Lux ferre

Chakra and Micro cosmic orbit

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Cool. Thanks for sharing. :) Perhaps...the power of placebo? :huh:


(I don't work with chakras, so I'm ignorant on chakra work. :mellow: edit> or the 'non existant chakra' work. ;))


everything is affected by the power of beliefs, or power of placebo :). maybe that hermit was just saying things from one point of view. maybe other points of view are equally true, just different ways of saying things. maybe one would say something like that to jar someones conditioned thinking, whether it was true or not. who knows. see my post on kwan saihung anyway... i don't put a lot of stock in the authenticity of that book.


usually in the realm of the physical, things must be seen to be believed. and in the realm of the spiritual, sometimes things must be believed to be seen.

i started to learn and work with chakras because native american, african, asian, celtic, etc shamans perceived the chakras and give concordant accounts of them and what they do. also because a friend of mine had a trance experience of a yellow light beam radiating from her solar plexus. i say trance because no drugs were involved. she had not been hypnotically induced. annyway, i've seen enough to believe, and believed enough to "see" by which i mean experience profound healing and growth as a result of cultivating my chakras.

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Thanks for the informative post, and the last comment was made in jest - no sarcasm :) .

I'm not a KAP student, so like i said everything in my post was just theory made out of interest.

I guess you have awakened your kundalini? Do you mind making a post about your experience - I appreciate if it's too personal.





It's not that it's too personal. I just don't see the point in sharing about personal, visceral experiences. That is what most people seem to be focusing on when they speak of Kundalini. Someone has a blissful or frightening tingly experience and the first thing they want to do is claim a kundalini awakening. When I hear people claim to have awakened Kundalini, they cite physical manifestations and experiences to prove those claims. So what? I have had alot of kundalini experiences and I have had alot of Qi phenomena experiences. I have had alot of religious experiences. I've had epiphanies etc.. Big deal.

Experiences are just that - experiences. Everyone has them. They don't necessarily mean anything. But this is especially true when it comes to Kundalini "Awakenings" because of all the baggage attached to that term. I get very suspicious of anyone who boldly claims... (ahem) "I have awakened my Kundalini" just those kinds of statements IMO, cancel out any awakening just by the fact that someone feels they can take credit for it. It is like saying, "I have achieved Enlightenement." It is a very crass and crude thing to do. So, I don't think you will ever hear me say anything like that, because I believe that enlightenment if it even exists is simply a process and it's a process that everyone is having and to make comparisons like that is antithetical to any enlightenment. On the flipside, everyone has Kundalini in some state of awakening. Just as everyone has Qi. Without it we would be dead. If you are alive, you are having a kundalini experience and you are having an awakening.


For me, the only real proof of kundalini awakening is the level of someone's emotional and psychological maturity. This is also lost in modern kundalini hype. Kundalini is not just an energy, it is the psycholigical and spiritual core of human beings. Any energy manifestations are only side effects. They are karmic attachments being released. That is all. Everyone has karmic attachments. So, when someone has an energetic experience related to kundalini and takes credit for it like it is some badge of honor is equivalent to taking credit for having just taken a dump. It's just the natural process of releasing crap.


IMO, The only true test of kundalini awakening is emotional and psycholigical maturity. What would I sound like if I said, "I am emotionally and psychologically mature." Pretty silly and egotistical. Since I am painfully aware that I am quite flawed in those areas and have alot of growing to do, I would not say such a thing. So, I hope I won't ever claim to have awakened my Kundalini...


But, more importantly, and I have ranted about this before, kundalini in modern times has become a commodity that a person can own, a thing. She is not, She is a Divine Force. She is a goddess. She is the Mother. For someone to say things like, I have awakened my kundalini implies that the Divine Mother is simply a thing to be possessed and manipulated. Would anyone here speak about their mother like this? Any awakenings that occur are Her choice. We are recipients of Her grace. So, if I did have any awakening, why would I take credit for it by claiming to have awakened her. If there has been any awakening in me, it has been given to me by my Mother. I give Her credit for any of it.

And this is another aspect that is forgotten by many modern seekers of Kundalini. Traditionally, She is to be worshipped. She is not a party favor to throw around. She is not a drug.


