
"Spirit" - what is it?

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*takes off war bonnet, unties horses tail. sweeps up karmic debree from floor*


Okay sorry about that. Please do continue :D





It's "debris".


Interesting because I've also seen people writing "wah-la" instead of "voila".


Kids these days.


Once you have discovered how much the glove needs the hand, and not the other way around - then you can begin to approach teaching. Until then, everything you say may as well be "bumper stickers", because that is the kind of ubiquitous amusements you will trade in.

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fantastic website:



The earliest known discourse on shen in the medical context is found in the Huangdi Neijing Lingshu, in Scroll Two. The document that comes down to us today is believed to have originated during the Han Dynasty, perhaps around 100 B.C. In a translation by Wu Jingnuan (3), the relevant section on spirit is titled "The Roots of the Spirit." The section, like others, begins with a question from Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor) which is answered by Qi Bo (the chief physician), who begins his explanation this way:

"Heaven abides so that we have virtue. Earth abides so that we have qi. When virtue flows and qi is blended there is life."

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be not a spiritual being having a human experience, but a human being having a spiritual experience.


Edited by MooNiNite

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I've always thought another word for Tao is Yes. And those with the most soul express Yes most loudly. When they wake up, throughout the day, even as they fall into sleep. yes.


Yes to the good

Yes to the bad

Yes to the pebble

Yes to the sky

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"You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body".

(C.S. Lewis).


"But the following Contraries to these are True.

1. Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that call'd Body is a portion of Soul discern'd by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age.

2. Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy.

3. Energy is Eternal Delight.


William Blake"

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I think GrandmasterP had it... mostly... i think the Soul and Body are bound, and that we are neither, but pure spirit.


Spirit is the formless form, a bodiless body. Spirit is the awareness, the observer that we truly are. The soul is the emotional and intuitive body. The physical shell of meat and organ is our physical body, it is our logical body.



Emotion is meaningless without the 5 senses of the physical. Intuition is irrational without Logic.


But these things are not soulible within one another, they will never fully integrate beyond what we have now: the spirit, body, soul trio...




However, "never" is relative to our pursuits in life ;)

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Spirit is the entity created and dispatched towards evolution by God Almighty. The other big group of creation is Angels. Angels have the mission to help spirits in their journey towards God. Billions of years later, Angels will start their evolution and this time, Spirits will assist them.


A human being has one physical body and 99 astral bodies. All of these bodies come from a Higher Self which is actually the Spirit.

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The spiritual is nonpsychological. People do not know this. As for Spirit, pertaining to uncreated nonoriginated impersonal nonbeing, this is potential living awareness.


Actually what this pertains to is beyond words, yet it is only your own miraculous aware being right now.


After all, I was looking forward to what mr Recep had to offer… now I am not.


Until you begin elucidating on the Uncreate, mr Recep, I am afraid this Turkish/Mongol tradition, to the degree you are aware of it, and so fond of promulgating too, has the stamp of Creationism all over it.


I'll bet the ancient Turkish/Mongol tradition to which you refer has a lot more to offer in depth and profundity than you are heretofore aware of. And please stop pointing, dear …it is sso unevolved!! haha!!❤❤





ed note: typo in penultimate sentence

Edited by deci belle

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Angels are OK but you can't really trust them.

Just the punchline....


So as the roofer plunged to his death forty stories below, the first chap turned to the second guy and said...

"Anybody can fly. Just flap your arms and go for it!

Yeah right!

Honestly Gabriel, for an angel; you can be an absolute bastard at times".

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Kind sir, how do you KNOW this? :huh:


Dear Madame,


These are spiritual knowledge from a very high form of Sufism. However, as in my signature, I am saying I made up them. You may choose either one :)

Edited by Recep Ivedik
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The spiritual is nonpsychological. People do not know this. As for Spirit, pertaining to uncreated nonoriginated impersonal nonbeing, this is potential living awareness.


This TaoBums is a strange place. Sometimes, I feel that I am in the legendary 36 room test of Shaolin Monastery. You can not expect what will come in the next room.


Spirit is created (by God Almighty, Natives of North America often call God as the Great Spirit), Spirits do have origin, and until now all the Spirits I have seen (either with physical body or astral body) have unique personalities.


Actually what this pertains to is beyond words, yet it is only your own miraculous aware being right now.

After all, I was looking forward to what mr Recep had to offer… now I am not.


Well, I am very very sorry to disappoint you. Really. Please forgive me my Queen.


Until you begin elucidating on the Uncreate, mr Recep, I am afraid this Turkish/Mongol tradition, to the degree you are aware of it, and so fond of promulgating too, has the stamp of Creationism all over it.

I'll bet the ancient Turkish/Mongol tradition to which you refer has a lot more to offer in depth and profundity than you are heretofore aware of. And please stop pointing, dear …it is sso unevolved!! haha!!❤❤

ed note: typo in penultimate sentence


Now, I quoted repeat quoted a proverb in my signature which belongs to both Turkish and Mongol languages. These two languages are very closely related. If you interpret that I am from an ancient Turkish/Mongol tradition (whatever you think it is?) You are wrong, my lady. Have you watched the "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)" If yes, do not believe it. There are no such ancient traditions in the sense that you interpreted.


I am speaking from an Islamic tradition mainly by the way, if you really want to learn it.


Is it unevolved? Ohhh! That evolution has been in progress for billions of years. But if it is not enough for you, you may wait for 1 billion years more, and then reincarnate. No objection from my side, perfectly ok, dear. :)

Edited by Recep Ivedik

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I still find angels creepy.


Every person has two angels, one on the right (Munkar) and one on the left (Nakir) ( Munkar writes down all of your merits in a notebook. Nakir writes down your sins. The overall pointing is done over 100. For instance, you may have merits 85, sins 58. Do not be afraid of angels. They are really good beings.

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really? this type of angel , or all angels?


Most of the time, they do not have wings. Generally, they are so bright with light, energy (it is called as nur) it is not so easy to describe them if you see one in astral plane.

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Recep: (snip) ... "until now all the Spirits I have seen (either with physical body or astral body) have unique personalities."


One, this implies long life lived by you. makes you sound over 80. :D Two, why WOULDNT spirits have unique personalities? What significanceis there to you noting otherwise?



AND what about the Guardian Angles i grew up being told about and praying to? does that make 3 angels?

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AND what about the Guardian Angle

edit> dang underlines

recep, you could be in the company of angels and not know it.

i sometimes probably push my gaurdian angel to the brink of exhausting, but hey

its fun

Edited by zerostao

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