
The Secret of Woman and the Moon cycle

Recommended Posts said "woof" :P


An' the guy(s) missed it...again :-)


As I was saying (during my TTB's vacation) to another bum "Where are all these "men" that these "women" keep talking about?" And I dare say the reverse could also be true:-) So tired of so many threads that seem to me to rehash a million times over the "traditional female" (and I guess by allusion "traditional male") roles under covert yin/yang dynamics. Tired of it. Doormat.



My take. Never ever presume a "relationship" where none exists- except maybe in your head. Do not attempt to make someone else "fit" into your own idea of, well, anything at all. Otherwise, many many disappointments in store (IME\IMO). Burdening others with your own idea(ls) whether those be yin/yang or not is IMO really really silly - and not to mention completely pointless (or possibly cruel...) Better to feel/understand yin/yang, maybe?


While I'm in favour of erudition when it comes to each of us and our world, I'm very much not in favour of erudition towards the goal of "controlling" the former. Just look where that seems to get us.



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OK,well this forum is about Taoist concepts like yin and yang. I want to learn about yin and yang. OK maybe I'm looking for this knowledge too much from without but sometimes you gotta start somewhere.



Non, I find nothing wrong with your posts, and actually myself I often find your topics interesting and I think you are really thinking hard here about important concepts. This is good. Carry on please and ignore others if they dont like what you have to say. Much of what you say imo can be considered to be in the realm of theory and thats perfectly fine. The interactions between men and women are a perfectly natural, important, and relevant topics for discussion here as far as im concerned. Thank you for all your contributions to the forum, I rnjoy reading them and they provoke me to also think further of these subjects.

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Absolutely. I think this is a profound insight.


I hope I am not being too crude in my words, but I want to make this point.....


We hear today so much in society, people like Dr. Phil and other clueless people, always saying "Sex isn't important, It's in the media too much, Young people don't need to think about sex so much."


Well, that is so much bs. Whether you believe humans are spiritual beings, or whether you believe they evolved from apes, one indisputable fact, is that we are programmed to feel good when we we have achieved getting laid by someone hot.


We also know that when you are younger, is when a lot of your personality traits are developed. If you don't develop certain traits and qualities at a young age, it's possible you never will.


So, when people say "don't worry about sex, dating, gfs, etc. it will happen for you when it's meant to", we can know they are naive people. You have to make what you want happen. I would say, for a guy, when he is in high school, 13, 15, years old, etc. You gotta get laid. It's the only way to get confidence. You will feel like the man, and will show more confidence in everything you do. As a result, girls will be attracted to that confidence. It's a simple case of the rich get richer, and the poor stay poor. If you develop that confidence at 13, it will stay with you. If you develop it at 23, it won't really be fundamental to who you are, and you will still carry a lot of tension and doubt about yourself in the back of your mind. Getting laid in high school is certainly going to give you a lot more confidence than it will at 25. If it takes you until 25 then even if you do start getting chicks you will know it's just pretend and you're just trying to be something you aren't really. It comes down to whether you want to have in your mind that you're a little jack off loser for the rest of your life, or if you want it that you're a pimp in the back of your mind forever. In addition, with guys, the more girls you bang, the more other girls will want you, and the more they will hate the girls you are banging. It's strange how that works.



wow some great insights here, but id have to disagree on some points. Im in my mid 20s and didnt talk to any girls in high school and I now have more confidence then most of my friends around women who did get laid in high school. Additionally I am a nice guy at heart and could have got laid much more then I actually have if i wanted to be ruthless and give up my principals, but to me my principals are more important. I am now able to go talk to random women and ask them out simply because I started one day just going around and doing it whenever I went out until it became natural. I still have about a 90% fail rate, but fuck ive never seen any of my friends do the stuff I do. Point is ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO GAIN CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF. Its not about the women ITS ABOUT YOU! If I went back in time a few years ago i couldent even look girls in the eyes long until I knew them for some weeks and got comfortable around them.....FUCK THAT. Now I make fun of them, tell them they are beautiful, and am able to say all the things I ever wanted to say to women.... simply because I practiced doing it. Oh ya and when I started the emotional pain was so intense I really really wanted to stop and i felt so depressed at times... but im so glad i didnt, because if I did stop I AM SURE I WOULD ALWAYS BE SHY around women FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Before I did this I was just a socially awkward person. Today I had to go to the i ended up giving a girl my phone # like probably not call but who cares....the fact is i was able to go out and do this ....something i would have never never never been able to do a while back without pissing my pants or running away.......gonig out with a friend and doing this helps loads also

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In this instance, I can't think of this great visual example (master Yoda's advice to Non):




Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.