I could go on... So, to answer your question. No, I have not awakened anyone. Whatever level of awakening I have or have not received is not anything I can take credit for... I am still a very imperfect human and to say anything that might give any other impression would be inaccurate...

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Mike, can you comment more about the relationship between the chakras and different states of consciousness?


here is some basic info from my studies


KEY - sanskrit "translation" - location - frequency - positive and negative aspects of consciousness - ruling planet - drive - spin ** (see bottom of post)


muladhara "root" - perineum - red - survival, grounding, stability, security, trust, fear, aversion - saturn - to be, to have - 8 times counterclockwise, 5 times clockwise


svadhisthana "sweetness of one's own abode" - navel - orange - desire, eros, pleasure, guilt, obsession - jupiter - to feel, to want - 13 times counterclockwise, 8 clockwise


manipura "lustrous jewel" - solar plexus - yellow - willpower, intent, vitality, purpose, shame, anger, poor self-esteem - mars - to act, to do - 21 times counterclockwise, 13 clockwise


anahata "unstruck melody" - heart - green - emotional intelligence, compassion, love, acceptance, grief, sadness, loneliness - venus - to love, to be loved - 34 times counterclockwise, 21 clockwise


visshudha "purification" - throat - blue - communication, listening, creativity, resonance, hypocrisy, dishonesty - mercury - to hear, to be heard - 55 times counterclockwise, 34 clockwise


ajna "perception" - pineal - indigo - perception, intuition, imagination, illusions, delusions, confusion - moon - to witness, to see - 89 times counterclockwise, 55 clockwise


sahasrara "thousandfold" - crown of head - violet - awareness, consciousness, gnosis, wisdom, attachments - sun - to know - 144 times counterclockwise, 89 times clockwise


there seems to be a chakra above the head (233x ccw, 144x cw) associated with the higher self and silvery-pink and one above that, 2 feet above the head associated with the cosmos, the pure white light "shared cosmic chakra" (377x ccw, 233x cw) that is part of us and also part of the cosmic spirit. there seem also to be chakras between the knees (5x ccw, 3x cw) and ankles (3x ccw, 2x cw), in deepening shades of brownish red, associated primarily with balance, and movement. there is one below the feet (2x ccw, 1x cw) associated with rootedness and the instinct body, and one below that, 2 feet below the bottoms of the feet, the brown light "shared planetary chakra" (1x ccw, 1x cw) which we share with the earth and which links us into the gaian intelligence.


**(each chakra is a counter-rotating field of light, that is to say, it spins both counterclockwise and clockwise on the axis of the taiji pole. i include this information because i have found that it helps one "get in touch" with each chakra. it is of egyptian horus priesthood origin. i have also found it very helpful to realize that each chakra spins in phi-ratio harmony with the one above and below it. the speeds of the spins are relative and may differ exactly from person to person, but in theory remain a function of phi ratio fractality.)


well thats the tip of an iceberg, but i hope it helps you all out!

Edited by anamatva
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It's not that it's too personal. I just don't see the point in sharing about personal, visceral experiences. That is what most people seem to be focusing on when they speak of Kundalini. Someone has a blissful or frightening tingly experience and the first thing they want to do is claim a kundalini awakening. When I hear people claim to have awakened Kundalini, they cite physical manifestations and experiences to prove those claims. So what? I have had alot of kundalini experiences and I have had alot of Qi phenomena experiences. I have had alot of religious experiences. I've had epiphanies etc.. Big deal.

Experiences are just that - experiences. Everyone has them. They don't necessarily mean anything. But this is especially true when it comes to Kundalini "Awakenings" because of all the baggage attached to that term. I get very suspicious of anyone who boldly claims... (ahem) "I have awakened my Kundalini" just those kinds of statements IMO, cancel out any awakening just by the fact that someone feels they can take credit for it. It is like saying, "I have achieved Enlightenement." It is a very crass and crude thing to do. So, I don't think you will ever hear me say anything like that, because I believe that enlightenment if it even exists is simply a process and it's a process that everyone is having and to make comparisons like that is antithetical to any enlightenment. On the flipside, everyone has Kundalini in some state of awakening. Just as everyone has Qi. Without it we would be dead. If you are alive, you are having a kundalini experience and you are having an awakening.


