
does anyone here practise the 6 healing sounds?

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Just wondering. How long does one do this for, and if there has been any noticable effects. This is one practise I cant really come to understand, as I dont know why harmonic would influence an organ. And if so, then why not just build one's normal speaking voice around the 6 healing sounds so that one can use the sounds in everyday speech.

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I have learned them and used them and even used them on others. I do not personally practice them as a personal consistent practice. I did it enough as part of training to understand how one can vary the sound, resonance, pitch, modulation, etc.


The resonance of a particular sound is meant to free the organ of any trapped energy or disease, and will also work the tissue surrounding the organ. Since stored emotions can be a source of problems it could also release trapped emotions. There are six sounds as a base and six more for severe conditions. A soft sound might get better mental reaction (your awareness and connection to that organ) but does not have as much healing reaction.


In general: Sounds 'purge' and colors 'tonify'. So I don't think one should just use sounds for the sake of doing sound work. There should be a purpose and goal and that needs to include tonifying and regulating at the end; purging alone may leave your energy depleted in some area.


The "Old Man by the Sea" is a well-known combination of sounds and movements:


Using all six is like a whole body tune-up. Over time, you should be able to sense if an organ responds enough or needs something more or less. If you practice them in the order of the fire cycle, you enhance the Yang energies; if in the water cycle, then the Yin energies. Done after meditation can be useful since the energy is flowing easier.


If your following a book, then that is good.


If you have any broken bone then don't do that area. Or if you have a sickness you have to be careful not to stimulate the problem. So in more prescribed needs (or severe like cancer), I would be more inclined to talk with someone about developing a specific routine.

Edited by dawei

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Just wondering. How long does one do this for, and if there has been any noticable effects. This is one practise I cant really come to understand, as I dont know why harmonic would influence an organ. And if so, then why not just build one's normal speaking voice around the 6 healing sounds so that one can use the sounds in everyday speech.


So instead of saying hi when you meet someone you'd use the heart sound and go HHAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i. Might work though you'd get some stares.


Its not a main practice of mine, but sometimes I'll do a inner season technique that Michael Winn teaches. Feel the kidneys, see dark cold water, maybe a bear in it, slightly hum out the sound SHHHchuuuuuew. Then Spring, feel the liver (or its rough location), visual growing plants and greenery, go SHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Then Summer, my heart, heat, red, HAAAAAAaaaaaaahhh, Lungs, white, autumn, dry SSSSssssssssss.


I'll circle around a little w/ the seasons. I'm bastardizing it by only doing 4 seasons/sounds.


For kotodama/sacred sounds there's some potent kabalistic (Ecstatic Kabalah) practices I'll do. The heart sound matches the taoist version. The upper head is Aaee, throat Eeee, heart AAhhhh, Belly OHoooo, lower belly Ooooo. As I practice it, I feel sounds corresponding to it. It allows me hear music in another way, lets me use it to trigger parts of my body.


It can also give insights into deeper shamanic meaning of words.

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dawei, what do you think if sounds, esp. long, reverberating sounds, are made during one's formless practice? Or, as a result of a moving or meditative practice? I wonder if the sound release is similar to a cultivated healing sound practice. :huh:

Not sure I follow what your asking. It sounds similar whether you practice on yourself or emit to another.

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I mean, spontaneously arising sounds. What if the sounds are 'doing you' instead of you 'doing the sounds'?

Here is one difference in how I understand what you are asking but it would be interesting to hear Michael's thought.


When one emits healing sound (to self or another), it causes vibration at the jing [audible] (physical organ), Qi [semi-audible] (energy container) or Shen [inaudible] (expansive) level.


In meditation, one reaches an awareness of the vibrational levels and a sound emerges (probably Qi or Shen level). So I see this going the opposite direction but I don't know if it contains the same healing intention/will.

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