
Meaning in life

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Having meaning in life is all about the simple things to me.

Of course one persons simplicity is another's complexity.


What I mean is, the enjoyment and regard we have for the

things that happen everyday that we take for granted after awhile,

just because they happen so consistently.


1. Laughter, yours, somebody's, anybody's. What would our lives be

without laughter? Pretty gloomy. Laugh when you feel it, even if it's an

inappropriate time, your laughter believes it's the right why not?


2. Nature and all it's magnificence. Everywhere, ubiquitous, ever changing

and always awesome! Appreciate nature, even when it's being destructive.

We live on a living world, our convenience is not a part of nature's plan.

As the ancients did, so should we. Respect and abide by the natural forces,

understanding them and working with them means our survival.


3. All the people close to you. The people you either feel affection for, or those

that favor you with their own feelings of affection, deserved or not.

Affection, love, closeness....necessary everyday!


4. And lastly....The very appreciation for your own LIFE.

It matters not what condition your life may be in....YOU are Alive.

If we can appreciate own own lives, and respect the force of this existence,

then so to it becomes second nature to see all lives as meaningful and important.


This is my short list, what's yours?



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What's the meaning of death? Life.

Edited by Non

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Realization imo...


1)See ultimate reality/thru delusion/samsara

2)Get to the root of all problems/Vipassanā

3)Once u realise dont dwell on ur old ignorance

4)rid of duality

5)escape the cycle

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Hi Strawdog,


I like your list.


I have no list but I do live life even on days like today when I have done nearly nothing. Just living spontaneously.

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Hi Strawdog,


I like your list.


I have no list but I do live life even on days like today when I have done nearly nothing. Just living spontaneously.



Hi Marblehead!


Been a while...Thanks for chiming in.


It's the spontaneous nature of your life that is so meaningful.



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Realization imo...


1)See ultimate reality/thru delusion/samsara

2)Get to the root of all problems/Vipassanā

3)Once u realise dont dwell on ur old ignorance

4)rid of duality

5)escape the cycle


escape the "non-existent" cycle. makes "perfect" sense.

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Hi Marblehead!


Been a while...Thanks for chiming in.


It's the spontaneous nature of your life that is so meaningful.




Yeah, been a while. It's always a nice experience reading your posts.


Oh! And don't forget to dance, even if you have no legs.

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One thing I've been thinking a lot about lately is how things are related. I can't really appreciate laughter without crying for instance. So perhaps for me, it's not just about enjoying those things that make life pleasant, but also understanding the necessity for suffering. I am trying very hard not to look at hard times as simply splotches on the canvas of life, but rather the lines that define the picture.



Edited by Twinner

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Being uber comfortable with everything ,just letting life be expressed is my meaning these days.Maybe Ill have some other meaning some other time I dont know.

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Posted (edited)

In The Quran, God explains our meaning in life as follows: 


‘I created jinn and mankind only to worship Me.’


Surah Adh-Dhariyat (51:56). 



Edited by Jon
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3 hours ago, Jon said:

In The Quran, God explains our meaning in life as follows: 


‘I created jinn and mankind only to worship Me.’


Surah Adh-Dhariyat (51:56). 





A needy sort.

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10 hours ago, Jon said:

In The Quran, God explains our meaning in life as follows: 


‘I created jinn and mankind only to worship Me.’


Surah Adh-Dhariyat (51:56). 




Why do you think God   required   worship  ?

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7 hours ago, manitou said:



A needy sort.


:)  Indeed . 

In many cases the christian God requires fear .


'Fear the Lord ' . 


In my religion , 'God' is a 'woman '  , she requires love  .  Why ?  because we where all 'one ' including one with her  and 'love' is that universal cosmic power and force that binds thing together that where separate . So maybe a better word is 'she requires union ' .  But not all the time  :)


" Bye bye Mum , I am off on my holiday / adventure / mission to find myself and go through my individuation process  so I can focus more on learning some  particular things  ."


" Okay  then, have fun and do well  .... and dont forget to come back and visit now and then  .  "










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On 8/15/2024 at 5:05 PM, Nungali said:

In many cases the christian God requires fear .





As do many other forms of Control.

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On 8/15/2024 at 6:09 AM, Jon said:

In The Quran, God explains our meaning in life as follows: 


‘I created jinn and mankind only to worship Me.’


Surah Adh-Dhariyat (51:56). 




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