For me, the only real proof of kundalini awakening is the level of someone's emotional and psychological maturity. This is also lost in modern kundalini hype. Kundalini is not just an energy, it is the psycholigical and spiritual core of human beings. Any energy manifestations are only side effects. They are karmic attachments being released. That is all. Everyone has karmic attachments. So, when someone has an energetic experience related to kundalini and takes credit for it like it is some badge of honor is equivalent to taking credit for having just taken a dump. It's just the natural process of releasing crap.


hear hear sir i vouch for all that


very well put


i am not a practitioner of kundalini anything but i will use the old logic mixed with a little of the old common sense to see that you are surely correct

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Thanks for the response. I will definitely check out the archives. :)


I would agree with your perspective that "Chakras can only be opened through changes in personality based on life events or upon changes in one's viewpoint of themselves". But, if one perceives "light" in a Chakra, isn't that a form of energy? Do you think it is different (or a different frequency) than Qi/Prana?



Everything is made of energy, so of course the light that goes through chakras is energy.

Your question still assumes that Chakras can be manipulated with energy in the same way as Dan tiens or meridian points.


But, there are very powerful ways to do this, but it is not through meditation on the physical points of the Chakras... If one wants to influence a chakra in the hopes of opening it, the best way is to meditate on the spiritual principle that each chakra represents.


For instance, the heart center. This is a popular one. To help facilitate opening the heart center, meditate on the properties of that Chakra which are Love, Generosity, Divinity and Unity of life. That is a far more powerful method of opening the heart chakra then to focus on the physical center and trying to channel energy through it. The chakras will transmit energy when we operate from the spiritual and psychological principles they represent.


In brief, as I understand it, the chakras correspond to these qualities:

Root- physical security

Sacral - sexuality, creativity

navel - individuality, independence, Power

heart - Love, Divinity, Unity

Throat - Spiritual mastery, individual relationship to the Divine

3rd Eye - fusion of opposites, yin/yang, Shiva/shakti

crown - absorbtion, samadhi, enlightenment.


What most people think is influencing the chakra is merely stimulating meridians and nerve plexus, not necessarily the chakras.


The other question is: How do you know which chakra needs to be opened? IME, it is much better to let the Kundalini decide for you. If someone's personal issue is lack of power (most seeking siddhis suffer from this). then the last thing one needs is to open the 3rd eye. They need to open the root chakra. They way to do this is to trust that the Universe will provide for you.


The best way to allow Mother Kundalini to guide you to the chakra that needs opening is to address your current emotional and psychological issues. Gurus used to act as psychologists. Today we have therapists. They serve the same function. This is another ptfall of practicing spiritual discpilines without guidance. Most of us do not know what our issues are because we are not objective. If we are seeking disciplines from our fears, we may go down dead ends.


This is why deity worship is so helpful. If one simply worships a diety that they feel a connection to, it is likely that deity represents qualities they instinctively need in their current state of development... And that deity will stimulate the Kundalini to direct our attention the chakras that need to be opened for each of us...


In short, just live your life and seek to be the most helpful healing person you can be, seek out those teachings and practices that bring you the most comfort and healing and the chakras will open by themselves. They don't need us mucking around and slowing the process down...

my .02


Edited by fiveelementtao
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I wonder if someone could explain the uses of the "water path" of the MCO, ie., going up the front and down the back.


This seems to be more natural for me (most of the time), but I haven't heard much about it.





Sounds like you have more experience in this regard, maybe you could tell us?

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While I'm thnking about it, I want to address siddhis in connection to chakras and kundalini. Siddhis are always a result of kundalini awakening regardless if is spontaneous or from qigong or martial arts etc...

BUT... siddhis are not a sign of spiritual progress in the way most people think. Siddhis are a result of excess karma trapped in the aura that need to be released.

for example, Healing powers... One theory of healing powers is that they arise from past negative karma. One becomes a healer in this life to atone for harm they have caused to others in previous lives. The people that they heal with their powers are people that they have harmed in past lives and they are simply erasing that karmic debt through their healing.

From this perspective, it's kind of hard to take credit for the healing since all you are doing is relieving yourself of your "sins" and making things right with someone you owe a debt to...


