected in the name of "ecological preservation." This is the cause that men like Tanton and Ehrlich are perpetuating." Â There's also quite a bit of information showing the fallacy of global warming from a purely meteorological view. Problems in the environment - sure. Global warming - no. Fear-mongering - obstruction to real healing, until we begin to master fear. Â The pattern of manipulation that can be seen in many different areas is "Problem-Reaction-Solution," as David Icke calls it. (I don't agree with David Icke on many counts, but I think that's a very useful model for looking at the dialectic in action). It's "the end justifies the means." You have people pointing to a threat, whether it's pollution or climate changes, not explaining the real underlying causes, but offering us a solution that involves tyranny. Â I think the great learning here is that we get to ponder what personal freedom means to us, and engage in maybe a deeper personal evaluation than we did before. Â I wouldn't say that social responsibility requires a loss of personal freedom.. but we'd have to really define what we mean by those things. I think those two things are again really functional polarities but the intellect narrows the field to an either/or opposition where one has to be sacrificed to the other. Â It's the same kind of limited thinking involved in beliefs that people have, for example, that we can either do what we love OR have money. It seems to the intellect that we have to choose one over the other. Â To me freedom doesn't mean that I should run the red lights if I want to. There's a difference between natural law which limits things, as natural forces do so elegantly, compared with oppressive artificial law which limits things. Both limit, but limitation can assist you or it can hinder you. But this takes a whole lot more discussion. Â I hope what I've said is useful in some way, even if it's to help you articulate your own view which is different. Â Karen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voice Posted June 22, 2006 Hi Karen,  Global warming is real, and the only controversy comes from the right wingers who base their critiques on miniscule problems. If you don't believe in global warming, please read the latest report on the temperature records for the last 2000 years at:  This is from the National Academy of Science for their presentation to Congress.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  I expect that Anne Ehrlich is a member of the Club of Rome because "The Population Bomb", the neo-Malthusian book that she and her husband wrote, inspired the Club of Rome analyses.  I won't get into the conspiracy theory stuff because it can neither be proven nor refuted. But, I am happy to debate the science if you want, if you want to explore the link above.  Chris Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karen Posted June 22, 2006 Hi Chris, Â One of the problems in debating the issue of global warming is that there are several methods of determining temperatures, and we have to look at the reliability of those methods, but this is never discussed in the press. We have to be willing to look clearly at the assumptions we're starting out with. Â One method of measurement is to average out temperatures around the world using devices the majority of which are located in cities and on land. Another method involves the use of satellites above both ocean and land. The first says the earth is warming, the second says no. Â I think we all know how easy it is to lie with statistics. Mark Twain said, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." Â But ultimately I don't think the key issue is whether global warming is real. It's a straw man argument, involving us in endless debate while the real power structures continue their divide and conquer tactics. Â But unless we see the larger picture, the other drama appears necessary to engage in. Â -Karen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voice Posted June 22, 2006 Hi Karen,   Here is a comparison between thermometer and satellite records, with two different interpretations of the satellite records. You can see that the satellites do show warming. Fu discovered that the satellites had been slowing down due to friction and that a correction for that slowing down resulted in the satellites showing warming.  In any case, thermometers from remote areas like the Arctic and 3000 feet below the ocean surface all show warming.  