
Are we actually better off today, because of technology?

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(through our technological disconnect)


You mean our technical connection? :P Because if it weren't for this tech, we wouldn't otherwise be talking :)


not entirely sure (what u r saying.


I'm questioning what leads you to believe that if other animals had the access to our technology and the ability to use it, those animals would act more selfishly than humans do.


Because humans can be pretty damn selfish.

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You mean our technical connection? :P Because if it weren't for this tech, we wouldn't otherwise be talking :)






I'm questioning what leads you to believe that if other animals had the access to our technology and the ability to use it, those animals would act more selfishly than humans do.


Because humans can be pretty damn selfish.


This could be a really long, fairly trivial, topic. But, the vast majority of animals only care about their own herd and would quickly kill off all competitors. Humans do this as well, but most of us realize the consequence being perpetual war and instability rather than perpetual tolerance and relative stability and cooperation. We might only care about our families, but we also have a bit of a "dog mentality" that we like to get along, combined with a developed control over our survival impulses.


On the whole....

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What came first~ technology or suffering?


We haven't learned a thing.


We just have more to unlearn.


But that isn't saying much.


All it takes is an instant.




Hello Adishakti,

I was just reading responses since I was on the therad last and your saying

'Technology brings fear' made me want to write few words as I am passionate about uprooting fear .

In my opinion technology is made becouse of fear and in a way it is a fear of nature.

It is a way to control nature.

But technology doesent bring fear.Ignorance brings fear.

Technology is what 'you'do with it. We have choice to use it or not.And if used to be aware for what reason.


A question for everyone:

What is the soultion considering technology ?

What have you done so far on the personal level?What is your plan for the future(if any)for the betterment of our existace here on earth?

Becouse actions talk louder than words.And it is important to do something instead of only talking.



For me, all of your questions boil down to this.

I need to look very deeply in myself which includes looking out.

All solutions need to come from awareness.

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This could be a really long, fairly trivial, topic. But, the vast majority of animals only care about their own herd and would quickly kill off all competitors. Humans do this as well, but most of us realize the consequence being perpetual war and instability rather than perpetual tolerance and relative stability and cooperation. We might only care about our families, but we also have a bit of a "dog mentality" that we like to get along, combined with a developed control over our survival impulses.


On the whole....


On the whole, I am hesitant to elevate humanity that much above animals.


Because, although you say "but most of us realize the consequence being perpetual war and instability rather than perpetual tolerance and relative stability and cooperation", really, do we? The realization of those consequences only last until we see a reason to go to war to "quickly kill off all competitors", which is the attribute you ascribe to animals.


I say this, because after all the times we say "seriously, this is the last time we are going to have a war, because war sucks, and it's better to just get along", we are still fighting wars on a daily basis.


So, you know, I just don't want to make stuff more or less than what it is.

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On the whole, I am hesitant to elevate humanity that much above animals.


Because, although you say "but most of us realize the consequence being perpetual war and instability rather than perpetual tolerance and relative stability and cooperation", really, do we? The realization of those consequences only last until we see a reason to go to war to "quickly kill off all competitors", which is the attribute you ascribe to animals.


I say this, because after all the times we say "seriously, this is the last time we are going to have a war, because war sucks, and it's better to just get along", we are still fighting wars on a daily basis.


So, you know, I just don't want to make stuff more or less than what it is.


It's that small but vocal minority of people who have something to gain from competition rather than contribution to the cooperation. Either way they have to work. I think even if the highest politicians were honest, their word is not louder than big business and the underworld that they all have to abide by. So how do you change the humanity of powerful mafia leaders of every colour? If technology could do that we'd be A1, mate :rolleyes:

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I'll bite.:)


What is the soultion considering technology?


Same as to everything else. Consciousness. Technology is the antithesis of consciousness. I like the gnostic perspective: there is the creatress, Gaia-Sophia (very close to what taoists call tao, from the descriptions), and everything alive has sprung from her and has memory all the way to the beginning of creation because, well, it's "been there, was it" when it happened and still is part of it and is therefore god- and goddess-like, eternal and magnificent. And because of this embedded memory traceable all the way to the origins, every creation thus created has consciousness, knowledge of self. "Know thyself," which being conscious really boils down to, is available to every being that has these natural origins -- but not to any technological creation because technological artifacts don't have this memory of arising with life itself, and therefore no true organic knowledge of self, and therefore no consciousness, and because of this fatal flaw of consdisconnection from the source and therefore from self and therefore from ciousness, can never develop it, ever, no matter how skillfully they can imitate it on some advanced AI level or other.


Taomeow,inspirational as always.

Consciussnes,yes and yes again.That is the only way.

I like Gaia-Sophia too,it speaks to me on many levels and feels very homley.

Look at the stuff I have underlined.Whilst reading it I thought of 'prana pratishta'.'Prana pratishta'is a Hindu ceremony of instaling life into a statue.Invoking presence of a certain diety .Making the statue alive like,this is possible to expirience even today.

It is a common ceremony and most pundits dont really know how to do it ,but some people are there that still know the real thing.

That would be one way of making tecnology alive.Twisted as it sounds but it is a posibility.

Archons ,will google those,never heard of it before.Am courious.

It is very inspirational to hear what you do on the personal level ,I love to hear this from people as I am always looking to get even more inspired and learn.

I got my first computer(ever) 2 and half years ago(I am 37 years old),and have a cell phone-becouse its cheaper than land line.And there is a washing machine where I live.Thats all technology in my life ,I bycycle mostly everywhere for past 12 years at least 1 and halfish daily up to few hours if going out of town(like today swimming in the lake :wub: ).

It is admiring that you have not harmed animal,plant or human that you are not going to eat.Wish I can say the same I used to be such an ass at some point in my life.



@SteveYes my friend awarness kciks butt to all those nasties! :wub:;)

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A few years back discussion steered towards how Earth is ready for new Technology. One of my friend's spiritual family member is associated with the World Brotherhood Union Mevlana Supreme Foundation, Turkey. She use to tell us how a lot of technology is available to us now because we are progressing as a specie. So more evolved the specie, the more technologically advanced it is. (Like the movie Matrix.) Sometimes when we are doing spiritual practices in a huge group we vibrate at a higher dimension and how beings from other dimensions can relate to us during those moments.


She also said Beings existing on Jupiter are extremely technologically advanced, and how a lot of these souls have taken birth on "classroom" Earth to learn about emotions and relationships. These human beings don't know how to work well with emotions, failed relationships, fascinated with technology, stuff like that.


Yogi Bhajan said stuff to similar effect. Example. "Mars is over-populated. The rate of production and sensuality is so heavy, and the beings--they grow so fast that they have to go and make war on all the other planets. There are beings on Jupiter. There is a hierarchy. Their energy and our energy inter-change in the astral body and it is highly effective."


I'm sorry, my post might lack coherency. I quickly shared what I remembered.


Maybe we are suppose to have all this technology at this point in our collective Karma? Does anyone have any thoughts to share on this, particularly about the relation between evolution and technology? Has anyone heard stuff similar to what I've typed above?

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I think we're best off having a choice.


We should be conscious of trade offs, what we gain and what we lose w/ each gadget.

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