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Non, I think you might be doing it wrong.


Kindness is the sexiest thing in the world.

Men who actually LISTEN are the sexiest thing in the world.

Guys who are kind to old ladies are the sexiest thing in the world.

Guys who have brains are the absolutely sexiest thing in the world.

Flinging money around may work for a while but it gets old fast, even to the biggest


Spiritual men (in my particular case, it would be more metaphysical) are incredibly sexy.

Religious men can be the unsexiest things in the world.

Guys who spend all their time thinking about how to get laid are the unsexiest things in the world.

Getting into another's soul, another's psyche, is the sexiest thing in the world.

Men who understand the Tao from the inside out and actually practice it?




Please believe me....none of this has anything to do with a woman's moon cycle. There may be temporary ups and downs having to do with sexuality, but this is the fools gold stuff. That's what you're spending your time on, Non - fool's gold.


I say this with love in my heart for you. I mean no offense and wish you the best.




Agreed. My current (far from "new agey" or "spiritual") girlfriend told me she's been usually dating bodybuilder types and is surprised that I can satisfy her. This hasn't happened for her much with a man. I'm of a slender frame, although I do exercise regularily I'm not an alpha male.


She said that when we met the first time she instantly "saw" that I could do it for her and that's why she fell in love with a guy who is far from her ordinary preference. I believe it's about personal power that comes through meditation and positive experiences or "conditioning" in life. Remember, I used to be quite insecure sexually but kept on trying even after some very embarrassing and dissapointing experiences (including divorce). This could also have something to do with age, some men just seem to mature later.. So IMO there's hope for most guys who are willing to work on their attitude. Learning the Tao of loving can be very helpful with its techniques such as "soft entry" which has saved me many times already :D

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Studies have shown that woman are attracted to bad boys, and sinister, non-monogamous and violent types during ovulation, and then the more serious, good guys away from ovulation. Studies show their receptiveness changes during certain parts of the month to different types of men. They can also wear diferent types of clothing influenced by how they are affected by their cycles.


Dude this is how your mind has skewed the facts, because your insecurity around this.



Studies show women are attracted to MASCULINE men during those times. I know, I've read them, and studied this at length.


The masculinity is not inherently anything though dude. Think Gladiator, where Russel Crow just wants to go to his wife. Etc..


Women are quite complex and if you approach them at the wrong time, they can flip out on you or disregard you at a whim. They can also be very accepting of you if you approach them at the right time. You also have to be the right TYPE at the right time.

This is more of your insecurity sounding like, you have to interact with women correctly, or you wont get love/sex/attraction/etc. Which really relates to how you feel about your self... that if you get that stuff, you'll feel good about your self, otherwise you won't.


Part of the issue is it sounds like you don't see women as humans, but as these machines or organisms that you can get something from if you act the 'correct' way.


The real point though dude, you will only be you at all times anyway. So if she doesn't like that, then she doesn't really like you. And even if you think you are changing yourself to be like what she wants the funny point is ... your still only being you, and your only deceiving yourself that you have 'tricked' her in some way.


Studies also show that men who "acheive" a sexual experience will then subconsciously seek that again. The mammalian brain will seek it subconsciously as a reward, their dopamine response leads them. SO what of the male who has never had the "experience", is he left in the dark?


AKA - studies show that people who have fun, continue to want to have fun.


So this looks like a reason for you being not enough, because you haven't had those experiences... but dude... everybody starts without having those experiences.



With you dude, all I see is a boy who is scared shitless of women, and trying to understand them and do things so that you won't be hurt. But the hurt is all in your mind in the first place, and you just have to go out there and chat and enjoy women.


And sometimes it takes being hurt to realize it won't kill you.


Get the fuck off this forum, go meet women and you might find they are some of the most caring compassionate, loving, amazing creates to grace this ball of dirt. Much more than any of your guy friends.


But they are also extremely sensitive and hyper aware of creepers and the like who might secretly be trying to use them to feel good about themselves.


