How do you guys do it?!?!?!?!

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Hello ARAB,


I quit school in the ninth grade, around fifteen. I mowed lawns for five years, then at the age of twenty went away to a trade school, learned tv cable installation and eventually got my GED and driver's license. With my GED in hand I went to a community college and then on to University where I earned two degrees. I was twenty six or seven I believe.


The moral of this tale is simply this. You are eighteen, your life is before you, so you haven't f***ed up anything. You have choices you'll need to make, sometimes these choices will not be the same choices your parents would like you to make, but keep in mind that most parents have their children's best interest in mind. This may make taking criticism from them a bit easier. Really, when your father got angry with you, he was angry with himself just as much, because he feels your actions reflect his own actions towards you, if that makes any sense.


Live life every day as if it was the last day you had to live. Live life as if nothing matters. There is no right way to live life. The right way to live is the way you believe is right.




edit- Also there is no reason not to create a false identity, so long as you are aware that it is false.

Edited by Twinner
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Hello ARAB,

When I was 18 I sold the diamond ring I was given for birthday and went on the road.

I had a crazy time, enjoyed myself and would like to think have lived my life quite fully without so many regreats.

For me enjoyment was always first,feeling comfortable, there is and will not be any must in my life.

Everyone is uniqe and has their own way.

My advice is to follow your heart , that is the only security there is.

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If you don't know what to study in school (and if you're like me and don't even want to), and you're good with your hands, become the kind of person that's useful to have around. This coming from someone who likes to squat and dumpster dive. And take suninmyeyes' advice and hit the road.

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I had a great opportunity to become an electrician but it wasn't something I could do forever. I had lost myself in the job, my whole life revolved around work doing 12 hour shifts a day coming home to just sleep. I quickly got myself out of that after 9 months. I have been jobless for 3 weeks now and my parents keep hitting me in the head(not literally). I just went back to highschool to see if I can upgrade my courses but they said I must stay back for a year and half in order to take grade 12 university courses. I don't even know what I would do if I go to university, I would just be there to make my parents happy. Right now as I typed that my father walked in telling me I F***** my life up and I have to go work for $10 an hour for the rest of my life and all this bullshit. They want me to be at a high leval so people recognize me but I don't care about that. I just want to live a simple life but to them that isn't good enough. I don't know what to do, what the heck am I supposed to do? How do you guys do it, cultivating the way but at the same time living in this system. I'm only 18, I'm guessing you're all over 20 so please tell me how you do it I need to know. This goes against everything I've learned to ask others for something only I would know but I don't know! I don't know what my interests are, what I will be doing for the rest of my life I am stumped. This is all giving me a headache and my father wont stop rambling.


first of all, recognize that your parents and my parents and most other parents as well are brainwashed by their fears and desires into creating families and kids when they are hardly ready for such an immense undertaking


the only humans fit to start families and give birth to children are those who are already enlightened immortals.. this way, they can successfully teach their children to be enlightened immortals as well..


otherwise, a pair of sex-driven, materialistic, brainwashed fools are just gonna come together and create another batch of sex-driven, materialistic, brainwashed slaves


this system is designed to confuse you and distract you from the only goal of human existence - that of human immortality and enlightenment


i anticipate lots of forumers tearing down this post.. you watch..


EDIT: ARAB, there is a reason why you feel so lost. Think about it.

Edited by tulku

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Capitolism/consumerism require that you aspire for status and wealth, if everybody didnt, the system would cease to be the moment they all stopped desiring.


The top needs the bottom as its foundation- both physical and spiritual/mental. There needs to be an exploitable mass in competition for the lowest position so that there is a collective force sustaining the corner stone of the system, (there are millions of people praying for the cornerstone of the strata to be there by desiring the job, they live in poverty yet justify its causation by desiring its fruits).


The people that have aquired the lowest positions have to desire a position at, or approaching the top,(they call it ambition) of the stratafied system, and by doing so there collective attention of that ideal is another layer in the foundation of the top of the system, and so is their works behaviour and what they pay homage to.


The system that is, requires that you desire materiel things and positions of power, that is its foundation. That we all think we need a car and a house, and that we believe that the earth requires 40 hours of work a week for basic survival purposes, and that all the delights of life are only found in places that buy & sell things.

If your goal is to undo the fetters of the mind you will at some point have unfettered the things that tie you to household life and a wordly existence period. You will have over come the fears and worries that tie you into the world economy.


I would suggest that we all give up on the world for the sake of humanity.



Finally someone else who realizes how the game works besides me!