Chris  Disclaimer: I have done research and teaching on global warming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lozen Posted June 22, 2006 "There is sufficient evidence from tree rings, boreholes, retreating glaciers, and other "proxies" of past surface temperatures to say with a high level of confidence that the last few decades of the 20th century were warmer than any comparable period in the last 400 years ... Other proxies include corals, ocean and lake sediments, ice cores, cave deposits, and documentary sources ... The committee pointed out that surface temperature reconstructions for periods before the Industrial Revolution -- when levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases were much lower -- are only one of multiple lines of evidence supporting the conclusion that current warming is occurring in response to human activities, and they are not the primary evidence." Â Find the press release and links to the full report at: Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neimad Posted June 23, 2006 I would just add that the idea of accepting the darkness is a common point of confusion. It doesn't mean we don't have to fight our adversaries because of the idea that darkness is really for our benefit. But when we oppose adversaries in any form (disease included), we're doing it from a real grounding in the truth, not reacting from fear and confusion.. so that we're simply acting from our true nature, expressing our love even through battle, and that process strengthens us. Â Â a worthy opponent is one who causes us to grow. true, this does not in any way change their status from being an opponent. Â that's what the matrix is for us... a worthy opponent. one we need to battle in order to discover truth. Â i have come to realise that the battle is an internal one (at least initially - until one can move up to the level of sorcerer). Â what's happening as a result of the increasing cesspool planet earth is become? more and more heads, i think, are taking the plunge and becoming warriors.... because it's not hard to see that all of this garbage is just that, utter garbage..... the tranformation takes place with consciousness, then the vibration can be raised and all of these earthly problems... well they are nothing in the face of that! Â Â but i'm with you karen, i get what you say. two sides being manipulated by the same expert puppetmaster and all that. bush's government is talking about the environment and how they can solve it... and what's the solution being presented? nuclear! what garbage. and the worlds getting hotter, more trashed, etc... what's the solution? to throw up our arms in despair and become radical environmentalists? or is it to act on an individual level? to make the changes we want to see outside happen from the inside? on a physical level to support local organic growers.... to use non-earth harming products in every aspect of our lives (from cleaning products to cosmetics... it's all available)? to raise our own personal vibration and help lift it all up? Â Â i dunno.... but for me, the only thing left of any importance is realising my own full potential. throwing up my arms in despair is not worthwhile, fixating on the problems is not worthwhile.... only building my spirit and liberating my soul is worth anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeform Posted June 23, 2006 I completely get what Karen is saying... I see the whole climate change issue as one of those shampoo or skin care ads... They take something very complex and explain it visualy as little dropletts of goodness flowing into your skin and smoothing it out... the whole incredibly complex notion of climate change has been narrowed down to a single catch phrase "Global Warming" - this is like a nugget of gold for the media... you can now just use "Global Warming" as an anchor to drop us back into the hypnosis of seeing some shampoo-style advert showing us 'how it all works'... in reality it's all far, far more complex... Â I get the power thing also... the powerfull always want more power... it's just a mamalian impulse... no need to judge... we all shit, right? One thing I know is that whenever there is some kind of emotional entanglement in a subject, there is a political power-strugle beneath it. Emotions go hand in hand with politics... you cant have one without the other. Â Perhaps the world is warming up... but that's like knowing you have a headache and thinking you've found the whole cause for it. If the powerfull want more power they'll use anything to get it, even if seems on the 'outside' as if they're shooting themselves in their foot... Â Give em a shampoo ad about "Global Warming", get them hypnotised into fearing it (agin: politics - emotion) and now you can use their resources (money) to build "new technologies" (like the made-up "pro-neutrinium" bollocks they have in skincare ads)... what do these "new technologies" do? what does "pro-neutrinium" do? let's make a little animation of some radio-waves moving up into the atmosphere and the ozone layer is visually vitalised and filled, and the earth smiles and we're happy, because our fear is now back down to comfort! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelerner Posted June 24, 2006 I remember reading an article on how it rains more on weekends. The notion was considered patently obsurd because its not like the weather knows what day it is. But nonetheless it was statistically true. Smog built up from Monday to Friday from higher driving, tended to cause rain on the weekends. Less driving and the weekend rain tended to keep rain from coming til the following weekend. Â As I recall it was by no means an absolutist kind of thing, but it was a statistically and logically proven example of how we influence the weather. Â I also read that the weather was skewed after 9/11 by not having hundreds of 1,000s of flights in the air for the next few days. The con trails that spread and cover so much sky were gone and affected