In fact I've found women tend to pick up spiritual practices a shit ton faster than men.



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Well it's true that being considerate, kind, helpful, spiritual, and all those things will not get you the hottest young chicks. It's almost always assholes that get the 10s.



No it's not.


You will match up though with those that you are similar to, development/psychologically/and place in life.



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I have studied the pickup artist material. I gained a lot of ability. When I actually used it though I found that I was not able to find the women I would be satisfied spending any period of time greater than three months. In the back of my mind I knew that I was not that person and could not continue that way. I then decided to work on myself and examine what drove my actions. I abstained from relationships for a year. I was able to break down those virtual constructs of societal expectations of what a man and woman should be to each other.


I found my fiancee in a mental health treatment center. She does not look at all like the women I was typically attracted to and she was lesbian before we met. Our sheer compatibility and past experiences are incredible. We are what we were always looking for but never thought we could find.

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I have studied the pickup artist material. I gained a lot of ability. When I actually used it though I found that I was not able to find the women I would be satisfied spending any period of time greater than three months. In the back of my mind I knew that I was not that person and could not continue that way. I then decided to work on myself and examine what drove my actions. I abstained from relationships for a year. I was able to break down those virtual constructs of societal expectations of what a man and woman should be to each other.


I found my fiancee in a mental health treatment center. She does not look at all like the women I was typically attracted to and she was lesbian before we met. Our sheer compatibility and past experiences are incredible. We are what we were always looking for but never thought we could find.


This, has been my experience.


If you fake it till you make it, your still fucking fake. And you know that inside.


It's literally 'just be your self'. but not the self you think you should be to get love... but just your self. Who you are regardless of anyone else.


Then when you find love/attraction/whatever it's YOU she/he loves. And it takes courage to be that. Because you will be tempted to be anything but. To try to hide it, and be the thing that you think you should be so that... whatever (they'll like you, she'll love you, you'll get sex, etc).



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Gentlemen B) ,

may I introduce to you the scientific facts:




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Women ALWAYS prefer to get laid and knocked up by the high-testosterone dominant male (DOM)! He has the best genes to produce healthy offspring! Why? His childs will have a high assertiveness and also the best immune system. But the preferred father figure to raise these childs is the "nicer" more reliable long-term mate (LTM). So women are programmed to marry LTM...but to get knocked up by DOM. So women are biologically programmed to cheat on their partner...for the good of their offsping!


When you are the average male (AVM) or even androgynous male (AND) with test-levels below the DOM or even LTM...well, bottom line is that then you won't be first choice for sex or relationship.

Edited by Dorian Black
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I am not saying that you should change the way you are etc to get with women. I think sticking to your own beliefs and principals is more important and will actually make you more confident and self assured in the long run. And also yes I think its true that the best looking and most biologically fit women (alpha females) in a society tend to go for natural Alpha type males. I also think true natural Alpha type males are fairly rare. With PUA stuff some beta and other males can fake alpha status but since they are faking it, it is usually very very hard and stressful for such betas to keep up with the "alpha" females they get with. unless these betas acutally do rearrange their lives to get alpha status. Sometimes they can keep up with them but the cost is usually high. Or betas can do other non PUA things like get rich, or gain fame, nice car or other social status in order to become attractive to "alpha" type females. I personally dont use much PUA stuff, I just go talk to random women when im out. I find PUA stuff to be unnatural for the most part and manipulative. I dont try to be something or someone im not, I just think its good to learn to have the confidence and skills so that WHEN YOU DO FINALLY MEET SOMEONE WHO IS REALLY COMPATIBLE FOR YOU you can interact with them much more easily. I mean most alpha females ive known just have a lifestyle that is something i cant keep up with, nor would ever want to even if I had the choice. Its too stressful and filled with pointlessness imo. In conclusion There exists a biological heirarchy and for males there are many ways as described above to circumvent this heirarchy to get women that are "biologically superior" to themselvs. However this biological heirarchy will always be there and betas that wanna work their asses of to get with alpha females will continue to do so for various reasons despite the stresses involved. IMO id rather date a 6 or 7 thats laid back then a 9 or 10 thats a high effort alpha female. These are just generalizations though


my 2 pesos

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It's literally 'just be your self'. but not the self you think you should be to get love... but just your self. Who you are regardless of anyone else.




