konchog uma

Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

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A variation I've been playing with since I last posted in this thread: tv-kymq. I do the most basic sphere parts of kymq, from the lowest torso slowly up to the solar plexus and back down, over and over, for long duration while watching a movie, youtube, or television program. Reclaims otherwise wasted time to refine the denser lower energies. There's a local theater that has $4 Tues & Weds shows; I've made some real progress there. :D


I find that, with the methods and tips that Sifu Matsuo gives, that centering is built-in. Even after a long duration session, I feel more centered after doing it than before. There's not a remedial necessity to practice stillness afterwards (though, of course, you can if you want to).

Edited by Trunk
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Antares would you like to share info about this Wudang lineage teacher? Any contact info, link... ?


I am sorry for I have missed this question. I can give you link and more info but... all these seminars are held in Russia and Belarus only. PM me for more info

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I am sorry for I have missed this question. I can give you link and more info but... all these seminars are held in Russia and Belarus only. PM me for more info


Antares you said Wudang not Russia and Belarus ... ;) That may be related to Wu Liu. Am I right?

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Antares you said Wudang not Russia and Belarus ... ;) That may be related to Wu Liu. Am I right?


There are a few people in Russia who have taoist teachers in China. Some of them have relation to WL and Wudang lineages. The latter one relates to the one of the Wudang branch which is Chang San Fang' lineage as far as I know. But it' mostly yanshengong and not alchemy as in Wu Liu. I was confused about this when was reading about this Wudang lineage. In general I would say there are few very credible taoist systems which are available for studying in Russia and Belarus which are not available all the way in the Western countries. I dont mean Wu Liu only but some other systems also and not Chinese only. There are many information that would be quite off of this thread and it is difficult for me to put it in English here. I can say it' more cheap than in the Western countries and the matter is not in the price only but in authenticity also. I can give you links but all information there is in Russian. Here are not Wu Lui and Wudang systems available only and not only in Russian and if you are interested I would be able to give you more information in PM. The question is whether you ready to travel to the the East Europe. If you live in USA there are few options for you as well. I did not mean it's only in CIS but I know better what is available here. Anyway I do not believe that learning from DVd is good option for anybody

Edited by Antares
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Thank you Antares ...

If you like, you may do a new thread about different sources in the east europe ... ;)

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... for long duration while watching a movie, youtube, or television program ...


It remeinds me of the budha palm stuff, which you can do and in the seme time watch tv or talk to a friend ... ;)

Hmmm, after 2 months I bought this KYMQ dvd, I still havent watched it ... lol ... But I like the standing mudras from the heart of bagua dvd ... I do them daily ... Good stuff ... :)

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... But it' mostly yanshengong and not alchemy ...


A question, what is yangshengong in this context? It seems very much alike to a qigong routine.

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A question, what is yangshengong in this context? It seems very much alike to a qigong routine.


Yanshengong is preliminary to neidan practice. It's similar to qigong but it's not. Qigong was invented recently and it's some body and energy exercises which work with postheaven qi but yansheng was even mentioned by Chuang Tzu and belonged to Taoist arts in the past. "Yang" means "to nourish" and has the meaning of "no-action"; and "shen" means "life" in Chinese - this is "prenatal qi" in the human body. I would put it in hieroglyphs but my system does not support it.


As practise methods in that school I mentioned it is Wudang 5 Animal Frolics and some static and dynamic energy exercises. They state it is necessary part of the Taoist art.

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The other day I was doing a kind of belly breathing that my xing yi teacher taught me: it massages the whole length of the abdomenal muscles, over and over. What surprisingly bumped my progress fwd was the appearance of a sphere centered on my central channel, going up and down the torso along w/ the breathing. That sphere has been fostered by my long term practice of kymq. It just "showed up" in this other practice, and bumped up my ability to integrate the energies by a quantum jump.