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Okay, tulku, but the question was how do you do it? Some of the posters on this thread gave some good creative alternatives to a traditional path. On the road to enlightenment, at this point you still need to put food in your mouth? So how does it get there? From a practical perspective for you, tulku, personally? Can you become liberated from the system while staying in your parents basement?

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first of all, recognize that your parents and my parents and most other parents as well are brainwashed by their fears and desires into creating families and kids when they are hardly ready for such an immense undertaking


the only humans fit to start families and give birth to children are those who are already enlightened immortals.. this way, they can successfully teach their children to be enlightened immortals as well..


otherwise, a pair of sex-driven, materialistic, brainwashed fools are just gonna come together and create another batch of sex-driven, materialistic, brainwashed slaves


this system is designed to confuse you and distract you from the only goal of human existence - that of human immortality and enlightenment


i anticipate lots of forumers tearing down this post.. you watch..


EDIT: ARAB, there is a reason why you feel so lost. Think about it.


This has nothing to do with the theme of this thread! Either offer creative constructive advice or don't post here with your conservative, religious ideology!

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We all have been through hardships and some of us are still going through them. You are still young; therefore, school is necessary for your cultivation. In this life, we need to do things we don't like doing, it's fine, as it teaches you to cultivate around something you disagree with, which in reality is a challenge and the best way to test your skills and yourself. While it might not bring gratification at this moment, it might in the next and the next. Keep your head up and keep grinding. Do not walk away, run away, stumble away, or ignore it, as it will find you. Put up with it and move on. See how you can approach it with a clear mind; perhaps, meditating on this situation would be beneficial. Nevertheless, right now, you are giving up on your growth/evolution. Keep moving forward and it will get easier.



- Leon

Edited by LeonBasin

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Okay, tulku, but the question was how do you do it? Some of the posters on this thread gave some good creative alternatives to a traditional path. On the road to enlightenment, at this point you still need to put food in your mouth? So how does it get there? From a practical perspective for you, tulku, personally? Can you become liberated from the system while staying in your parents basement?



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This has nothing to do with the theme of this thread! Either offer creative constructive advice or don't post here with your conservative, religious ideology!


I hardly consider my post to be conservative nor religious.


In fact, the one which you replied to?


That was one of my most creative and constructive posts so far.

Edited by tulku

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And the truth is you have to build a healthy ego first (through a job, friends, relationship etc.) before you transcend it. It's simply is that way for us mortals.

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What I am working towards is putting together a small self-sufficient dwelling that is off the grid. It will have rain capture and filtration devices, recycling water, solar panels, wind generator, modified diesel generator that will run off anything from bio-fuel to vegetable oil.


Then to plant a large garden. If I can sustain myself, I will consider expanding and raising a family. Until then I don't worry about that aspect.


With no bills to pay any money I do work for can be utilized in expanding, and maybe even put more clean energy into the grid, which could pay for other basic ammenities.


These things are very do-able, if you start now you should have plenty of time to put in the research required to achieve this. It will be up-hill at first, but once you stabalize it is all downhill.


Some professions that would aid in this endevour that you could goto school for would include Agriculture, Alternative Energies, Bio-Technology, to name a few.


It will probably just be a little travel trailer at 1st, until I can save enough to build a house.

Edited by Informer
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A drifter can go everywhere, yet not get anywhere (in life).

A master can accomplish everything (in life), without going anywhere.

Ultimately, it all depends on you and how you utilize your experiences..


I would personally seek a good balance of the 2. Dabble around enough to find your way, then work on building upon it.


Overall, I would agree that software coding and healthcare appear to the hot, growing fields of the near future.

YouTube Instant went live at 9:32 p.m. on a Thursday. When Feross woke up at eight the next morning, he had a bunch of missed calls. One of his transcribed voice-mails said, “interview washington post.” “I was like, Nah, that can’t be right,” he says. By the end of the day, YouTube Instant had tens of thousands of views, Feross’s name and grinning face had appeared on dozens of websites and TV shows, and YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley had offered him a job over Twitter.


If you have an idea for an app, do it now. Throw it up online. Find an audience. Worry about quality later. Best-case scenario, you create the next Facebook. Worst-case, you try again. Even then, chances are you’ll get a job offer you can brag about rejecting. Right this minute, Silicon Valley is America’s opposite: House prices are soaring and demand for young talent far outstrips supply. The ongoing cyberspace race between Facebook, Apple, and Google, among others, means computer engineers enjoy more freedom—and power—than ever before. The barriers to entry for web programming are almost nonexistent.

In 2009, he began working on Damntheradio.com, a Facebook marketing tool that helped bands and musicians connect with fans online.


It opened last June and was acquired in January by FanBridge, where Mr. Hwin is now a vice president, for a few million dollars, he says.

Edited by vortex

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