It reminds me of the old axiom, 'If you want a friend, Be a friend.'

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Gentlemen B) ,

may I introduce to you the scientific facts:




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Women ALWAYS prefer to get laid and knocked up by the high-testosterone dominant male (DOM)! He has the best genes to produce healthy offspring! Why? His childs will have a high assertiveness and also the best immune system. But the preferred father figure to raise these childs is the "nicer" more reliable long-term mate (LTM). So women are programmed to marry LTM...but to get knocked up by DOM. So women are biologically programmed to cheat on their partner...for the good of their offsping!


When you are the average male (AVM) or even androgynous male (AND) with test-levels below the DOM or even LTM...well, bottom line is that then you won't be first choice for sex or relationship.


See now that is messed up. And they have to correlate it with the faces? They're making women seem like it's all about looks now and only about looks.


So just look madder and you'll get more women. Look more at peace, you'll get nothing.


This makes me think more of suicide. I'm telling you, it's fucked up.

Edited by Non

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See now that is messed up. And they have to correlate it with the faces? They're making women seem like it's all about looks now and only about looks.


So just look madder and you'll get more women. Look more at peace, you'll get nothing.


This makes me think more of suicide. I'm telling you, it's fucked up.


Good lord, so many people here are missing the forest because all the trees keep getting in the way!


The focus here is so narrowly perceived by looking at female relationships, offspring, yadda yadda. BACK THE FUCK UP!


Does ANYONE (male or female) want to hang out with ANYONE (male or female) who is always down, always negative, never willing to open up, never showing any positive emotion, always seems to be sabotaging themselves or others, always looking to criticize, always down and depressing? NO!!!!!!


I've said this DOZENS of times in past threads-


This whole "nice guy" and "bad boy" dichotomy is BULLSHIT and doesn't last beyond high school!


You can be nice, AND still be spontaneous and fun- a plus for guys and girls, ALL relationships, not just romantically!


The whole "bad boy, I'm a rebel" lifestyle is NOT SUSTAINABLE and NOT CONDUCIVE to a happy life, nor is it conducive to healthy relationships. Except so many people run around with the stupid notion that, "oh if I'm a nice guy, it means I can't treat a woman like a woman, and I can't act like a man", that the only time a woman can find a man who will act like a man and treat her like a woman is with a guy whose life is FUCKED UP TO BEGIN WITH! (as in, not conducive to a sustainable relationship!)


You should plan for the future, but know when to take a couple of calculated risks- this goes back to the spontaneity, know when to let go! You gotta know what she's in the mood for- something romantic and slow, something hard and fast? Again, this goes back to the social cues- you gotta be able to read people, gotta know what to do! There are some people who can't, and they can learn to find ways to do that, but only because they PROPERLY IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM.


I see plenty of guys with plenty of ladies who seem to be out of their league, but these guys and girls get along great. WHY? Because the guys aren't so freakin' depressed all the time! Because the guys know who they are, and aren't trying to run away from some of the traits they have externally (all they gotta do is look in the mirror to tell they're overweight and losing hair) and instead show off their internal traits!


Sure, you can take SHORTCUTS- spend a ton of money on a girl, and you're guaranteed to get plenty of hot women, gold diggers though they may be. Tell all the right lies, and you'll have everybody convinced your something, but that is NOT long term, and Non, you said in a past thread you do NOT want that!!!!!



Non, you gotta take a very, VERY hard look about what it is you REALLY want out of your life. Because even though you say you don't want/need approval from other people, you bemoan the fact that you're never going to get it because society is stacked against you. Let me tell you something Non- plenty of people have dug themselves out of a hole, and have realized that 9 times out of 10, their problems were caused by their own NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.


Kate said it best, don't project onto people or situations- which means don't think a chick wants to fuck you just because she's got some revealing clothing, and for the love of God, DON'T think that the woman in the present is going to judge you down because a woman in your past did!!!!!! That is the number one way you can self sabotage yourself.



And guess what? Suicide is NOT the answer! It is NOT a fast track way to experience enlightenment (by becoming "empty"). It is NOT a way to escape from your problems- your problems will follow you until you DEAL WITH THEM! Except, if you believe in reincarnation, there is NO GUARANTEE that you'll incarnate into a life in which you are even CAPABLE of dealing with your problems (due to internal or external circumstances). Which means now that you know you've got something to deal with, NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO DO IT!