slightly the weather. Â When I did business Gerber Baby products an executive said that the little baby jars they sold would reach past the moon by now. A coca cola exec I was with said the volume company did the equivalent of draining Lake Michigan every year or two. Human production is staggering. Â I think its probably the cause and ultimately the solution to our problem. Â Michael Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TwoTrees Posted June 24, 2006 I think its probably the cause and ultimately the solution to our problem. Michael Well said at the drive-home point ! Provokes a whole lot of thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smile Posted June 24, 2006 Karen, very nice posts and with exception of global warming part, I totally agree. I would say the whole environmental issue is not what they say it is- HAARP and nuclear testing would be the main causes. But it's true that they know how to mix the truth with lies and promote the 'solution' aka New World Order. Just look at the immigration policy to destroy this country. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smile Posted June 24, 2006 JFK Speech on Secret Societies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeform Posted June 24, 2006 What exactly is HAARP? Â I've had a search on it on google, and unwittingly opened up a can of worms... any good links to thorough, non-emotional (political!), factual information from different points of view? Â how about chemtrails? Â another can of worms for me. I dont really believe that someone is delibirately attemting to mass-poison our society... but there cant be smoke without a fire... Â The whole discussion on contrail vs chemtrail seems rather one-sided... from my own observation I've seen that sometimes contrails (from all aircraft) linger for a long time, sometimes they disappear almost instantly - this seems more to do with weather/wind/air pressure than anything else. Â I have from time to time seen a contrail 'expand' (get wider and cover more of the sky) which was creepy... but it's quite possible that the ice/water condensation suspended in the air has attracted more water arround it... I dont really know what to believe regarding this stuff... can anyone clarify this for me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lozen Posted June 24, 2006 But it's true that they know how to mix the truth with lies and promote the 'solution' aka New World Order. Just look at the immigration policy to destroy this country. Â What does THAT mean? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karen Posted June 25, 2006 (edited) Freeform,  Best place to start is the "Clouds of Death" video. Go to Etheric Warriors and under the header is a link for "Download COD video." It runs about 20 minutes, talks about the problem of chemtrails but also talks about chembusters.  Then I'd recommend this site for more research - Educate-Yourself Unfortunately the search function on the site doesn't work at the moment, and it's a pain to navigate, but there should be a Chemtrail link, a NWO link, etc. Educate-yourself is generally a good information source, not 100% reliable by any means, so "use your discernment."  If you want to go further, Warrior Matrix forum. It gets wild and wooly in there. But then again, we're here in the Pit, so I have to assume you're up for braving the wilds. There are good people there if you want to post questions.  Then there's Cliff Carnicom's site, good info on chemtrails but it's all to incite fear, so there's that caveat. And many more that don't talk about solutions, only doom and gloom, and I'd avoid those.  Main point about contrails is that they can't possibly spread out over the sky in white streaks. Chemtrails have been analyzed as containing barium, aluminum, jet fuel, mycoplasma, red blood cells, polymer fibers. There are closeup photos of chemtrail spraying that couldn't possibly be confused with contrails.  The good news is that the chemtrail program is failing, whiteout conditions are less frequent than they used to be, and blue skies are returning.  Re. HAARP, it's a government program that most people think is only located in Alaska (to beam microwaves into the ionosphere), but those tall, thin red and white towers that are very numerous in every area are HAARP towers. See HAARP.  Have fun with the research  -Karen Edited June 25, 2006 by karen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callan Posted June 25, 2006 i dunno.... but for me, the only thing left of any importance is realising my own full potential. throwing up my arms in despair is not worthwhile, fixating on the problems is not worthwhile.... only building my spirit and liberating my soul is worth anything. Â I'm with you on that one. Not only is fixating on problems not worthwhile - it's completely insane! There's probably some truth in what you're saying Karen but really others peoples conspiracies aren't worth paying any attention to. It only feeds them. And if you're acting out of your own fear and paranoia then that's all you're going to create. Thats where those people are coming from. They think there isn't enough power/money/whatever to go around, so they're scared and they think other people are going to take whatever they've managed to hold onto. On the other hand if there's something positive you can do on a personal level go for it. The most positive thing I can think of in this case is to go and have fun, ignore all the conspiracies and counter conspiracies and then maybe work out how I can use less electricity and recycle more. Â Social responsibility may not imply loss of personal freedom but it certainly narrows down the actions you are prepared to take. