
Semen Retention Increases Testosterone Levels by 45.7% after 7 days

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For me, the whole subject of semen retention is a little like superpower talk: I know I should probably just forget it but there´s this strange, and possibly unhealthy, fascination. I just can´t stay away.


This phenomenon of testosterone peaking after a brief period but then (possibly?) falling to lower than normal levels with continued "practice" mirrors the reported subjective experience of some practitioners. To wit, they start out feeling energetically enhanced (greater libido, more chi, etc) but after some time end up depleted. Others seem to experience benefits indefinitely.


I wonder what separates the two groups. What are the people who benefit from semen retention long-term doing differently from those that run into problems after some period of time?

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"What are the people who benefit from semen retention long-term doing differently from those that run into problems after some period of time?"



My guess is that they are probably having sex and ejaculating.


Just a guess.


But many factors could have an effect. A person's intake of hormone interrupting chemicals, such as are in plastic food containers and plastic bottles, soaps, cosmetics, fertilizers, and pesticides, etc, can have an effect on sexual hormones and fertility. So can things like watching TV. Physical activity levels would have an effect on testosterone level.


Volume and type of foods eaten will also have a large effect on hormone levels. Compensating for habitual dietary intake with exercises and postures is like a "one step forward, two steps back" proposition. There is not one part of anyone's body not made of food (excepting recent surgical insertions, etc).



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