So, this is another reason not to seek siddhis unless what you want is to pay back your karmic debts. If someone uses their siddhis in a selfish way, then the karmic backlash is multiplied because instead of using their ability to heal those they have a debt to, they are harming those very people they were supposed to help...


something to think about...

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But, there are very powerful ways to do this, but it is not through meditation on the physical points of the Chakras... If one wants to influence a chakra in the hopes of opening it, the best way is to meditate on the spiritual principle that each chakra represents.


again good sir i do agree with you, although... theres nothing really wrong with meditating on it in Any way if you ask me. when i do a chakra hand seal meditation set i will use colorful visualizations, feeling the physical sensations at the point in question for "charge" (i know light doesnt have charge but lets use that word for its accurate descriptiveness of the feeling), mantra, mudra, and meditation on the philosophical concept in question.


i will say that for me, the philosophy is paramount. mudras, mantras, mandalas and visualizations are all vehicles to realize and internalize the aspect of consciousness embodied by that center. but i will also say that measuring progress of ones growth can be done by seeing how bright the chakras glow in the minds eye when they are "imagined" or dwelt upon, and also if there is a subtle "full" feeling that i called charge up there because it feels like skin in a sunbeam, like its being subjected to energies of varying kinds, light and other radiations. these are secondary effects to the consciousness, or signposts along the way, but they are valid indicators in my opinion


i have included a PDF file in this post. it is my own notes on kuji-in, most of which from francois lepines kuji-in trilogy and some from the teacher who guides my personal kuji-in practice. if it matters to you particular types, hes a 10th dan akijutsu master w foundation in mikkyo and christianity.


notes on chakra hand seals (kuji-in).pdf

Edited by anamatva

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again good sir i do agree with you, although... theres nothing really wrong with meditating on it in Any way if you ask me. when i do a chakra hand seal meditation set i will use colorful visualizations, feeling the physical sensations at the point in question for "charge" (i know light doesnt have charge but lets use that word for its accurate descriptiveness of the feeling), mantra, mudra, and meditation on the philosophical concept in question.


i will say that for me, the philosophy is paramount. mudras, mantras, mandalas and visualizations are all vehicles to realize and internalize the aspect of consciousness embodied by that center.


i have included a PDF file in this post, so since it is my first attachment, maybe it will go well, maybe not. if not, i will try again. annyway it is my own notes on kuji-in, most of which from francois lepines kuji-in trilogy and some from the teacher who guides my personal kuji-in practice.


notes on chakra hand seals (kuji-in).pdf


Interesting .pdf! Thank you.


I had discovered this one.



om srija iva rutaya swaha


As well as another that is not mentioned.

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But, if one perceives "light" in a Chakra, isn't that a form of energy? Do you think it is different (or a different frequency) than Qi/Prana?


i personally think light and qi are two different forms of energy.


the way i have been taught, the dan tiens and the 2nd, 4th, and 6th chakras overlap so they occupy the same physical space. in this way they are related closely, and i have been taught that the navel chakra is fire, and is the reservoir of vital energy, or qi. the heart in my system is water, and reservoir of emotional energy. (now i have to ask my teacher if emotional energy is qi or not! thanks guys :D) and the pineal chakra is air and is the reservoir of light, so now i have good questions for my kuji-in teacher. his phone is broken so i can't sort it out tonight but i will hopefully tell you what he says when he calls me w his new number. anyway thats none of your business! hahaahah


and btw i am just throwing my 2 cents around like its 5 bucks because i work with these systems. i am in no way claiming to be correct. i am not an authority in these matters, i am just a student

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i personally think light and qi are two different forms of energy.


the way i have been taught, the dan tiens and the 2nd, 4th, and 6th chakras overlap so they occupy the same physical space. in this way they are related closely, and i have been taught that the navel chakra is fire, and is the reservoir of vital energy, or qi. the heart in my system is water, and reservoir of emotional energy. (now i have to ask my teacher if emotional energy is qi or not! thanks guys :D) and the pineal chakra is air and is the reservoir of light, so now i have good questions for my kuji-in teacher. his phone is broken so i can't sort it out tonight but i will hopefully tell you what he says when he calls me w his new number. anyway thats none of your business! hahaahah


and btw i am just throwing my 2 cents around like its 5 bucks because i work with these systems. i am in no way claiming to be correct. i am not an authority in these matters, i am just a student

Very cool info... Look forward to hearing what your teacher says...

