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I've read on this site that the keysound is basically the heart sound. Could anyone describe the way it is applied? Is it sounded sub-vocally? and is it basically trying to focus the energy at the heart chakra area?



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I think it's basically the heart sound. Experiment between vocal and subvocal.


When you really hit the keysound right, it's a very sweet practice, but it takes regular practice. If you dig it and do it a lot, keep in mind that you need to take the energy back down through the orbit and you have to practice meditation regularly too or eventually it'll drive you nuts or simply glitch out.

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I've read on this site that the keysound is basically the heart sound. Could anyone describe the way it is applied? Is it sounded sub-vocally? and is it basically trying to focus the energy at the heart chakra area?




Hi Hugo,


if you have some money left simply get the sound... there are two discs available... one is with repetitions of the sound in slightly different variations...



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