Seriously Non, I WANT you to get better, I WANT you to seriously look at your life and appraise it. I've been in tough situations like this. Others have been too. It's just one step. You gotta move forward. If you never work past it, NOTHING will happen.


But you have to WANT to move forward, only YOU can do this for YOURSELF. Not for women. Not for money. Not for popularity. Because YOU want to change YOURSELF, because right now, YOU are NOT HAPPY or CONTENT with your life!

Edited by Sloppy Zhang
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This, has been my experience.


If you fake it till you make it, your still fucking fake. And you know that inside.


It's literally 'just be your self'. but not the self you think you should be to get love... but just your self. Who you are regardless of anyone else.


Then when you find love/attraction/whatever it's YOU she/he loves. And it takes courage to be that. Because you will be tempted to be anything but. To try to hide it, and be the thing that you think you should be so that... whatever (they'll like you, she'll love you, you'll get sex, etc).




So what if faking it is taken to be "the real you"? You see a lot of guys faking it.. and people are fine with it.

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sorry all. I'll have to read many of the missed posts on this thread later. It's too much right now.

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See now that is messed up. And they have to correlate it with the faces? They're making women seem like it's all about looks now and only about looks.

The looks are important because extraordinary growth in bones that have many receptors for testosterone that lead to a big jawbone and narrow and deep eyes confirm high testesterone.

But it's not only about looks. As I learned in psychology (and as my personal experience confirms), to behave dominant and according to the "dark triad" (=selfish(=narcissistic), controlling(=machiavellian) and threatening(=psychopathic)) turns women on even more...if all components fit together. A stressed psychotic may be threatening, but he's not cool and controlled in addition.

So just look madder and you'll get more women. Look more at peace, you'll get nothing.

See above.

This makes me think more of suicide. I'm telling you, it's fucked up.

True, it's fucked up. But would suicide change that? I mean it's your decision but the bitches aren't worth it.


Look, I am a guy who's jaw is 1.5 the normal size (according to my dentist after making an x-ray picture) but even my girlfriend lied and cheated on me with her superior in the army because I behaved to amicable to her, like a buddy. Suddenly her superior who treated her like shit was sexually more interesting. I considered seriously to k*ll both ( :lol: ) but reasonably turned the idea down. I not romantically minded. But I'd like to have a steady good friendship + sex with a woman I respect, but friendship turns every normal woman off sexually....also I don't know a woman I could respect. They are not like men, they (no offence ladies, I can only speak for the women I know so far!) don't have goals but nest-building (money) and babies and don't even know that! And the crazy ones (like my Ex) arent better, they are even worse and secretly admire the "real" women. So yeah, it's fucked up. So I prefer to invest time in my good friends and currently save my jing for my nei kung practice.


Back to you, why do you even consider suicide? Because the world doesn't tick the way you want it to? Get over your frustrations! Somewhere out there is a unusual women who would like to be with you, assumed that you solve your personal issues and develop a healthy personality. I mean, one good woman would suffice, wouldn't she? So why do you bother about all the other ordinary women?

Mind your own business, develop a healthy, steady and strong personality and become confident and satisfied with yourself!

As I already said: Discover and develop the greatness in yourself (= a healthy ego) so you can become enthusiastic about yourself, then your surroundings will become meaningless.

Let the bitches do their thing. Get some good friends and invest time and energy in your friendships.

How old are you BTW?

Edited by Dorian Black
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The big kicker in the facial match up stuff, is that while that is true to some degree... I know so many guys that are ugly as fuck, who are sweaty, who are all fucked up looks wise, who are amazing with women.


And just to mess with things a bit.


See if you really take the evolutionary standpoint on this, you could look at that women pick men for their resources, and men pick women based on their looks and the like. (IE, that men want women that will bear beautiful children, and women want men that will bear powerful characteristics).


But .... it's a mix of both spiritual and biological things.


If you've been following dmattwads posts, you will notice that as he opens up certain chakra's he becomes cool with these things, and moves from what you could characterize as low testosterone/reactive/status/whatever the fuck, to high testosterone/responsive/status/whatever the fuck.


It's like a fucking walk through the healing and evolution of this very area.


