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Blurry Vision

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When my mind is at it's most enlightened state I find I have a tendency to unfocus my eyes. It's not that it's uncomfortable, quite the opposite. I can still focus them to read etc. but it requires effort and seems to break me out of my tranquility. Have any of you found this? Have you tried un-focusing your eyes intentionally? Seeing is believing... If you can adjust the way you see you can adjust the way you believe.






I'd be extremely interested in the appearance of a bona-fide masters eyes. Has anyone here witnessed enlightenment in person?

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Yayy a topic for me! Have you noticed that when you think your eyes become less focused on the outside world? As in it is very difficult, if not impossible to deeply contemplate and maintain a high degree of visual awareness/concentration. Also interesting to note that a lot of intellectuals have vision problems. Someone posted an article on here a little while ago about china, where after introducing school and thought based learning visual problems began to literally soar, and within a generation or so the need for glasses became commonplace and eventually accepted as a norm. Since you are exploring this phenomenon these 3 exercises of mine may be of particular value to you:


1. Go outside, to a place where there is lots of space. Focus on the most distant object that you can comfortably see, once your eyes find a comfortable place just relax and remain aware of this distant object. Eventually try to expand your visual field to include everything around it as well, ie. peripheral vision.


2. When you meditate, doesnt matter eyes open or close, focus your gaze above your head as high as you can comfortably go. Initially it is ok to physically look up with your eyes, but the goal is to be able to keep your eyes straight ahead but "conceptually" hold your attention above your head. This particular state i have found is very useful for maintaining "extraordinary" mindstates as it actually become very difficult to think and the effects are long lasting. Over time extend the reach of your "upward" attention as high as you can.


3.Pick two objects in your peripheral vision and maintain "dual" awareness of these two objects. Over time it seems to expand your "normal" operating field of vision and colors become more vivid as well, and i mean to an extreme degree. (Could just be me, i used to have myopia) Learn to operate your eyes as two separate units, and then again as one.


1 and 2 both lead to similar states with very different qualities.


p.s. Do you know where your eye movements begin? Hint: Its not the eyes ^_^



(edited to add a 3rd exercise)

Edited by imonous
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Bump, plus id like to add that the point of focus for #2 is not exactly in the direct center of the head, but more towards the rear close to the "hole" or soft palate of the head. Also this become more effective while holding a very subtle smile.

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Bump, plus id like to add that the point of focus for #2 is not exactly in the direct center of the head, but more towards the rear close to the "hole" or soft palate of the head. Also this become more effective while holding a very subtle smile.


Hmm interesting you mention the smile.

I think putting active attention on your body and face in particular reveals much about how mind and body are linked.

If you are thinking badly there's a feeling in your head and on your face... Does the thought create the physical discomfort or vise versa?


Pay attention. If you're in a bad mood you are probably scowling and don't realize it.

Sensing the bodies discomforts is preferable to blaming the mind?

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