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Interesting .pdf! Thank you.


I had discovered this one.



om srija iva rutaya swaha


As well as another that is not mentioned.


youre welcome! i don't understand what you meant at the bottom there tho

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Sounds like you have more experience in this regard, maybe you could tell us?


All I can say is that, the same feeling of chi moving through the body during qi gong, starts to naturally travel through the body after meditation reaches a point where channels loosen up.


I breathe in through the dantien, up the front drawing into my nose. Exhaling it naturally flows down through posterior meridians and muscles and returns to the muladhara, rising up from there again through the Conception Vessel.


Perhaps because I breathe from the dantien then up through my nose and up to my head.

Also, maybe my frontal meridians are more open so I start there for meditation.


If the energy is there and I feel the need to circulate it, then the fire path is more accessible. But when it's more spontaneous the water path is my "path of least resistance."



I'm not sure why this is though. Moving the chi through the body feels purifying and nourishing; that's all I really know about it.


So, I'm wondering what others can tell me about the "water path" orbit





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I'm not sure why this is though. Moving the chi through the body feels purifying and nourishing; that's all I really know about it.


So, I'm wondering what others can tell me about the "water path" orbit






i do that too. "the movement of the way is reversal"


i also circulate in both directions at once.


but i didn't chime in cause i don't know why i do it either. just for balance i guess.

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Very cool info... Look forward to hearing what your teacher says...


me too!


also i officially agree with your take on siddhis. hahahaahha just so you know! :D

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Interesting post 5ET.


I'd tend to agree with you about prana/chi and kundalini. I'd also caution people to be careful what they wish for because IME, if K wants you, she'll get you whatever you're doing or have done. And she'll show you what you have done up in your face in 4D, just so you can hear and see properly.


You think she's 'yours'. Go and do and then come back and tell how much of you is left.


Ripe tomato. I guess.


Resolution. I like like that much better :-)


Being a ripe tomato. As good as being a green one.


---metaphor alert -------

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So would it be true to say that most people are looking a Kundalini in an incorrect way?

From what 5ET has written it perhaps sheds light on a quote that I heard - which was something like "it takes 30 years for kundalini yoga to fully awaken your kundalini".

So a lot of people may scoff at this thinking that you can awaken kundalini within a year or so and the standard path is a very ineffective method. This refers to kundalini as a powerful energetic experience/opening.

However perhaps the quote refers to Kundalini as a process of attaining enlightenment - therefore saying that you can awaken it fully within 30 years is very impressive.

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It is possible to be done instantaneously through Shaktipat.


"Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) commented that to understand the phenomenon it was necessary to understand that all that exists is energy and that "the way of consciousness is exactly the way of a river - it goes downwards, following the path of gravitation". "When the master touches the disciple's third eye, if the disciple is available - and that is a great if, which rarely happens - then suddenly a flow of warmth, life, consciousness starts hitting the point which for specific reasons we have called the third eye. It is the point that, if it opens, makes you a seer. Then you can see things about yourself, about others more clearly, more transparently - and your whole life will start changing with this new vision."


This is a bit of an affirmation to what K said about seeing things more clearly, as that includes things about you as well.


It doesn't take 30 years to awaken, although I can't comment on fully awaken.


Chakra's are an integral part of the energy system, you would be doing at best a disservice to skip this aspect before MCO as previously hinted at and quoted from Stephen Chang.


For those who really want to do MCO with the energy that is required, then the best way to start is by finding all the chakra's.

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here is some basic info from my studies


KEY - sanskrit "translation" - location - frequency - positive and negative aspects of consciousness - ruling planet - drive - spin ** (see bottom of post)


muladhara "root" - perineum - red - survival, grounding, stability, security, trust, fear, aversion - saturn - to be, to have - 8 times counterclockwise, 5 times clockwise


svadhisthana "sweetness of one's own abode" - navel - orange - desire, eros, pleasure, guilt, obsession - jupiter - to feel, to want - 13 times counterclockwise, 8 clockwise


manipura "lustrous jewel" - solar plexus - yellow - willpower, intent, vitality, purpose, shame, anger, poor self-esteem - mars - to act, to do - 21 times counterclockwise, 13 clockwise


anahata "unstruck melody" - heart - green - emotional intelligence, compassion, love, acceptance, grief, sadness, loneliness - venus - to love, to be loved - 34 times counterclockwise, 21 clockwise


visshudha "purification" - throat - blue - communication, listening, creativity, resonance, hypocrisy, dishonesty - mercury - to hear, to be heard - 55 times counterclockwise, 34 clockwise


ajna "perception" - pineal - indigo - perception, intuition, imagination, illusions, delusions, confusion - moon - to witness, to see - 89 times counterclockwise, 55 clockwise


sahasrara "thousandfold" - crown of head - violet - awareness, consciousness, gnosis, wisdom, attachments - sun - to know - 144 times counterclockwise, 89 times clockwise


there seems to be a chakra above the head (233x ccw, 144x cw) associated with the higher self and silvery-pink and one above that, 2 feet above the head associated with the cosmos, the pure white light "shared cosmic chakra" (377x ccw, 233x cw) that is part of us and also part of the cosmic spirit. there seem also to be chakras between the knees (5x ccw, 3x cw) and ankles (3x ccw, 2x cw), in deepening shades of brownish red, associated primarily with balance, and movement. there is one below the feet (2x ccw, 1x cw) associated with rootedness and the instinct body, and one below that, 2 feet below the bottoms of the feet, the brown light "shared planetary chakra" (1x ccw, 1x cw) which we share with the earth and which links us into the gaian intelligence.


**(each chakra is a counter-rotating field of light, that is to say, it spins both counterclockwise and clockwise on the axis of the taiji pole. i include this information because i have found that it helps one "get in touch" with each chakra. it is of egyptian horus priesthood origin. i have also found it very helpful to realize that each chakra spins in phi-ratio harmony with the one above and below it. the speeds of the spins are relative and may differ exactly from person to person, but in theory remain a function of phi ratio fractality.)


well thats the tip of an iceberg, but i hope it helps you all out!


fantastic. the brownlight..shared planetary chakra. the gaian intelligence. I have been lloking for that piece of information. thank you (:

Edited by rain

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fantastic. the brownlight..shared planetary chakra. the gaian intelligence. I have been lloking for that piece of information. thank you (:


:) youre welcome

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so i just talked to my teacher on the phone, and he didn't want to answer my questions over the phone but we're going for a walk in the woods tomorrow evening. so i will ask him about qi/light and dantiens/chakras, and i will post here tomorrow night.


also i am going to check out a qigong class tonight to see if i want to join this school


so if i have a chance to ask the teacher anything i will ask him about the middle and upper dantien and how that all works. if he has anything really neat to say i will post that here too.


but for NOW i don't have anything to say except that i will say more interesting things later! hahhaha stay tuned

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so i just talked to my teacher on the phone, and he didn't want to answer my questions over the phone but we're going for a walk in the woods tomorrow evening. so i will ask him about qi/light and dantiens/chakras, and i will post here tomorrow night.


also i am going to check out a qigong class tonight to see if i want to join this school


so if i have a chance to ask the teacher anything i will ask him about the middle and upper dantien and how that all works. if he has anything really neat to say i will post that here too.


but for NOW i don't have anything to say except that i will say more interesting things later! hahhaha stay tuned



Where would one find a teacher in the Mojave Desert in California????? :lol: I'd like to be active with knowing rather than "active" with research.

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Functional (Channel) could be looked at to mean utilization of the chakra's and bringing them forward to later cut free of the attachements that bind it.


Setting it free to use the channels.

Another interpretation - I added the color to this image. :) Begin with the concept of LTT breathing, that is the lower right set of trigrams. A simple extrapolation of 2dt (lower/middle) is one up; extrapolate further and you're just below the second gate with a natural ab breath oriented "3dt breath." Gaining some subtle control over the energy centers with those 3 gives you enough to extrapolate over the entire wheel ;) Gently pulling down the heavens with the trigram set in front of the heart is quite...hmm. These all turn the wheel, and once you get a feel for the sequence :wub: you begin to understand how the sun pops off sunspots :lol:



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