And while I think some of his ideas are half baked, some of them are super spot on and insightful.




The more you know 'women' the less you can know a woman.


The most beta thing you can do is try to be alpha. And the most alpha is to just be your self, regardless of what others think.



The big thing Non is your self discovery into this.


If you never got with any woman ever... would that be ok? If not, why not?


And till your more ok with your self, with or without women.. it'll be a bitch to have them.


And ironically, once you are cool with yourself, the more they'll come out of the wood works to be around and with you. Because you'll be fun and not dependent on them for how you feel about yourself (or whether you'll fucking commit suicide or not).


You gotta think it's a bit of a lot of pressure having your life in their accidentaly clumsy hands. Because your self is on the line.



Edited by JohnC
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"Because the world doesn't tick the way you want it to?"


not just that, but the opposite to the extreme in a most brutal and heart torturing fashion at that.

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The most beta thing you can do is try to be alpha. And the most alpha is to just be your self, regardless of what others think.



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Actually, what's clear from this thread is that this is an exceedingly complex problem set that men seem rather collectively unclear upon. Everyone here is recommending different approaches based upon their own unique perspectives and locales. However, there is not really an integral theory here that ties everything from evo-psych to inner game to outer game to energetic development to spiritual progress to soul lessons, etc. together, lol.


Dude, it's all about your soul messing with your head to force you to evolve!

Dude, it's all about being alpha!

Dude, it's all about your looks, jawline and test level!

Dude, it's all about self-gnosis and just being your self!

Dude, it's all about your chakras, man!

Dude, it's all about menstrual cycles!




I don't think Non is the only one confused here...





Maybe we could try reverse-engineering this from a bigger picture here. WTH is the point of relationships and mating??? On one end of the spectrum some may say to experiece "love"/karmic bonds/soul growth/etc. On the other end some may say brutally "soulless" Darwinistic survival of the species. So, that's quite a contrasting dichotomy Question is - which is it?

Edited by vortex
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Actually, what's clear from this thread is that this is an exceedingly complex problem set that men seem rather collectively unclear upon. Everyone here is recommending different approaches based upon their own unique perspectives. However, there is not really an integral theory here that ties everything from evo-psych to inner game to outer game to energetic development to spiritual progress to soul lessons, etc. together, lol.


Dude, it's all about your soul messing with your head to force you to evolve!

Dude, it's all about being alpha!

Dude, it's all about your looks, jawline and test level!

Dude, it's all about self-gnosis and just being your self!

Dude, it's all about your chakras, man!

Dude, it's all about menstrual cycles!




I don't think Non is the only one confused here...


But see that's part of the point.


Non keeps making threads about "how women behave", as if there were any one set of behaviors which encapsulate "woman".


Non keeps talking about the only way guys are able to get with girls, but clearly a whole bunch of guys have a whole bunch of methods and experiences for what is successful and how to get what you want- be it casual sex or long term relationships.


There is no universal "man", and there is no universal "woman".


So here's another shameless plug for my opinion-


It's all why I think that Non needs to seriously consider thinking about getting some professional help, or at least start taking a long, hard, OBJECTIVE look at his life, and trying to figure out where he got some of these ideas, what they have gotten him, where they are taking him, and what he's going to do about it.


Because judging from some of his current posts, he is not in a very happy, content, peaceful, complete, whole place right now, and it's affecting his thinking quite dangerously.

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Actually, what's clear from this thread is that this is an exceedingly complex problem set that men seem rather collectively unclear upon. Everyone here is recommending different approaches based upon their own unique perspectives and locales. However, there is not really an integral theory here that ties everything from evo-psych to inner game to outer game to energetic development to spiritual progress to soul lessons, etc. together, lol.


Dude, it's all about your soul messing with your head to force you to evolve!

Dude, it's all about being alpha!

Dude, it's all about your looks, jawline and test level!

Dude, it's all about self-gnosis and just being your self!

Dude, it's all about your chakras, man!

Dude, it's all about menstrual cycles!




I don't think Non is the only one confused here...






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The odd thing about this thread is that none of you fellows have heard anything the few women on this thread have said.

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isit really so odd or is it more of a consequence of being let down by women over and over again that we can't just take them serious anymore?


I'm sorry but you know.. I can't help myself but to not trust women anymore it seems.

Edited by Non
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