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Macro cosmic Orbit, the Grand Heaven Revolution

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I know there are infinite ways to play witht he macro orbit flow. The other day I started doing it around the sides of my body: all sides like in a circle. Just activating the flow in whichever direction its called to move.


This was very healing. Very much so when I took it out of bed and into standing wu chi practice just now.


Anyways, there are many ways to run the grand orbit. Which way/s do you prefer?

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I never thought of doing the macrocosmic orbit different than this:


Down the outside of the legs (yang meridians), up the inside of the legs (yin meridians), up the governor channel, to the point between shoulder blades, down the inside of the arms (yin meridians) and back up the oustide of the arms (yang meridians) to the point between the shoulder blades (or neck pint, ta tui maybe? forgot the names), up to bai hui, and down the conception vessel.


The reason is, I`m not sure how good it is to do it in other directions, considering it would go against the usual flow of energy, except for the conception and governing vessel. Though when I was learning a version of Yi Jin Jing quite some time ago over the net (and came only to exercise 11, out of 49...), reverse direction in the ordinary meridians was also used.


One thing I did like was the 5th exercise from Michael`s Open Chi Flow in Orbit called "Palm and Body Spiral in Expanding Orbits". Though it`s not really macrocosmic orbit, I never though of doing the orbit like that, starting from the "mini" orbit, and the going bigger and bigger, through all the points. I think it`s my favorite exercise from the video.


The other day I started doing it around the sides of my body: all sides like in a circle.


Could you describe this? I can`t picture it.

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oh, lol, I've done it a bit differently than that.


down the outsides of my legs, up the inside of my legs, and to my armpits.

down the inside of my arms, up the outside of my arms,

and then down my sides,


to start again going down the outside of my legs =)


I would also say I don't think it matters...


and that white skeleton is probably better.. not as in-depth as bodri would have you do it.. but feel energy coming down into your head, and filling the whole of your body as it goes down to your feet, and then reverse the process going up from your feet

this way, you cover the whole of your bodies' circumferences, and your not concentrating on just a few imaginary lines.

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oh, lol, I've done it a bit differently than that.


down the outsides of my legs, up the inside of my legs, and to my armpits.

down the inside of my arms, up the outside of my arms,

and then down my sides,


to start again going down the outside of my legs =)



So you don`t use the coneption/governing channel here?

I think you are still following the usual directions though.


I don`t think of meridians as just some imaginary lines.

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I don't know if I am 'using' meridians when I do macro.


I can't feel my meridians yet.

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Come on people, lets step up this conversation? Who want to type in Dan Reid's macro cosmic orbit? How about other peoples?


ROger Jahnke, in his book The Most Profound Medicine (available through his website) desribes the orbit like

sea of chi

sexual palace

tip of spine

gate of life (where pre/post haven meet)

100 meeting point

tip of nose

tongue/roof of mouth

back down to sea


He says that when this overflows open, chong mo opens then.


Those three fill the other 5 extraordinary psychic vessels.


THIS IS VERY PROFOUND, EH? Roger is the man!

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I have been doing a variation of the MO taught to me as a form of alchemical meditation, done lying down.


The interesting aspect of it is that it is not focused on the flow of chi, but instead of sparks jumping from one cavity to another. The cavities have different color, but they go from white(yang/upper body) to red(yin/lower body).


The circuit starts with one big spark at the left heel, that jumps over to the red spark at the right heel, then jumps up to the tailbone, then jade pillow, niwan, and sperm palace, then down to the left heel again.


I think it may be difficult to get the feeling of it without transmission, but the effect is profound.



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MCO stuff,


Minke DeVos has a great 15 minute guided meditation on the MCO. Awakens the major energy points. Has you visualize one pearl racing around the orbit. Then 2, then more, finally it becomes like a river flowing effortlessly, and you sit back in the dantien and watch it streaming by, maybe giving it a litltle push or pull with your breath. Later she opens it up from Micro to macro, including the legs and arms. Its one of 4 meditations on her Tao Basics CD.


Glenn Morris has a similar practice in his book, Pathnotes, and his Meditation Mastery audio course. Its called the secret smile. After relaxing the body, you remember a time you felt very confident. Forget the event, but remember the feeling, form it into a ball at your tan tien, link it to the breath and breath it 3x up and down the MCO orbit. Then do it with Love 3x. Then combine Love and confidence, breath up and down. Then Humour 3x up and down. Combine all 3, circle them. Then remember a great sexual moment. Keep the feeling and send that into the orbit 3x.


Its a good exercise and doesn't take very long. He says it lays the foundation for being a complete human being.


Doing the chi gung set from Michael Winns second Fundamental video helped me too. Great energetics, and the fact you move and stretch the spine a bit helps link the mental and physical and spiritual.


One of my own inventions is when I lay in bed I'll do an energy orbit up my little fingers down to my little toes. Then the next finger etc., until I send energy up my big thumb and down to my big toe. Don't know why I do it, or whats its good for, but its fast and easy :)



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This is all very interesting, keep it coming!


I enjoy the macrocosmic orbit outlined in Li Jun Feng's book Shengzhen, copied in Gilles Marrin's Healing From Within. They trace it up and down legs, up spine, arms, head, down front again and repeat.


Mantak Chia has a weird orbit flow, eh? Can anyone desribe that? Its part of fusion three, and I beleive the distinction of his is that it uses two lines instead of re-tracing the orbit...side channels.


Then, Ijust rememebred, there is a david twicken's technique which traces to the bottom of the feet and fingers, along with the normal macro route.

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After some thought, I thought it would be good if talked about what you think with the term "microcosmic orbit". To me, that is just the conception and governing joined. So you can do MO through either fire or water path (well, and also the wind path). Anything else is no longer microcosmic orbit to me. It`s just an orbit then. :)

The difference then would be in how you trasnport the energy, breath, focus on points, touch etc. The path should be the same. I think similarly of the MaO. Just semantics, maybe. :)

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