I know I've said this before, but kymq has *really* helped my experience of *other* practices. Any qigong having to do with the hands, holding hands w/ a sweet-heart, even just walking down the sidewalk if I cup each hand - my whole body changes. Including the feet in the practice has also paid off ... connection with the earth + integral qi flow through the body 4 limbs and torso.

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Through my previous explorations of KYMQ I took one part of it (the sphere, and how I could have that assist resolving into the central channel) and really ran with it.  I'm glad and it was appropriate for me at the time... worth while, and a natural part of my learning curve, to get familiar with working with the sphere.  I've more recently been intensively reviewing (and reviewing and reviewing, lol) the video and the below promo video is one of the results.  It gives enough samplings of the different topics presented that it provides a kind of video "table of contents" plus it gives enough of one of the first methods that you could actually start practicing that part (and/or your own variations of that part).



have at it, have fun,


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I am considering ordering Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong and recently, Dec. 2015, I asked Sifu Matsuo if Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong video has an energy transmission on it. He replied that it does have a transmission and he named two locations on the video for that depending on which version of the video you have. One location was during the lecture part. The other location was during the meditation section, if I recall correctly. In any event, there is now no need any longer to conjecture whether or not this video uses a transmission.

Edited by tao stillness
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I recently blog-published an essay entitled "Qi Sphere: Beginning".  It is - sort of - a very simplified, beginning portion, of KYMQ ... from my pt of view, my angle on the practice.  It serves as a practice in itself, as well as an introduction for those that want to go deeper into Sifu Matsuo's full KYMQ practice.






My over-all intent with "John Dao Productions" is to present the deeper principles in a way that will be accessible to complete beginners as well interesting to dedicated internal arts nerds.



I'll be writing a few essays to the JDP blog over time; just enough to cover the bare bones essentials, the framework of deep principles and mechanics - in a way that is sharable with public.  Then I will have said what I wanted to say. :D  If you wanna 'follow' it you can do so via the actual wordpress blog ( JohnDaoProductions.wordpress.com ) or by following the JDP thread in my personal practice area:  


Ordering info for Sifu Matsuo's KYMQ is in the description of the youtube KYMQ preview, copied, pasted below:



Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

Sifu Matsuo’s Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong (KYMQ) video goes through quite a number of qi sphere maneuvers in detail, starting with the basics of the sphere itself and including the refining of several of the deeper channels, relevant breathing methods, principled effectiveness & safety tips throughout, and an emphasis on left ~ right brain integration. All resting upon an equipoised posture, including gentle circular movement, that is both structurally coherent yet fluently releasing. Beyond KYMQ proper, qi sphere work is applicable throughout Sifu Matsuo’s bagua qigong system. for the full 1hr 21m video: $108.00 paypal direct from wu lao xie at [email protected]



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On 21-8-2017 at 10:03 PM, Trunk said:

I recently blog-published an essay entitled "Qi Sphere: Beginning".  It is - sort of - a very simplified, beginning portion, of KYMQ ... from my pt of view, my angle on the practice.  It serves as a practice in itself, as well as an introduction for those that want to go deeper into Sifu Matsuo's full KYMQ practice.





This is a nice angle Trunk/John Dao! I think your approach, reasons and results are more in line with what I would want to get out of KYMQ than the original. Brain development is fun but whole body integration and greater sensitivity in the hands is more my path.


Anyway, I wanted to ask you, you do not describe in your article very explicitly what you do with the hands. Do you keep them one above the other and make circles (as in the DGS promovideo on youtube) or do you hold them opposite each other on the same level and expand contract as seems implied in what you write (and seen in SFQ: https://youtu.be/vvhqDJ5kLlk?t=51s)? Or maybe even the joining of Yin and Yang from SFQ?


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On 2/5/2018 at 1:04 AM, Frederic said:

... you do not describe in your article very explicitly what you do with the hands. Do you keep them one above the other and make circles (as in the DGS promovideo on youtube) or do you hold them opposite each other on the same level and expand contract as seems implied in what you write (and seen in SFQ: https://youtu.be/vvhqDJ5kLlk?t=51s)? Or maybe even the joining of Yin and Yang from SFQ?


