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Hello Tulku...

Thank you for sharing your understanding with us.

You speak with great conviction and it seems clear from your enthusiasm that you wish to help other seekers through your advice. This is a great and wonderful calling. We need more qualified teachers on this forum. You also seem to want to be helpful by exposing any false or unqualified teachers. This is a noble calling and I respect and admire this trait and the bravery it takes to confront false teachers.


May I please respectfully ask you...

How old are you?

How long have you been practicing?

Have you learned your techniques from any prolonged in-person training with any teachers? If so, what lineage/tradition was it?

I have read in another thread where you share that you personally know some high level Taoist/Buddhist masters. Did you actually study with them?

Have you learned solely from books? If so, which book(s) have you developed your style from?


Sometimes a rare individual comes along who is self-taught or taught directly through spiritual transmission from spiritual masters or deities. It would be very exciting if you were one of these people. If you are one of these, please share how many years you tested your techniques in practical application and how you came to verify the benefits of your style and any abilities you mastered from that process.


My apologies for so many questions. I do not believe in asking something of someone if you are not willing to do the same. I do not wish to seem like I am putting you on the spot. So, if you wish, I will also answer these same questions I have posed to you. If not, that is fine too...

Thank you for your time...


The biggest obstacle to semen retention is not the lack of teachers. The biggest obstacle if that people who try semen retention fail to understand and overcome the metal/emotional addictions in their psyche.


For eg, if you have been having regular ejaculations for the last few years, it would be very hard for you to cut off your cravings for sex. Semen retention would be even harder.


One must totally cut off sex and even thoughts of sex for at least 3 months before one practice sexual retention. Also, one must partake in yin practices to balance out the rising yang energy created by semen retention.


Yin practices like vissapana meditation and even eating completely yin foods and cutting out yang foods. To dissipate the excess yang energy, one should even exercise if need be. There are even yin qigong practices for a male to engage in if he is feeling too yang.


It is all about balancing out the energies in your body. Diet, exercise, thoughts, all these factors contribute to the balance of energies in your body. As i said before, the most basic method of cultivating semen retention is to eat yin foods or not eat at all. Yang or cooked foods must be completely eliminated.


There is more than enough information out there for one to make the appropriate strategy for semen retention if one looks hard enough. Teachers are only needed for empowerment and such.

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As to how Mantak Chia "survived" keep in mind I didn't say semen retention would kill you if you did it for a long time, so I don't think survival is the issue. The point I was making was that the point of semen retention is the issue of conserving your pre-natal jing, not surviving.


Thanks for your info and personalexperiences on the cold draw/testicle breathing, Matt. Read your experiences a couple of months ago. Was surprised to feel the cold energy. My orbit clearly isn't open enough. Can feel the energy going up through the tailbone and towards the Ming Men... but there I lose the sensation. The changes "down there" are immediate. Everything "goes down"... testicles tighten up also, I believe. And sexual desire drops. Still, after about a week I'm exploding. At that point I start getting extremely restless/emotional/romantic and it seems that any energy that I draw off is immediately circling back. Like there's excess energy in my veins that needs to be used. So I'm not moving it entirely away at this point I guess.


As for insight it gave me: Sexual desire and emotions are a strange thing. Basically most romantic feelings are linked to sexual desire. Real love is very calm - even boring. Must say that I've only loved one person/girl in my life (not the same as a crush or just being "in love" - hard toexplain in English). Seems to be relatively rare, or my capacity for love is just a little low. ;)


I know/knew a girl who made my sex drive go absolutely berserk. Also deeply loved her. However, I have a fight with her and the sex drive is completely broken (temporarily). Love not though. Funny though, she kind of short-circuited my whole system. My sex drive with other very beautiful girls (not that I have the luxery to get them without some serious effort), even during the deed, has been quite low since that point. I feel great after sex, not drained at all. But if ejaculation really draws away your vital energy over time (which I kind of think is true) it can be dangerous to have a wife whom you both love and desire very much. She's slowly killing her man. Better get that orbit of mine functioning properly. Haha.



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