
Critical Thinking and Creativity

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Very nicely presented Stig.


I actually agree with the entire presentation.


The only thing I will say is that we should be cautious when venturing into the unknown to make sure that what we are observing is real and not just a figment of our imagination (a desire to have more than what truely exists).

Handling the unknown is an important topic. I would like to discuss this further.



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Handling the unknown is an important topic. I would like to discuss this further.




If you get something started I will do my best to speak to the subject.

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Handling the unknown is an important topic. I would like to discuss this further.



Handling unknown? We don't. :D


We guess, and estimate. We can handle known possibilities by using past experiences, but other wise, if unknown, what are you handling?


We make our best guess, and when something comes to be known, we find out how good the guess was. I don't think it can work the other way around.

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