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Jesus Camp

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There is a new movie out by Hiedi Ewing called Jesus Camp...I have yet to see it but have read reviews.

Has anyone seen this movie?

It gets cheers and AMENS in the bible belt, while gleaning groans and a sort of dis-spirited shock from the coastal folks. So it would seem that The USA is still being further divided by differing secular and religious views.

My take so far is that if real science can be challanged by sectarian beliefs we are in trouble as a nation.

Knowledge is power, belief is folly.

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I saw the trailer...check it out on You tube. This is some reeeeally funny stuff! I think religious fundamentalism is good! As long as nobody gets hurt. It look like these kids are possesed, they are crying and having seizures...Im not sure if this is good or bad. Most likely it is just funny... telling kids they should die for Jesus? Thats intense...I dont know.

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