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karen Posted June 25, 2006 (edited) I'm with you on that one. Not only is fixating on problems not worthwhile - it's completely insane! Â True, and we all do this in various ways, maybe not as dramatically as the fear-mongerers, but more privately in our own heads . Â I think we can extract kernels of truth wherever they are to be found. For example, someone can be telling a truth but spin it with fear. We can extract the kernel of truth and ignore the chaff. There's no need to internalize anyone else's paranoia in any case. If we don't practice that discernment, then we're simply applying another form of bias. Â But there's another point that I think might be worth articulating here, if I can.. that "fixating on the problems" is not a necessary outcome of being interested in learning how power in the external world is structured. A problem is a process that is a reality, a phenomenal reality that we can't deny. But fixation is a trance. Â For example, if I'm sick, there is something real that needs to be overcome. Whether I freak out about it, or whether I'm at peace with it, there is still a task to be accomplished. I can take the approptiate steps without being hypnotized by "the problem." When the garbage needs to be taken out, you just do it in the appropriate way, no fixation. Â So I see that it's that kind of direct participation, engagement in life on all levels that doesn't involve fixation or false beliefs, but is just a clear, direct response to a situation. I actually found that delving into research about power in the outer world helped me tremendously in understanding my own inner tyranny. I really needed to make that connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm to further my own inner development. That was just my own personal path, might not be everyone's. Â I feel moved to use orgone generators and chembusters to help repair the energy fields that are causing a lot of the environmental problems. I don't have to fixate on a problem in order to be involved or get the job done. Â Â -Karen Edited June 25, 2006 by karen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neimad Posted June 25, 2006 There's probably some truth in what you're saying Karen but really others peoples conspiracies aren't worth paying any attention to. It only feeds them. And if you're acting out of your own fear and paranoia then that's all you're going to create. Thats where those people are coming from. They think there isn't enough power/money/whatever to go around, so they're scared and they think other people are going to take whatever they've managed to hold onto. Â hmmm i dunno about this. Â Â conspiracy theories was just one of the many catalysts on my own path to get where i am now. i don't think i could have gained the level of understanding and the kind of consciousness shifts that are now occurring without this dive first into seeing evil at the very base (matrix) level. Â i worked from the bottom up.... i knew something was wrong and i looked for answers. i found out about crooked corporations (that one wasn't hard to find), started to understand how the media manipulates minds and thoughts, saw how this began to tie into government and other places of power.... began to discover that it was a reccurring theme that runs back as far as human history does, found out about the power families, satanic worhsippers (ever seen the pictures of george w doing the 'horned owl' symbol??)... and it kept going up until i realised that all these levels were just the operation of a force, that is the opposing force of 'god' (in this dimension of duality... every action has an opposite reaction... i.e. the god force has it's counter force... yin-yang symbol again) that can be called "the darkside" (lets go with the star wars terminology ). Â from that i have been coming to understand that this darkside is necessary because it cause the 'force' (god, whatever) to evolve.... it's just a balance. Â things appear like they are getting really really bad, but actually this is pushing the other side.... that is now is a time of massive consciousness evolution... it's huge and i think heads are waking up all over the place. Â Â so through the doom and gloom, the paranoia and the overt thought that "everything is fucked" i have come to a point of balanced understanding. now i look at the matrix, and the agents of the matrix and i smile.... and i thank them, because it's because of them that i am doing what i am doing and seeking my potential. Â if the world wasn't fucked why would i bother evolving? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smile Posted June 26, 2006 Here is another good article: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites