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Course In Miracles

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Guest sykkelpump

anyone have anything to say on this topic? never thought much of it, but synchronicities are leading me to take a peak..


wtf are you talking about?

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wtf are you talking about?


What kind of a reply is that? ...


I`ve heard of the course in miracles, but know nothing about it. I think I glanced through a book about it in a bookstore and just didn`t find it interesting to me.

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wtf are you talking about?

It's a book that is reportedly the true channeled teachings of Jesus. Very strange and very dubious circumstances but has a huge following. I found this book called 'the disappearance of the universe' that features it.

The basic premise is not unfamiliar to us..that everything, including our bodies, is an illusion. The problem is that we have separated from god and we need to find our way back (but we never actually left). If you are familiar with the parable of the prodigal son, that's it in a nutshell.


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I have read Disappearance of the UNiverse.. Where the author talks a lot about the whole Course In Miracle. It was a good read; I have not gotten a chance to read Course in Miracle, however. But I do suggest checking the authors site and reading the Disappearance of the Universe, first.



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anyone have anything to say on this topic? never thought much of it, but synchronicities are leading me to take a peak..



The authors admitted they couldn't follow the tenets of the course themselves. But why not check it out, you could give the bums a report.

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