virtuous pig

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greetings fellow taohards;


I came across this website out of interest on mantak chia threads; i have been following UHT for a number of years and found it has helped me heal a lot from severe intestinal traumas I have suffered through my twenties. I was shocked to find out that some people consider him a fraud; I don't know the full story of him; but have followed a lot of his teachings and have made a lot of healing progress; i'm not closed minded into learning about the dark side of UHT; but I am grafeful to the man who helped me heal; when doctors could do nothing; cheers; Vpig.


if anyone would be so kind to steer me in write direction of threads I should read plz let me know.

Edited by virtuous pig

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Hi virtuos pig,


Welcome to the Taobums :)


I am not too much into Mantak Chia myself, but many on this forum are. My general impression from the Taobums is that he is considered a very important contributor to the publication of taoist alchemical practices.


The best way to search TTB is using Google with as well as using the search functionality on the forum as a second attempt if the Google search doesn't yield what you were looking for. Caution about the direct search under TTB - it tends to be a somewhat slow.

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I have not used any of his healing practices.


However, it is my understanding that there are many critical holes (mistakes) in his sexual practices that have resulted in many people becoming quite ill. I believe this is why he is viewed as a questionable teacher.


Cheers--Welcome to the Tao bums!

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