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Name That Buddha Posture

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Can someone help me find a reference for the authentic names of the various postures Buddha images and statues are found in? A website or even a book?


Thanks! :)


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The circle is complete!...I asked Paul Dolinky over at Golden Lantern to help me research the postures of Buddha, he asked Sean, and suggested I join the Tao Bums ... Today I get an email from Paul and I add the link Sean found to this site via Paul and cyber-space at its best!- Thanks Sean!- I hope this saves you the effort of adding the link yrself...

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In the Chicago China town there is a small store front shrine. Lots of life size Buddhas and I think Indian statues there. Each is packed with details and symbolism. Each has zafus for people to kneel on.



Edited by thelerner

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