3 fundamental points:

1. There is a sensation of magnetic interaction between the P8's (LaoGong) of the left & right hands.  Sustain that.  Never put the hands so far apart that you lose that feeling between P8s.


2. Make small circles with the hands in relation to each other.  Sifu Matsuo, I think, demos that in the video promo clip.  There was deliberately left in that promo clip enough parts that someone could start to do the most basic part of the practice, start to experiment and feel and work with.


3. Alternately expand ~ concentrate the two hands' sphere.


Hands can be one above the other (either way) or side by side.  Each produces somewhat different effects, all good.  Sifu Matsuo goes into more detail and variation on movements in the full KYMQ but that is enough to establish some fundamental familiarity.  :)


- Trunk


p.s. (edit much, much later)

I revised the Qi Sphere: Beginning essay to be more clear about these essential points.

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This is a great thread, thanks all!


What results have you seen from this practice, that you’d feel comfortable sharing?


Judging from the YouTube preview, it seems very, very similar to Pangu Shengong, which uses three sets circling motions coupled with sun / moon visualizations, a stretching / breathing move, mudra, and “mantra” (called the password in Pangu). Very interesting! Pangu is geared mainly towards healing / physical health.

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I recently had occasion to review the Qi Sphere: Beginning blog post I'd made in 2017.  Brushed up a few things, including re-writing the paragraph description of Sifu Matsuo's full KYMQ video (I'd done a surprisingly poor job before).  Also, I more explicitly described the "Most-Basic Guidelines, Maneuvers" which I'd meant to be clear about before ... but, as @Frederic mentioned above, I wasn't.




So, now (I hope) the essay should provide an accessible clear basic qi sphere practice.

... which is what I intended in the beginning but, sometimes, as hard as I try - I only get so far in a single pass.  (I was shocked when I discovered that I could learn to paint the internal arts, lol).  Happens with other stuff, too.  Guitar is notorious that way, lol.  Bust ass for a modest plateau, let it rest, then it becomes base camp for the next climb.

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I’ve been working on supine Qi ball (we call it taiji ball in temple style parlance) for a few years now. It’s really amazing how well it works on the legs/feet which can feel overloaded in standing qigong practices. 

Another very interesting observation which I hadn’t made earlier on in my qigong/taiji practice is that qi flow and awareness go hand in hand. Supine qi ball practice helps in becoming aware of the larger circulation from the feet to the crown/crown to the feet. 

And connecting the (center of the) qi ball to the ren and du channels while moving up and down the central line, will circulate the MCO quite effectively. 

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i’m thinking I should split the above few posts off into a new “crystals” thread.  I’m out and about right now; I’ll do it after I get home sometime. It seems like I’m just tickling the surface of a very big topic on its own.


OK, I split the recent few posts re: Crystals & KYMQ (but could easily expand into all kinda crystal stuff) into a new thread:


@silent thunder

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On 09/11/2011 at 7:15 PM, Trunk said:

From the Dragon Gate Sanctuary page on my site, re: Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong (ordering info there also):

Plenty to discover about this set of practices, just thought I'd post that for now.

When I lived in Taiwan , I would climb a nearby mountain at least twice a week. 

On the way, there was a huge Kwan Yin statue . I would always stop and bow my head for simple prayer. 

This was over ten years ago. And just recently this came back to me, in a sense, in meditation .


I wonder can you recommend any introductory material into Kwan Yin?


I lived in Taichung, the old cultural centre of Taiwan.

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Sifu Laoxi (Christopher Matsuo) in addition to teaching the Kwan Yin Magnetic qi gong he teaches a Kwan Yin form.  He also teaches stuff related to the forms  discussed on the Flying Phoenix thread here on the forum including some different forms relying on  breath percentages like flying Phoenix. 


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