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Where is Thomas Cleary?

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I have been, for the past couple of years, reading Cleary's translation on many Taoist books and I have many questions that I would like to ask him. But as I expected... it's practically impossible to find any contact information on the guy. I think speaking to him would definitely clear many doubts in my mind. So if anyone can please find some information on him then please can you post it on this post? Thanks

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Wikipedia has a nice article on him.


Last published in 2010 so he is still active.


He has a Facebook page that indicates he is living in Oakland, CA.


I have read his interviews, Wiki and Facebook and other countless information... But no contact detail is available online :(

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I have read his interviews, Wiki and Facebook and other countless information... But no contact detail is available online :(


I did another quick search but no cigars.


How about if you check with his publisher? Maybe they could offer an E-mail address if you plead a good case?

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If you hound his interviewers maybe they'll put you in contact.


I thought he was a professor somewhere too.. Overall I got the impression that he tries to maintain privacy


I have sent them interviewees an email in the past and I have never heard back from them. I wonder why he is so secretive?

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I have sent them interviewees an email in the past and I have never heard back from them. I wonder why he is so secretive?


Try his publisher and/or literary agent .. they may be willing to pass messages on. If you demonstrate genuine interest in his work and have pertinent questions he would have to have armor plating not to want to respond.

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Try his publisher and/or literary agent .. they may be willing to pass messages on. If you demonstrate genuine interest in his work and have pertinent questions he would have to have armor plating not to want to respond.


He may not be secretive at all. Answering questions thoughtfully takes enormous amounts of time and energy. Make sure there is a beneficial energy exchange not just something that satisfies the inquirer's curiosity.

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